Cowling options


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Sounds good...keep up the good work JD

Rod, are goign to keep the wood finish? just curious ;)

I love the wood finish. Yeah I plan on keeping it. The main reason I wanted to get some extra cowlings is because every color goes w/wood!
Re: Different Cowlings

I talked with Grim this afternoon about the cowling I sent him. He's working on adapting it to make a plug for a plastic cowl. I sounds like the cowl will be adaptable to most 3.5 tunnels. Once Grim gets a few pulled he's sending me a couple and I will install one on my JD WOF 30. I'll post photos.

I think the photo I'm attaching shows the balsa cowling. If it doesn't, I post another shot.

Jerry D.

Wrong shot - this shows the canopy pieces glued together before it is shaped and glued to the cowl. I'll take a minute and make sure the next post shows the finished cowling.

Oh man Hook a'brother up! Yeah baby I want one of those. JD don't be afraid to sell me one of your test cowlings so I can be the first on myblock/pond to have one.
Yep me too, first pull, test run, I dont care, I WANT ONE NOW!!!!!! Just let me know how much :D

Gene ;D

It does look like a F-16 canopy. I was using photos of the Rinker F1 tunnel boat as my guide.

Grim will be the source for this canopy. Once he has some pulled he'll offer them through Power Surge Racing Products.

Jerry D.

Not yet.. We still have lots of work to do. Jerry had the easy im kidding jerry...

I have to go to Chicago for a few days and will try to meet with the molder after that. However it could still be a few weeks.

Yeah Baby!!! Count me in I sure am glad that I saw that before I started my FE conversion.Im gonna wait untill that cowel is available.

I just got my kit yesterday.What a NICE boat kit.I hope I will be running this at the LA FE saws.