Cowling options


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Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
Hey guys. The beauty of the wood finish on the Villain is sparkling. But as for the cowling. It dawned on me. Why own one cowling? If you have several you can have several colors, schemes, etc.. I put a spare DPI 3.5 cowling on it and it would fit perfect if it was about 2 inches longer. I'm partial to the sleek look of the DPI cowl. Does anyone know if the 7.5 DPI cowl will fit?? I'd like to buy 2-3 more cowlings so when my kids want to drive it it gives the effect that that's their boat.
Hey Big D.

You have to cut it further into the nose area to fit like this Dumas 3.5:
The pics are of a Dumas 3.5 cowl that I used, the same methods should work with the DPI 3.5, I did shave the height some,

Gene ;D
Here are the dimensions of the DPI 7.5 cowling. 3-3/8" wide at the back bottom, 4-3/4" high at the back, 30-1/4" long. If you need any other numbers, let me know. Remember, the DPI cowling doesn't have the lower lip like the 3.5 version or the Dumas'. They use a different radio box set-up in the 7.5. It is molded in, not separate.
Sure, I don't see why not. The DPI 7.5 version was madeto use Velcro to attach the canopy but a bottom lip wouldn't be hard to make.
Sounds sweet, i wouldnt mind doing the same thing Rod! Can you please tell me the length of the 3.5 DPI cowl and its height + also widths like Ron did with the 7.5? please



I'll measure my DPI 3.5 cowling today for you. But I can tell you it's short for the Villain. I'm gonna buy the 7.5 DPI cowl later this week and will keep you guys posted how it comes out.

Sorry it took so long to measure this 3.5 cowl.

24 1/4 long 4 1/2 high and about 3 inches wide. These are rough but pretty acurate.
There may be another cowling option for 3.5 size hulls in the future. I just sent Grim a Rinker canopy type cowling to see if it might be usable as a plug for a cowl. I don't know how long Mike will need to make a determination whether he can use what I sent him, but hopefully he'll be able to figure something out.

As they say on t.v., "Breaking news as it happens."

Jerry D.
Hi Guy's,

As some of you are aware I am working on a cowl at the moment to produce glass ones. Some of you have even seen pictures. The design philosophy behind this was to make it small frontal area, reasonable realistic side profile, enough room for a header tank and solid steering links, shaped so that it can be used for 7.5 or cut down for 3.5 and still look right. I think I have achieved my aim and only need to produce some in glass once I get the mold made.

Jerry and GTR,

The Rinker canopy is nice and would be a good opton. Gary I can't wait to get one of your cowls, keep me posted!! I especially like your realistic take on it's design.

I second that Rod!! Very nice cowl indeed. Oh and thanks for the measurements...Length and height were the main ones :)

Well i should say BOTH are very nice indeed...the rinker one would be sweet :) (it will only be ABS in guessing though?)

The Rinker cowlings I've done are from balsa wood. However, I suspect if Grim does a cowling it would be in plastic. But, I don't know what Mike has in mind.

Jerry D.
Re: Rinker Cowl in Fiberglass

The Rinker type canopy cowl could easily be done in fiberglass. Probably the best way to make a plug would be out of solid balsa or pine.

The cowling I sent Mike Z. is a cowling that fits on a boat. However, I'm hoping he can modify it to use as a plug.

Jerry D.
I hope Mike can make it! My Villain is running so good. I'd love to vary the look w/differant cowlings to freak people out during the races. :eek: