Tunnel Championships azz whooppinn


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Gator 340

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2005
This is proof that if you wish for something long and hard enough that it just might come true.

As for you TopRound boy 443 you should be ashamed. Bringing your new boy friend to the race with you. I guess those long german winters give you plenty of time to think about well as you put it out side the box. Just so you know Don was crushed when he heard the news.Oh well jsut some one else to out run. I have never kicked any foreign but before. :blink: :blink:

Mr Bird thank you for being so concerened about my absence so now you can go from concerne to worried because we have unfinished buisness from the winter NATS no excuses about having to run the race. :eek:

Steve Hearl Mr AFI racing him self. Steve Steve Steve All I can say to you and your root tonic is be prepared for a large and i mean an extra large can of whoop ass to be comin your way Because I will get you Hearl and your little dog Otto too. :lol: :lol:

And last but not the least by no means there's Vans racing. ;) ;) To be continued

Let's see wher did I leave off oh yeah Mr Vans racing. I see you donated some raffle prizes but I do not see you or your boy's name on the entry list. Are yaw having second thaughts about coming or what. Rummer has it that you made the Wadennator a pink hull That awt to be pretty. Maybe you should have made it orange to match his golden nugget as he likes to call it What about Tally and jolly old Rushing {he looks like santa to me} whats the deal are they only fast when they are on a stop watch not in head to head competition. How about your new gun Eric is he gonna make it. Maybe he can teach Tally a few things. Oh yeah you can't teach an OLD DOG NEW TRICKS. come on now get those names on the list. ;)
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lol... I thought that would work.

"Long and hard enough and it just might come" I love it when you talk dirty Tonya..

Whats wrong with sharing the love? There is enough of me to go around Tonya, YOU should know that big boy.... on second thought, I probably shouldnt endulge in this any further, my Wife is giving me strange looks while reading over my shoulder... Happy Valentines Day Hun... :blink:

Since Tonya felt the need to "Grandstand" with his own thread, Ill just copy and paste my last post that got it all started....


Mitchell Jr., I hope your daddy hasnt been messin with your boats, lord knows they wont run if he has. If I were you, id go out to the shop, grab all of your stuff, and HIDE IT MAN. If you need help working on it, come see some me and Don, real boat mechanics. Might even let you borrow a hot prop or two instead of those mangled pieces of brass of your dads.

Tonya Atwell, who knows where youre at, probably at some chinese food restaurant eatin' icecream( ). Hearl sounds like hes got you in check, but if you get out of line, ill be there to put you back in your place like the good Biotch that you are. - by the way, southern comfort is real cheap on base over here... The Grimracer crew told me you like that stuff.

Mitchell Sr., I would tell you how much of a non drivin', non wrenchin', longhaired redneck you are, but I know you cant even TURN ON a computer, much less defend yourself by typing a response, so Ill let you slide until we get face to face.

Ron Byrd, You sir, had better be glad I sold that little lynx of mine, cuz I would hate to bring it to your azz again in the enduro with the same stock boat as before. You better have your **** together this time cause winter in Germany makes for lots of good building time, I got some pitting secrets that the boys at nascar would be jealous of.

Don Reik, Jeff Whiddon, Randy Premo, and the rest of the florida crew with those "FASTass" 20 boats, bring em on back so my man Steve Cirmella can show you how its done again.

Carl is too nice of a guy to talk smack too, and I destroyed his buddy Mike Talley's boat last year, so I would feel bad about ribbing him too much. Otto is too old to mess with, for fear of heart failure after getting him flustered up, but beware, the old man still knows a trick or two and can drive the heck out of a boat.

Hearl, you big sexy beast, I cant wait to give you a big ole hug when I get there. I was wondering, In this picture, I see you have what looks to be a state of the art, portable workbench. where did you get it? Its cool how it blends in and the black is a good color for you.


Ive left a few people out, but dont worry youll get yours...

Smack Talk what?


Ovalexpress, coming to a pond near you.
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Hmmmmmm Just taking it all in, decisions decisions decisions. I'll be BACK.P.S. u know this means WAR

So Gator fianlly crawls out from under his rock I see. Its about d-m time! Mr Gator or is it Mrs. I will have you know that my name is spelled Byrd and by the time I am done lappin your azz in Waltersboro you wont forget it, there will be a spelling bee for you at the end of the weekend!

PS there were no excuses at the Winter Nats while I was racing, Cd'ing and scoring I still wooped your tail. :p I aint Skeered!

Just stay in your lane Mr 10 to 2 :lol:

Mr. Top Round :huh: as fer you having any secrets in the pits, I trianed boys in Nascar, NHRA and IDBA and I didnt give them all my secrets. That lil ole Lynx sure ran fine and it just might have been your undoin when you bartered it for some Ozo (sp) just to lay on a drunk over there in the Alps. Hey can you yodel yet I here thats a favorite German pastime :lol:

LOL Hearl the Squirrel has nothing to say? Thats minus some major points in the game of smack talk and you just took a back seat to that award! :blink:

Ron the Byrd of Prey and all yall are the prey!

Let the games begin!
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Toni I can't believe you left Dr stevs's office long enough to type. How long can you go without a fix? We are running a short course 8 laaaaaaps can you last........ :p
ladys, ladys.. get ready for a little Northern EXPOSURE.. daddy grim is coming down for the race to see his good buddys Gabe, Don, Micro Atwell and pops Atwell.. Ok OK.. gator too....and the SMACK is just beginning..

Let me see if i can translate for gator in his starting post... blubblubblubblub..

Lets get ready to race.. look for my entry soon.

Hey, Ronald. I just had a great idea. You could easily cut the cost of your trip over here. Instead of buying plane tickets you could always tie Gabe up (so he doesn't get any funny ideas) and use him as a raft to ride the waves over here. He floats believe it or not. I think it's due to all of the hot air bellowing out of his mouth. Due to this, to insure maximum boyancy it would be advised to tape his mouth shut, only removing the tape when you are bored and want to be entertained.

And Steve, come on man. You're disappointing me. You said that this means war. Well I hear clips snapping in but I haven't felt any shots. You're not shooting blanks are you? :eek:

Don Riek, I'm glad someone I know and trust has that fast lap title and I know I can trust you to polish up my new trophy that you're so graciasly giving me. Heck while you're at it you can go ahead and get my name engraved in it because after it gets to me it won't be going anywhere for a while. Don't feel bad Don. At least I have to make an effort to take that title unlike if "TunnelDon" had it. If he had it then I could use this useless 20% fuel that's laying around here so that I could save the good stuff for those Alabama boys ;) .

Well, I guess I'll call it a night. I'll take it easy for now and give you guys a chance to respond seeing as how you won't get a chance at the Tunnel Champs.


(PS: Gabe I took your advice and hid my stuff on top of the refridgerator seeing as how my dad will only pay attention to whats in the refidgerator I felt that on top was a good place.)

Oh yeah, anyone care on filling out Bobby's poll? http://www.rmhalliday.com/CMBTC2.html :ph34r:
Hey, Ronald. I just had a great idea. You could easily cut the cost of your trip over here. Instead of buying plane tickets you could always tie Gabe up (so he doesn't get any funny ideas) and use him as a raft to ride the waves over here. He floats believe it or not. I think it's due to all of the hot air bellowing out of his mouth. Due to this, to insure maximum boyancy it would be advised to tape his mouth shut, only removing the tape when you are bored and want to be entertained.

Well, I guess I'll call it a night. I'll take it easy for now and give you guys a chance to respond seeing as how you won't get a chance at the Tunnel Champs.


(PS: Gabe I took your advice and hid my stuff on top of the refridgerator seeing as how my dad will only pay attention to whats in the refidgerator I felt that on top was a good place.)

Oh yeah, anyone care on filling out Bobby's poll? http://www.rmhalliday.com/CMBTC2.html :ph34r:
I had this idea of coming over BY boat , so Gabe and I can set it up perfectly. Engines will be run in by the time we arrive.

And we have the time to make the perfect plan for taking the crown. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I warned you Ronald, its gets deep in here really fast..... :D :D

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hmm.... let see, who would like to get burned today?

Mitchell Jr., you're always an easy target. Thanks for the novel, I enjoyed reading that. How long did you sit in front of the computer for that one? I can hear you stuttering now, saying it all "outloud" to make sure it sounds "good enough" before typing, very systematic indeed, but boring nonetheless.... ( I like the fridge idea, that should definately do the trick) Come on dude, as a past smack talking champion, ive seen you come up with better material than that.

Steve,.... man..... THAT WAS WEAK at best. now that youve had a solid day to "THINK" about it, Please, dont over do it, im not sure we can take all of the abuse youre about to throw our way.

Ron, Take it easy on those Fatwell boys, youve always been known to them as the "Bird Man", who would have thought that there could be multiple spellings of a word that sounds the same? Certainly not the little brother "Rubber Lips" Toni. The fact that that he writes in somewhat complete sentences, with punctuation to boot, is astounding. Perhaps we should all have name tags at this years Tunnel Champs, so the Atwells can expand their vocabulary, one word at time, so that we dont overwhelm them.

Don Riek, I saw the same picture, I was wondering why someone whould have dark sunglasses on when there is no sun out? Almost like he was hiding something? Kinda like the old 80's song by Corey Hart. I wear my sunglasses at night....., so I can, so I can... Don, Im a little puzzled by one of your replys. It sounds as if youre NOT coming to this years Tunnel Champs? I cant imagine what reason their must be to miss such a premier event? It cant be like most, who dont have the speed to run with the big dogs, youve got some fast boats man... so what is it? The earlier you put in a request for a kitchen pass, the better your chances are of getting one.

THE GRIMRACER IS COMING TO THE TUNNEL CHAMPS: Hey guys I hear walmart has pens and paper on sale. Maybe we should all go out and get some, cuz Mike sounds like hes ready to give us a lesson or two? Mike I hope youre ready for a little culture shock, the people in Walterboro walk their goats on leashes down the side of the road for fun. Not kidding man. If youve ever heard of Jeff Foxworthys "you might be a redneck if" bit, you should know he spent a few weeks on vacation in Walterboro, and was inspired to write it there. If you are bringing any of your cheese eatin' buddies with you, tell them to keep an eye on their liquor stash, some of my friends have bad manners and dont know how to ask before taking. (namely, Tonypukeandshit, aka Rubber Lips, aka Ralph, aka Tonya, aka Toni "with an I", aka Gator340...)

TunnelD, can you beleive this crap? these guys dont have a clue whats about to happen to them. The azz whoopin thats about to come their way is of substantial proportion. (p.s. I hope youve got YOUR **** together, cuz I havent touched a boat in 5 months...lol )

Thats all for now, unless someone else wants to get in the mix.

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There is more junk flying around here than what is in a junk yard. And the race is still a month away.

Don Riek has a grandchild expected to be born at the same time as the race so that is the reason he is not coming. Understandable but if the baby comes early and he wants in I am sure we can take his money real quick.
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.. o crap.. i just spit up my beer.. all that and I have to get ready fror work in 15min..

Ok Don Riek, I guess you're off the hook then. But, like John says, If the opportunity arrises, come on down...

You guys are brutal to each other. Is it this bad in person? Maybe I need to reconsider attending. :p
You guys are brutal to each other. Is it this bad in person? Maybe I need to reconsider attending. :p
You'll be OK Chuck. Just don't stand between them at the race or you'll have that spittle stuff that flys out of thier mouths while they trash talk on both sides of your face. :lol:
You guys are brutal to each other. Is it this bad in person? Maybe I need to reconsider attending. :p


Just the pre-race hype and bravado. You were there last Sep for a quick visit while passing through and sure you noted nothing out of sorts. Once the racing starts it calms down considerably. Do not worry as I would not throw you to the wolves.

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