Congrats to Dick Loeb, Ron Shaw and Shane Adderley!!!


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Mike Luszcz

Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2008
Just got off the phone with Dick and he gave me some updates.....Big congratulations, and thanks to Dick Loeb and Ron Shaw for going down to the World Tunnel Championship in Charleston, SC and getting some great wins!

Dick Loeb- World Tunnel Champion, P-LTD FE Tunnel using the PX300 experimental O/B Tunnel (first race this hull has seen!)

Ron Shaw- 2nd place, Gas Tunnel using the GS480 O/B Tunnel

Shane Adderley- 4th place, Gas Tunnel using a modified GS480 O/B Tunne

Thanks guys for supporting ML Boatworks, and helping to further develop the products offered. It means more than you know!

Mike Luszcz
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Congrats Dick, James and Ron!

You guys make D.12 Rock!

Thanks for the update Mike...first class boats for sure! Congrats on your designs!

TOLD YA THAT ML BOAT WOULD WIN HMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess I woulda been bernie HUH!
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CONGRATS DICK guess it woulda been some sh--t if you would have let me borrow your boat huh? Tell that other dude congrats too LOL too funny.
My designs are spawned by the hard working racers out there that share their talent and ideas with me. Without the people you see at the top and many others, there would be no ML!! Thanks again to them! Mike

PS to Hugh, who strolls in trying to steel someones thunder.....Dick has worked very very hard for over 2 years to get this win with his P-Limited. He earned it with his dedication. So please, until you earn your own tunnel championship, save the woulda-shoulda's. It takes a LOT more than just a good boat to win. In fact, I think the boat makes up about 25% of the win, the other 75% is the driver. Ask anyone if they feel the same. Not trying to start anything, but you are rolling threw treads posting how it would have been you if you were driving the same boat as Dick. Its just kinda tacky, and common....
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My designs are spawned by the hard working racers out there that share their talent and ideas with me. Without the people you see at the top and many others, there would be no ML!! Thanks again to them! Mike

PS to Hugh, who strolls in trying to steel someones thunder.....Dick has worked very very hard for over 2 years to get this win with his P-Limited. He earned it with his dedication. So please, until you earn your own tunnel championship, save the woulda-shoulda's. It takes a LOT more than just a good boat to win. In fact, I think the boat makes up about 25% of the win, the other 75% is the driver. Ask anyone if they feel the same. Not trying to start anything, but you are rolling threw treads posting how it would have been you if you were driving the same boat as Dick. Its just kinda tacky, and common....
Lol...I hear that...


Not saying he isnt a hell of a driver. Theres no love its just fact you build nice boats.Again congrats to DICK.

"PS to Hugh, who strolls in trying to steel someones thunder...."

Man please the point was those other tunnel guys s--t does stink. Point proven - cant help you were sacred of them lol. I wasnt and still aint . STEALING THUNDER?

LOL its just a race....

Congrats Dick !

Stop being sore ENJOY IT!
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My designs are spawned by the hard working racers out there that share their talent and ideas with me. Without the people you see at the top and many others, there would be no ML!! Thanks again to them! Mike

PS to Hugh, who strolls in trying to steel someones thunder.....Dick has worked very very hard for over 2 years to get this win with his P-Limited. He earned it with his dedication. So please, until you earn your own tunnel championship, save the woulda-shoulda's. It takes a LOT more than just a good boat to win. In fact, I think the boat makes up about 25% of the win, the other 75% is the driver. Ask anyone if they feel the same. Not trying to start anything, but you are rolling threw treads posting how it would have been you if you were driving the same boat as Dick. Its just kinda tacky, and common....


Thanks for saying what all of us who raced at the WTC know. Put a boat on the water and you have the right to make comments. Sniping from behind a keyboard is cheap and shows your real lack of character. As for Hugh you think your being funny and provoking us all, but the reality of the outboard community is you are nothing but a joke. Talking to people at the WTC race you are thought of in only a negative way. You have no friends in the outboard community and your not making any new ones here. NO one would loan you equipment and I know most of the tunnel boat builders would not want you to run one of their hulls, period.

Sorry Mike that we even have to discuss this idiot here as it only clouds the real racers achievments. Good job with all your boats and the guys from Dist 12 did their homework. On to the next race.


Grab your b_lls and bring some boats to next years WTC's. From another tunnel guy who's stuff aint sh_t.
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