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TOO much going on now.

Please do express your opinions in a VERY NICE manor OR ELSE i will have you babysitting my Wifes Grand niece!!!!!!!!

(and believe me, i wouldn't wish THAT on my worst enemy!!!!!!)


In this economy, a job is a job!!!

I think I'm starting to get an idea as to why union people are pro-union: They actually believe the horse hockey propaganda the unions are telling them!

The unions say "You have breaks because we make it so and non-union employees don't get them!" And that makes it true........

The unions say "You get paid vacations because we make it so and non-union employees don't get them!" And that makes it true.......

The Unions say "You get 40 hours a week, overtime for anything over and Saturday and double time on Sunday because we make it so and non-union employees don't get this!" And that makes it true......

The unions say "You get health and life insurance because we make it so!" And that makes it true......

The unions say "You get a retirement/pension plan because we make it so!" And that makes it true.....

And so on and so on..... Blah, blah, blah........

Did you know that the work "GULLIBLE" is not in the dictionary? :rolleyes:

Seriously, you people need to wake up and get outside a bit more often. I don't mean to offend anybody, but do you really think the only people who get these benefits are in union shops? I'm 38 years old. I've been working (mostly) full time since I was 20 (after about two years of getting my brains beat in, I stupidly walked away from college). I've never worked a day in a union shop of any kind and I've always had every benefit any union shop offers except the rediculous wages and the ability to tell my boss to stick it without the risk of losing my job. Everybody I consider a friend, with the exception of one (who recently got bought out from Delphi), can tell you the same thing.

If you really think the union is protecting you in any way or is providing you something you wouldn't otherwise get, consider this:

The friend I mentioned above was recently bought out from Delphi. Everybody in his plant that had at least ten years under their belt got a settlement of something near $140K. This represents one year of each employee's load on the corperate budget. ONE YEAR! He was "earning" a little under half that a year. Do the math. If Delphi were building cars instead of automotive components, they would have to sell 5 or 6 cars on average (Malibu's, not Corvette's, obviously) just to recover one employees load, and that doesn't add in the actual cost of building the car! Plus they get a full year's unemployment, paid by Delphi, full education reimbersement, and up to an additional year of unemployment while they are enrolled in school.

The real killer in all this is that many of his co-workers were very upset by all this. They truely believed that the company somehow OWED them something more. I can't tell you how many people I saw on the news, living in 150-250K homes, crying "How am I supposed to pay my mortgage now?" or condemning Delphi for taking away their jobs. Imagine that, the liberal media covering union employee's being wronged by the big corperate meanies..... They actually think they are entitled to a 100K a year lifestyle for running the same screw in the same hole while they sit on a stool and watch a TrailBlazer chassis cruise the line, with no education or marketable skill set. Some people just kill me.....

There was also a major DOD installation near where I live that was half union and half non-union. Why, I couldn't tell you, but that's the way it was. I have worked with many toolmakers that served decades at this facility who were non-union. The non-union workforce was always better paid and had better benefits. After the facility was shut down (thanks to Clintons systematic dismantling of many miiltary programs), all the non-union toolmakers were easily re-employed, while the union guys found it very difficult to find someone willing to hire them. This was in the late 80's, when the economy was considered by most to be very good. Manufacturing, at the time, at least in the greater Dayton, OH area, was very strong. Why were the employers slow in picking up the union guys? Simple. They were very apprehensive about taking on a "tail-dragger", as one guy I worked with called them (extremely good toolmaker, one of the best I've very known, non-union).

It all boils down to this: The unions serve no purpose anymore, except to make things worse. In their day, they were a nesessity, but since those days, we have governmental offices who regulate nearly every aspect of the world of "labor and wage". Is it a perfect system? No. But the unions aren't helping, and they haven't for about 30 years.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
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I think I'm starting to get an idea as to why union people are pro-union: They actually believe the horse hockey propaganda the unions are telling them!

The unions say "You have breaks because we make it so and non-union employees don't get them!" And that makes it true........

The unions say "You get paid vacations because we make it so and non-union employees don't get them!" And that makes it true.......

The Unions say "You get 40 hours a week, overtime for anything over and Saturday and double time on Sunday because we make it so and non-union employees don't get this!" And that makes it true......

The unions say "You get health and life insurance because we make it so!" And that makes it true......

The unions say "You get a retirement/pension plan because we make it so!" And that makes it true.....

And so on and so on..... Blah, blah, blah........

Did you know that the work "GULLIBLE" is not in the dictionary? :rolleyes:

Seriously, you people need to wake up and get outside a bit more often. I don't mean to offend anybody, but do you really think the only people who get these benefits are in union shops? I'm 38 years old. I've been working (mostly) full time since I was 20 (after about two years of getting my brains beat in, I stupidly walked away from college). I've never worked a day in a union shop of any kind and I've always had every benefit any union shop offers except the rediculous wages and the ability to tell my boss to stick it without the risk of losing my job. Everybody I consider a friend, with the exception of one (who recently got bought out from Delphi), can tell you the same thing.

If you really think the union is protecting you in any way or is providing you something you wouldn't otherwise get, consider this:

The friend I mentioned above was recently bought out from Delphi. Everybody in his plant that had at least ten years under their belt got a settlement of something near $140K. This represents one year of each employee's load on the corperate budget. ONE YEAR! He was "earning" a little under half that a year. Do the math. If Delphi were building cars instead of automotive components, they would have to sell 5 or 6 cars on average (Malibu's, not Corvette's, obviously) just to recover one employees load, and that doesn't add in the actual cost of building the car! Plus they get a full year's unemployment, paid by Delphi, full education reimbersement, and up to an additional year of unemployment while they are enrolled in school.

The real killer in all this is that many of his co-workers were very upset by all this. They truely believed that the company somehow OWED them something more. I can't tell you how many people I saw on the news, living in 150-250K homes, crying "How am I supposed to pay my mortgage now?" or condemning Delphi for taking away their jobs. Imagine that, the liberal media covering union employee's being wronged by the big corperate meanies..... They actually think they are entitled to a 100K a year lifestyle for running the same screw in the same hole while they sit on a stool and watch a TrailBlazer chassis cruise the line, with no education or marketable skill set. Some people just kill me.....

There was also a major DOD installation near where I live that was half union and half non-union. Why, I couldn't tell you, but that's the way it was. I have worked with many toolmakers that served decades at this facility who were non-union. The non-union workforce was always better paid and had better benefits. After the facility was shut down (thanks to Clintons systematic dismantling of many miiltary programs), all the non-union toolmakers were easily re-employed, while the union guys found it very difficult to find someone willing to hire them. This was in the late 80's, when the economy was considered by most to be very good. Manufacturing, at the time, at least in the greater Dayton, OH area, was very strong. Why were the employers slow in picking up the union guys? Simple. They were very apprehensive about taking on a "tail-dragger", as one guy I worked with called them (extremely good toolmaker, one of the best I've very known, non-union).

It all boils down to this: The unions serve no purpose anymore, except to make things worse. In their day, they were a nesessity, but since those days, we have governmental offices who regulate nearly every aspect of the world of "labor and wage". Is it a perfect system? No. But the unions aren't helping, and they haven't for about 30 years.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
hey brad i bet you dont mind taking that "union made money" do you?? it is really a opinion and everyone has one. and i can respect yours , don's and everyone elses , i can partially agree with the uaw and some of the wrong doing i feel they have done. but when you deem someones wage rediculous at lets say 30.00 hr.. wouldnt you want the person making that wage buying american made products from you or would you want them buying that cheap chinese junk from overseas.. i bet i know your answer..so dont go calling anyones wage rediculous because they may not want to spend their hard earned money with you. i never have ever tried to balk at a handmade american made product or anything for that matter. i would like to see more jobs make it back here, but all i see is corporate greed for their need to outsource products so they can make a huge margin, it has nothing to do with the union other than they want to make a bigger profit and then turn around and send the work overseas and then bring their crap back over here and want us to buy it..makes good sense huh? cheat the american worker then work them for less money and give them junk to choose from..yeah . i can give you one instance i seen at ji case, rool bars for tractors were costing around x amount of dollars to make "in house" where quality control could be right there on the scene..then this scab sweatshop in minnesota would do them for 100.00 less oh and add in the cost of transporting them from there to here oh and paying the union forktruck drivers to unload them ....you see where im going here..they went that way and cost themselves more money and didnt care..that is how big companies operate..never looking at the important small stuff..and spending 1000.00 to save 20.00 , that is the upper management i have been yelling about all along and it will get no better until them jokers are handled.


I'm not going to say what somebody is worth in real figures. I firmly believe that an employee is worth every dime an employer is willing to pay him/her. Not a penny more, not a penny less. The problem here is that we are not talking about what the employer is WILLING to pay the employees, but rather what an third party is FORCING the employer to pay the empoyees, whether they are a profitable employee or not. Yes, in my opinion, since you put it there, $30/hr is absolutely outrageous for ANY unskilled labor position. I have wroked with several 30+year toolmakers who could make anything you can put to paper and make it look as if it came straight from Heaven that have never in their wildest dreams made anything close to $30/hr. Paying a guy that much to push a broom, even when the floor is clean, is insanity. But if an employer is willing to pay an employee that much, and can make a profit he/she is happy with, then so be it.

Another problem with your statement is that we are not talking about a company making, as you put it, "a huge margin". We are talking about a company, three specific corperations, in fact, that are failing, due entirely to lack of profitability. Like I said earlier: All of those on the "entitlement" side of the line seem to like to blame the high salery executives for the corperate woes. The truth of the matter is that all the executives combined make up a virtually insignificant portion of the total wage load for corperations the size of the big three. Probably less than one percent.

And BTW, what a person buys with the money they are paid is of no concern of anyone but the person earning that money. If someone can't afford to do/buy something on the money they make, THEY CAN'T AFFORD IT!. It's just that simple. I would dearly LOVE to own a 51' Outer Limits with quad 1045's (160+ MPH and 6+ gallons per mile, $1.4M +/- ). But guess what? I CAN'T AFFORD IT! Hell, right now, I can't even afford a 16' Glastron with a 115 Evinrude. But I'm OK with that because I have made the bed I sleep in. I don't have to like it. It's jsut the way it is. No, I don't like the fact that American auto makers are buying their components from China, but honestly, if I had a choice between going belly up because I am forced to pay my employee's $30/hr when I can't be profitable paying them $20/hr and going to China for parts to keep the company afloat, I'm very sorry to say I'm hopping on the phone and scheduling a meeting with Xiang Chi or whatever the crap their names are......

Realitiy is "build it for less than we can sell it for", not "Pay them whatever they need to afford whatever they want, we'll just raise the price even if we can't sell it." That's called dreaming and it's time to wake up.

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
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I've been reading this and several other discussions on the subject. Actually trying to stay neutral. I can't help but think people are missing the point here.

No offence, but I believe it's more about greed than anything else. Unions, shareholders, employees as well as spin-off company's are all in this together. Nobody really wants to give in. Nobody likes to go backwards, but the reality is bigger than ever.

Lets face it... There are several uneducated/unskilled workers in automotive assembly plants. I've been through the process and found it to be more about your personality than your ability or skill level. The testing seems more aimed at getting inside your head to see if you are the "perfect fit" for an assembly line environment. Will he rip us off or help someone else to do the same? Is he willing to build 50 widgets an hour even though he's capable of 70? Does he have the proper union mentality?

Don't get me wrong... I know there isn't a lot of glory in putting door latches on Zephers all your life. Nor do I think the assembly line or automotive industry is a bowl of cherries. And, I don't believe there isn't skilled level jobs in automotive plants. What I do believe is that anyone could perform a good majority of the tasks given the opportunity. What I would like to know is... what is the incentive to do better if the guy next to you is being paid the same no matter what? Basically, you only have to be as good as the worst guy there. Sorry....

What I really think is that we all need to give our heads a shake and take a look at where we're going. What happened to the single vehicle family? The family that got together and just spent valuable time together rather than run all over the country trying to keep busy and out of trouble? Call me old fashioned, but life would be much simpler if it were slowed down a bit. Less concern for net worth and way more time building well functioning family's.

I know I have way better memories watching my girls catch their first fish, or giving me the biggest hug of life than any work related accomplishment. Yep, I'm a sap. But a happy one at that... Trust me!

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Is he capable of only building 50 widgets an hour even though he's capable of 70?
My Delphi friend saw this first hand. He ran a rubber injection molding press that spit out steel inserted motor mounts. A "fair day's work" was set at 12 "heats" per day. He could easily run 16, even while making chain mail armor and trinkets (he also owns a booth at a local renaissance festival), but he usually ran about 14. He was pulled aside one day, by his union rep, and told that we was not to run more than 12 heats per day ever again. It made the rest of them look bad. If he had to spend half his day on the crapper or hiding between parts bins, so be it. This is the mentality that has driven the big three to the brink of impending doom.

BTW, he was VERY much of the opinion that he was heavily overpaid. "But if that's what they are paying me, who am I to turn it down.........." He also took about one day a week off, just because.... He figured out right away that if he didn't, they'd send him home about one day a week, after he'd driven twenty minutes at O'dark-30 in the morning to get there, and that pissed him off, regardless of the fact that they were going to pay him for four hours. They did this so they could utilize the labor bank when full-timers attendance was unusually high. Go figure.........

Thanks. Brad.

Titan Racing Components

BlackJack Hydros
Well I hate to say it Ray, but I agree with Brad. However, I do feel strongly that unions have a purpose and a place. Where might that be? The "little guys" who work on a more individual or small group basis. Guys like pipe fitters, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, machinists and other skilled trades like these. It's these people who need the "strength in numbers" that a union can offer, not telling some corporation that the guy pushing the broom out on the production line floor gets $25 an hour or they all go on strike. The unions have crippled the auto industry with unthinkable debt that has finally caught up with the big three, there is no more "restructuring" to buy time, time's up. Now don't get me wrong, the corporate big wigs have just as much blame here but the fix is going to have to come from both sides of the table. I'd bet if you asked any UAW line worker (when there are no union thugs around to hear) what he'd rather have, a little less $$ and no union dues or nothing when the union drives the whole deal under like it just did last night on the bailout? We all know the true answer to that one.
And BTW- this is just the tip of the iceberg. If GM, Ford and Chrysler start going belly up just wait to see the bad side of the "trickle down" theory and what it does to the hundreds of thousands of those who work on the "support" part of the industry making stuff for the big 3 ..............
I think if they wont bail even if they do its time to change management and the whole way auto makers do biz. Ive done a 20% trickle down cut in pay. I cant take more, time to cut the fat where the fat lays..................
i agree mike , it is the gettin fat on the hog jerks at the top that make millions in stock options a year..well i bet they wouldnt take a massive paycut tokeep it going, hell no they would just cash in and wash their hands of the whole deal..all these "gop" people on here and you can tell them who they are, well the bunch of them must have never had to work a hard day in their life..and probably been spoon fed like all rich whiney kids.

So what are you saying Terry, if you don't support unions you're a rich whiney kid? Got news for ya pal, I spent alot years spinnin' wrenches as a master technician and did **** well without any unions around 'til my knees couldn't take it anymore. Spent the last year as a tech icing my knees down in the summer & wrapping heating pads on 'em in the winter after a typical rough day at the shop. Busted my azz to make a good living and didn't watch some high school drop out push a broom around a shop for $25 hour either ( I know someone in a union shop who did). Be careful where you tread saying stuff like that .....
before you go shooting your mouth off there don you better bring it the right way, as for you "spinning" wrenches well that is great, i said "nothing" about you and your trade, infact i to am a former ase master certified technician and owned my own shops for several years and have done very well, i am making a statement in the post that , i feel it is the rich overpaid jerks at the top of the food chain that are making the real problems in my eyes, making way to much for their efforts and they can cripple the business at a moments notice, they are the spoiled rich kid types i am talking about not don ferrette, in fact i do not remember even using your name at all, you must have wanted to hear your voice or something there "pal" .. maybe go wrap your attitude in a heat wrap or something. i have been on both sides of the fence and in my "opinion" union is the way to go for what we do here..if you want to discuss this further feel free to email me or pm i have no problem at all with that..good day.


oh and btw im with steve ..im pro union no matter the type .. former member of the local uaw 807 curent card carrying mamber of the local operators 150
Well if you don't like the "attitude" .... not much I can do about that as you brought it out. You came across like any of us against the unions are, let's quote it- "all these "gop" people on here and you can tell them who they are, well the bunch of them must have never had to work a hard day in their life..and probably been spoon fed like all rich whiney kids". Yup, you hit a nerve big time, I worked my azz off for everything I have and not you or anyone else will insinuate something otherwise without hearing it from me. Perhaps next time be specific about the "target" of your comments rather and the generalized way you did, then us non union guys won't get rubbed the wrong way.........

Actually after what Walt put up about CrisCraft I almost hope the big 3 does go bankrupt so all those overbearing UAW contracts go out the window, then tell the UAW to get ****ed and restart fresh. Pay the truly skilled guys what they are really worth and let those broom pushers make minimum wage. Time for the wages to match the skills, if you're skilled you deserve good pay right? No more 50% of workforce "back up labor pool" workers sitting on their azzes collecting full pay for doing nothing. No more lame production "limits" so guys can sit on their butts for 1/2 a day getting paid because they already pushed a button enough times. Sorry but I'm old school, if you're good then you reap the rewards. If you're a slacker then take a hike........

There is no denying fat needs to be cut from the top down, and there is alot off it up top, I agree with you 100% on that. But when the execs get pigeon-holed by Congress, know they have to take a hit, still manage to be on the verge of getting help when at the 11th hour the UAW brass flips everyone the middle finger? Like Walt said, the CEOs of the big 3 agreed to a $1.00 salary, what did the UAW top execs offer up other than ... yup, absolutely nothing. We can sit here and argue about this all day long but sacrifices will have to come from ALL sides and that includes the UAW............
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7 years ago I was working in a tool shop working late one night to finish up 6 parts for GM that had to be at the shipping dock before the next morning to be on the foremans deck.My boss ask me if I would take them over.So at 1:00 AM I left for the shipping dock with the parts and when I walk in there were 6 guys sitting at the round table playing cards.I ask if they could sign for the package and they said that I would have to weight for the girl to get back from across the shop on the towmotor to sign for it.When she got back she said she was going to lunch and would be back in a hour so I weighted untill she got back and than she sign the package.After 3 hours I got back to the shop and the boss ask me where the hell I been so I had to till him all about it.So the next morning he call the foreman that we made parts for to tell him about the long delay and you know what the foreman told him.You will half to file it with the UNION.

Dave Roach
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I have been on both sides of the fence Union and Company, and have been through many contract negotiations, and when its all said and done," The Company agree's and the Union Radifies" the proposed contract for a said period of time, it is a give and take BARGAINING process between the elected Union Officials and the Company Officials. and to say it's any one sides fault in my opinion is false..... I believe that if projected sales were where they are supposed to be we wouldnt be having this discussion. I have worked in a UAW Aero-Space factory for 30 yrs.
well, well look who the cat chucked up,,,,,,,,,,,,, :lol: :lol: :lol:

hey stranger, where ya been?

i was reading the Washington Post this morning and there was a rather LARGE article concerning the last couple weeks on capitol hill about the big 3.

There was one quote by Southern republican Senator Bob Corker saying " It seems like the United Auto Workers would rather

have people lose their jobs than give up a few dollars in hourly pay."

There were other blue collar workers being interviewed in the article both Union and non-union and they agreed with the Senators statement.

It will be very interesting here in the DC area this coming week to see what Capitol Hill does on the Bridge Loan case.

Chuck, you get the e-mail i sent out on the bouy placement?

Is it actually a give and take BARGAINING process when they go out on strike?

To me it's called Blackmail or bargaining with a gun to the companys head. We want what we want, it doesn't matter if you can afford it or not, or we'll shut you down is the mentality I see all the time.

Now Aerospace IS different. We're talking UAW in this post.
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UAW represents workers in the auto industry as well as aircraft manufacture and other industries in the US.

"It is a Bargaining process when they go on strike",YES, they couldnt agree..........

And when the Company decides to lay employee's off Salary or Hourly it is not a bargaining process. The company has the right to direct the work force as it see's fit.......
Is it actually a give and take BARGAINING process when they go out on strike?


I can't speak for or against the UAW, because I have never been affiliated with them. Back when I used to tend bar as a sideline job I worked at a municipal bar,and we were union employees. Many of the full time people wanted more money,and better bennies and told the city If they didn't get what they wanted they would strike. The city told us if we strike, they would close both the bars. The full time employees voted to strike. The city closed the bars, and sold them.

The Teamsters union was on strike at a local Metal supply company for over a year. The company shut down, and re-opened a short time later under a different name. The last time the Laborers Union went on strike against the company I work for they settled the strike for less than was originally offered by the company...and lost a month worth of wages to boot. :eek:

Didn't this used to be a toy boat forum?

Is it actually a give and take BARGAINING process when they go out on strike?
this topic needs to die all it does it upset people even ones like me..the lowlife union loving types.. :D and maybe we can talk about something good like....catch the sarcasam..opec slowing production of oil so they can drive up pricing to make more money for themselves??? much more friendly convo than this?? myself i personally enjoy seeing diesel go down..it would be nice to see it stay down so i can attend more boat races next year.


I'm done. Time will tell anyway. ;)

Union or not, we're all friends and family here :D

Happy Holidays to all! :)
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I agree totally with Chuck i to worked both sides of the fence and saw the same thing. Robert
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