Tunnel Championships azz whooppinn


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I really am surprised that I have not been attacked from all sides in this so called SMACK War.

I guess James, Don, Steve and Toni all gave up as they have not posted to my replies :(

Mitch Jr. looks like you can go ahead and count to 3 cause they aint showin!

Mikey Mikey Mikey.......Its been two days since I posted waiting for someone, anyone to step up and deliver the goods all to no avail! All I get is your weak rant about Viagra and you pickin on my man Mitch Jr. Your in for a big surprise, Jr is gonna........Naa I wont tell I'll just sit back and watch it all come down and then revell in his glory!

No I dont just sit at the CPU all day everyday and theres no need to have my hand down my pants cause my wife takes care of me just fine :p . Thats right I went out testing for this coming weekends race in Brandon on both Saturday and Sunday which went rather well I might add. Anyway I came home ready to get a shower and the lil lady jumped in too. No need for Viagra or any other of those magic potions you need to use, everything here works just fine.

Oh and about your never having seen a real Gator, come on down to Florida and race with us, we have a 16 footer at our local lake along with his little 5 foot baby Lil Richard, Mom has to be around somewhere but she hasn't shown herself yet. By the way they really like Cheese.

Russ dont bother updating his resume. I can tell ya the Smack Award at the CMB Tunnel Champs aint gonna be won by Grimmy!

Grim, good luck testing on ice............Florida 75 degress and sunny :D

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You are keeping us in stitches with this pre-race banter. Keep it up. However, there is one element that you all may have overlooked to qualify for this award. You must be present at the race and must enter to do that. The race entries are posted almost daily to the race website. So far, Carl Van Houten, Hearl the Squirrel and Tunnel Don have NOT entered the race. Keep the flapping going but until you enter, it is for naught.

Grim's entry was received yesterday and is being posted tonight so he is officially in the running.

You are keeping us in stitches with this pre-race banter. Keep it up. However, there is one element that you all may have overlooked to qualify for this award. You must be present at the race and must enter to do that. The race entries are posted almost daily to the race website. So far, Carl Van Houten, Hearl the Squirrel and Tunnel Don have NOT entered the race. Keep the flapping going but until you enter, it is for naught.

Grim's entry was received yesterday and is being posted tonight so he is officially in the running.

You can expect Hearl's entry about 30 seconds before the deadline. (or is that 30 hours after?) He is the master of the last minute disaster! Just ask Kenny Carpenter (Miami), he'll fill you in on his "new best buddy". Am I right Hearl?

You are keeping us in stitches with this pre-race banter. Keep it up. However, there is one element that you all may have overlooked to qualify for this award. You must be present at the race and must enter to do that. The race entries are posted almost daily to the race website. So far, Carl Van Houten, Hearl the Squirrel and Tunnel Don have NOT entered the race. Keep the flapping going but until you enter, it is for naught.

Grim's entry was received yesterday and is being posted tonight so he is officially in the running.

You can expect Hearl's entry about 30 seconds before the deadline. (or is that 30 hours after?) He is the master of the last minute disaster! Just ask Kenny Carpenter (Miami), he'll fill you in on his "new best buddy". Am I right Hearl?

That is exactly what he did last tunnel race. Had to overnight his entry in to beat the deadline. Rather costly I might add. Maybe he is going to try and beat that record or just waiting to scope out the competition. Time will tell. Oh what fun we have with each other. See if you can get some racers this weekend at the Brandon race come our way next month. Still plenty of room for them.
That is exactly what he did last tunnel race. Had to overnight his entry in to beat the deadline. Rather costly I might add. Maybe he is going to try and beat that record or just waiting to scope out the competition. Time will tell. Oh what fun we have with each other. See if you can get some racers this weekend at the Brandon race come our way next month. Still plenty of room for them.


We will certainly talk up the Tunnel Championships at this week's race. Might even get in some face to face smack with Byrd and Hearl at the race. Smackwells told me they would come down for this race, however they didn't enter. After spending three days at the Winternats with them, it just won't be the same. Awww shucks....luv ya guys.
OK Ok Its mailed today, give a white guy a break would ya.For that choclate milk drinking,farting,snoring, almost, maybe, could a ,would a ,should a, BURD TURD, he will receive his lessons in tunnels this weekend,they only cost 15.00 per boat and that includes (4) lessons. I,m sure he will be gratefull, Can,t wait until he presents me with my 3 high Point trophys either ,god I love that Guy. I'm laying out of Sport 40 so He can have head start on balance of year, figuring about 4th race in it will be Spank You very much. I've already informed our CD that he will be over 2 out of 4 heats, Gabe WARM Beer and CHEESE got ya bound up or what buddy? Gilbert has'nt been sending you those naked video cam shots has he?, Good Lord man they do make a cream for that! I could ship you a shot of tonic, it will last till I see ya (time-released).The Attwells have finally figured out it cheaper to stay in the tent, at home ,fuel up the generator and get the race results off the web instead of wasting all that money, fuel, motel expense (if they find one that has visqueen carpeting, plastic mattress covers) just to ride home boring poor junior with all that whining and crying, Did I mention CRASH REIK JUST HAD A B-DAY!!, And John , this time, can you have the guys who bring the porta jons bring some extra mints , got a feeling there's gonna be a lot mouths up there left with a bad taste in them!

All rightttyy then I gotta get back to the shop, BUT I"M NOT DONE YET BY FAR , Cyaaaaa

Steve H.

and my little dog OTTO with the nasty bite! Coming to pond near you
Well if it isnt Always Funky Individual, where ya been pal? Has it taken you this long to think of that weak azz rant? By the way you told me you mailed your entry out 2 weeks ago.....What do you mean it went out today? I bet its still in yer grubby fat azz hands which I might add are shakin from the thought of your loosing to me again this weekend not to mention at the Tunnel Champs! You seem to keep referring to whippin my tail at the Winter Nats :huh: May I remind you you were way behind me in Sport 40 and D Tunnel so wake up and smell the coffee.

I do agree with ya on Mr Clean and the Warm beer thing........I really think he went out yodeling and one of the locals taped his yapper shut and he now cant figure out how to type because he has to say it out loud before he can type it.

That Don Gilbert came on with one lil rant about Byrd who and then proceeded to climb back under the porch. That was a good move on his part.

Well I still have more action here than any of you also rans so I aint worried about loosing. The way I figure I got a trophy before I even show up in Walterboro and then when then rosstertails start flyin I get a few more. Its gonna be a great weekend up there for me anyway!

Later Losers! :eek: :blink: :p :lol:
Hey Hey Down Simba!! Yu kno dan well toni ain't ben to no spilling scool. I made some extra bouy's for your heats and how many more of those shear bolts are you going to need I having to reorder after every race seems like, I'm pretty sure the Atwell were held over this past weekend at that GAY RIGHTS MEATING again seems like their always get tied up for a few days when the anal convention hits Jacksomeville WHO Knows? Hope Junior 's doing well, I know its alot to cope with son but be strong! Gabe put the Schintznel down and crawl back to the desk, I guess you might be fueling up for your swim across soon heh? Gilbert I know your somewhere on the road behind the wheel with your hands on that big stick again, hope we can have a run off again or was that Gabe don't remember but just can't wait.
Hey Hey Down Simba!!

WAKE up Cheatah your having that nightmare about the lions again! Having been born in the jungle must have been very tramatic for you!

I thought that tonic helped you with that or did you miss taking your dose tonight?
Doodley doodley Tweet Tweet :p . Now get your butt to the pond to get your daily butt kicking and try your best not to get a head start by being over at the start! :lol:

I am heading to the lake now..........C-ya there!
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Any updates on the Brandon Race. Is our leading canidate for the smack talking title, Mr. Byrd, able to back the smack, or has his mouth written checks that his boats can't cash. How about Mr. AFI. Has he finally clinched the priviledge of bragging rights (though not likely) or has his little dog Otto surpassed his master. How is this preview to the Tunnel Champs shaping up. You know we would be there but we figured that we would give you guys a chance at a few more test sessions to get your boats up to par. It probably won't help, but we decided that it would be best to give yall that handicap. It's the least we could do.

~Mitch Jr. B)
Mitchell Jr. You guys are who needed to go to Brandon the most. Man.... the phrase "Practice makes perfect" just doesnt apply to you guys, more like "practice, and the Atwells boats MIGHT run at the next race" That is if your OGRE of a father doesnt decide hes going to "rebuild" the family boats...

Just to set the record straight, Byrd and I collaborated (that means we talked) a week and a half ago via email. We both initially thought we were being to hard on you guys, because there wasnt much response. So, we decided to bash the hell out of each other and see what we could stir up. Only thing is that I got sick as a dog shortly after my first "BYRD" post, so I was out of the running for almost a week.

No sweat though, cuz you cant keep me down for ever. Now byrd and I are teaming up together to show you idiots how a smack session should be laid out. Ill pick out a few good targets and let Ron "Badass" Byrd handle the rest of you geniuses.

Zaborniak, MAN. Im impressed. I didnt know you yanks had the smack talking gene. You keep this up and you might earn the right to hang out with the real men after the races and drink a few (hundred) brewskies. I wish I could bring more luggage than what Im allowed, because I would definately be bringing REAL beer with me to the TC's. Rumor has it that the Atwells are brewing up a good ole southern boil this year. Im not sure if your tastebuds can handle this Mikey... If I had one nice thing to say about the Atwells, and beleive me, they come rarely, I would have to say that the boys can cook some good food. Hell look at em', they dont miss many meals. Except maybe for that skinnyazz bean pole Junior, which brings me to my next victim....

Junior, while its impressive that you can actually make it to the number three being a Florida public school attendee, as you can see, there's really no need. To be so bold to give instructions to the likes of 10 time world champion....BLAH BLAH BLAH Mike Zaborniak... Dude you finished like 20 sumthin at the internats... (granted Ron D, You and myself were battling for 20 sumthin... but you dont see me giving driving instruction???) It was a sweet move little guy, to bad it happened by accident. I bet your knees were knocking so hard when you came up behind Otto and Grim that they lost their concentration cuz the drivers standing was shaking so hard. You probably closed you eyes and got lucky when you came out in front. If thats not the case, youll have your chance in a few weeks to show everyone the truth, that is if you dont have borrow motors and god know what else to get your **** running after your CHIEF mechanic does his "magic". Man Z., I think the little guy was calling you out??? Atleast your uncle TONYPUKEANDSHIT has enough sense to work on his on stuff, after his big brother caused so many DNF's.... which brings me to the next roasting.....

You like the segue skills huh Tony? ok, ok.... Thats pronounced "SEG - WAY" it means to flow from one subject to another with out pausing... Im tired of raggin you about your lack of: drinking skills, bad spelling, horendously hard to understand southern drawl... and your inability to form complete sentences. So what can I write about?

Hmmmm..... how about a little ROAST to sum it all up?

Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people, Youre so stupid, you would buy a solar powered flashlight. Youre so stupid, you thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company. Tonya, you sir, are so stupid it takes you 2 hours to watch 60 minutes. Im not so sure you guys should even make the trip all the way up here. If it were not for the Frogmore stew (or whatever) you guys are making, it would definately be to your advantage to stay home and not suffer through the woopin your family is about to experience.

Thats it for now,

Keep talking guys, one day you'll say something intelligent.


Now Id like to pass the roasting honors to my good buddy Ron "balls to the wall" Byrd

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Any updates on the Brandon Race. Is our leading canidate for the smack talking title, Mr. Byrd, able to back the smack, or has his mouth written checks that his boats can't cash. How about Mr. AFI. Has he finally clinched the priviledge of bragging rights (though not likely) or has his little dog Otto surpassed his master. How is this preview to the Tunnel Champs shaping up. You know we would be there but we figured that we would give you guys a chance at a few more test sessions to get your boats up to par. It probably won't help, but we decided that it would be best to give yall that handicap. It's the least we could do.

~Mitch Jr. B)

I probably wouldn't have said much, but since you asked...

40 Tunnel head to head Riek, Byrd, Hearl...1st place Riek

Not sure about Byrd and Hearl they were too far back to see.

Man I'm going to miss doing that to you guys up there.

My fast lap Champion HTB 20 tunnel was t-boned and is now gone.

I'll have to start working on setting up the Lynx.
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Any updates on the Brandon Race. Is our leading canidate for the smack talking title, Mr. Byrd, able to back the smack, or has his mouth written checks that his boats can't cash. How about Mr. AFI. Has he finally clinched the priviledge of bragging rights (though not likely) or has his little dog Otto surpassed his master. How is this preview to the Tunnel Champs shaping up. You know we would be there but we figured that we would give you guys a chance at a few more test sessions to get your boats up to par. It probably won't help, but we decided that it would be best to give yall that handicap. It's the least we could do.

~Mitch Jr. B)

I probably wouldn't have said much, but since you asked...

40 Tunnel head to head Riek, Byrd, Hearl...1st place Riek

Not sure about Byrd and Hearl they were too far back to see.

Man I'm going to miss doing that to you guys up there.

My fast lap Champion HTB 20 tunnel was t-boned and is now gone.

I'll have to start working on setting up the Lynx.


Looks like both congrats and many sad wishes are in order for you. Maybe the grandbaby will come early and open up the opportunity and allow you to come. The offer for that is still open for you so let me know if that happens. Get the new Lynx ready just in case.

Steve Hearl, Don Gilbert and Trey Gilbert entries have been received in the past 2 days. The TC website is being updated almost daily with the entries. Entries for Carl, V H, Mike Talley, John Otto, Steve Cirmella, Allen Amick, Randy Premo (?), Jeff Whiddon (?) are all due very soon. Working on the western SC guys coming as well.
Don Riek I really hoped you could it make to the race. It looks like D tunnel wood will stay in SC again. After watching the video from the last years race I don't think Tonya Attwrong will have any thing for me.

You were the fastest boat next to me, of course. :p

Don Gilbert
Hey Ron could you send me my boot back after you pass it today or tomorrow?

Yours Sincerly

Dammit Hearl
Mitchell Jr. You guys are who needed to go to Brandon the most. Man.... the phrase "Practice makes perfect" just doesnt apply to you guys, more like "practice, and the Atwells boats MIGHT run at the next race" That is if your OGRE of a father doesnt decide hes going to "rebuild" the family boats...

Just to set the record straight, Byrd and I collaborated (that means we talked) a week and a half ago via email. We both initially thought we were being to hard on you guys, because there wasnt much response. So, we decided to bash the hell out of each other and see what we could stir up. Only thing is that I got sick as a dog shortly after my first "BYRD" post, so I was out of the running for almost a week.

No sweat though, cuz you cant keep me down for ever. Now byrd and I are teaming up together to show you idiots how a smack session should be laid out. Ill pick out a few good targets and let Ron "Badass" Byrd handle the rest of you geniuses.

Zaborniak, MAN. Im impressed. I didnt know you yanks had the smack talking gene. You keep this up and you might earn the right to hang out with the real men after the races and drink a few (hundred) brewskies. I wish I could bring more luggage than what Im allowed, because I would definately be bringing REAL beer with me to the TC's. Rumor has it that the Atwells are brewing up a good ole southern boil this year. Im not sure if your tastebuds can handle this Mikey... If I had one nice thing to say about the Atwells, and beleive me, they come rarely, I would have to say that the boys can cook some good food. Hell look at em', they dont miss many meals. Except maybe for that skinnyazz bean pole Junior, which brings me to my next victim....

Junior, while its impressive that you can actually make it to the number three being a Florida public school attendee, as you can see, there's really no need. To be so bold to give instructions to the likes of 10 time world champion....BLAH BLAH BLAH Mike Zaborniak... Dude you finished like 20 sumthin at the internats... (granted Ron D, You and myself were battling for 20 sumthin... but you dont see me giving driving instruction???) It was a sweet move little guy, to bad it happened by accident. I bet your knees were knocking so hard when you came up behind Otto and Grim that they lost their concentration cuz the drivers standing was shaking so hard. You probably closed you eyes and got lucky when you came out in front. If thats not the case, youll have your chance in a few weeks to show everyone the truth, that is if you dont have borrow motors and god know what else to get your **** running after your CHIEF mechanic does his "magic". Man Z., I think the little guy was calling you out??? Atleast your uncle TONYPUKEANDSHIT has enough sense to work on his on stuff, after his big brother caused so many DNF's.... which brings me to the next roasting.....

You like the segue skills huh Tony? ok, ok.... Thats pronounced "SEG - WAY" it means to flow from one subject to another with out pausing... Im tired of raggin you about your lack of: drinking skills, bad spelling, horendously hard to understand southern drawl... and your inability to form complete sentences. So what can I write about?

Hmmmm..... how about a little ROAST to sum it all up?

Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people, Youre so stupid, you would buy a solar powered flashlight. Youre so stupid, you thought Taco Bell was a Mexican phone company. Tonya, you sir, are so stupid it takes you 2 hours to watch 60 minutes. Im not so sure you guys should even make the trip all the way up here. If it were not for the Frogmore stew (or whatever) you guys are making, it would definately be to your advantage to stay home and not suffer through the woopin your family is about to experience.

Thats it for now,

Keep talking guys, one day you'll say something intelligent.


Now Id like to pass the roasting honors to my good buddy Ron "balls to the wall" Byrd


That does not even sound right coming from you oh lord of the buffett. In Tennessee all you cared about was quantity you could careless about the quality. I mean hell we ate at the rat and cat buffett twice not once but twice you bottemless pit. And as for calling some one stupid look whos talking you and bird teaming up has got to be the most stupid thing I have ever heard of. What should we call this team of smack talkers. I got it dumb and dumber no thats all ready been used. How about fat smack inc thats it thats perfect. You know I do not see your name on the 40 list. You know why because I run 40 and you and I both know I will out drive your lopped sided tittie azz any day of the week.

As for Ron byrd the Don and Hearle kicked your but this weekend I heard. So loseing in Walterboro should feel natural to you haaa. I can't wait I am gonna feed yaw like kings and treat yaw like bitche's. exspacialy that there long haired pretty feller from up north he he he.