This is suppose to be fun


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Paul Erickson

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2014
I hate to say this but almost wish I had not started running boats due to the fact you that I told someone I am new to this and then you automatically get taken advantage of cause your buying something that you were told is best money can buy so you assume the guys helping you and being honest then someone who you do know helps and tells you it is not what you were told look guys be honest and straight with us beginners so we can keep the racing going instead I am discouraged and pissed and afraid to buy anything .JUST Saying be HONEST Please! it ain't always about making a buck!

What happened in your case, maybe this can be solved or fixed by the members here. Give us a brief example if you can. There really are great people here and we all try to help each other out when we can.

I am new to RC boating trying to get into racing I told this mistake #1 and bought a LOT of boats from a person getting out due to health reasons .anyway one boat I bought is suppose to be ready with exception of radio and receiver . Well got boat no shaft no prop adjustment screw missing out of carb . Next one was a gas boat suppose to be modded want run right took it to have it looked at its a stock with a carb that's shot .the third boat had some metal throwed in it said it was a motor mount. Contacted guy said oh I needed the mount for a friends boat but I can make one with pieces . Basically I bought a bunch of problems . But I will say a huge Thanks to Doug and Rick these guys have been a big help trying to steer me right I just wish everyone would be honest about what there selling cause now I'm afraid to buy anything and it shouldn't have to be this way this is suppose to be fun and half way affordable just not for me lol
If we can help ya get going and get past the bad taste you got left with- SAY THE WORD -

This community of racers/boaters is the best in the world. WE WILL HELP , I HATE you got started off on that foot- but let us help.

It gets better
Paul I'm sorry this had happened. It does happen and is very unfortunate that within such a small hobby people find it ok to screw people. There are way more honest good guys in this then bad. It seems you have dealt with one of the misleading people.

It is really important to work with the ones you can trust. I would be glad to answer any questions you may have. If I don't know the answer I know people who do. Good luck!
I am new to RC boating trying to get into racing I told this mistake #1 and bought a LOT of boats from a person getting out due to health reasons .anyway one boat I bought is suppose to be ready with exception of radio and receiver . Well got boat no shaft no prop adjustment screw missing out of carb . Next one was a gas boat suppose to be modded want run right took it to have it looked at its a stock with a carb that's shot .the third boat had some metal throwed in it said it was a motor mount. Contacted guy said oh I needed the mount for a friends boat but I can make one with pieces . Basically I bought a bunch of problems . But I will say a huge Thanks to Doug and Rick these guys have been a big help trying to steer me right I just wish everyone would be honest about what there selling cause now I'm afraid to buy anything and it shouldn't have to be this way this is suppose to be fun and half way affordable just not for me lol
getting into racing straight away is really jumping in with both feet. That's what I did and I paid for it. I've been in racing for three years, and last weekend I had probably my worst 1/8 scale performance I can think of (parking a boat on the shore is pretty **** embarrassing.) join a club, learn the ropes, and figure out who will help you and listen to them.
I have to agree with Jim and, like Jim, have put a boat almost onto the beach TWICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've had some really good people helping me as well so I'm seeing improvement in both my driving and my boat's performance. Starting out with "imperfect" used boats can be a benefit to you. Having to fix things before you start running will mean that you will have learned some of the things that you will need to know to fix issues that will happen at the lake.

Start out slow, learn what your boats like and don't like. Yes, they do let you know if they don't like something. Speed, ride and handling changes can all be indicators of what they do or don't like.

There are a several things I've learned both before I got on the water as well as since I started racing. The biggest ones are:

1) GET A ROUTINE FOR BETWEEN RUNS AND STICK TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing worse, other than hitting the beach, than having someone launch your boat only to have it die on the backstretch because you forgot to refuel it or finding that you can't control your boat due to the radio receiver not being turned on or having a dying battery pack.

2) FIND RADIO GEAR THAT WORKS FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're like me and only want one radio for all your boats, go for it. If you'd rather have one radio per boat, that's fine too. I say this because there are some here in the forum that will tell you that you need to use this radio or that. You need to take these types of comments with a large grain of salt. For example, I was told, last night by one of those that thinks they know all that, since I use a Futaba FHSS radio and not a FASST, I'm using junk to control my boats. This person is forgetting that the FHSS radios were developed as a lower cost way to let those with budgetary limits obtain a quality 2.4 radio system. It doesn't matter to this person that many use the FHSS with good results, if it's not a FASST system then it's junk.

3) WINNING ISN'T EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you go to a race with winning being the only reason, you're missing the point of being there. Winning is great but, at the same time, it shouldn't be the only reason to be at the lake. I look at a day of racing as an opportunity to learn from those that have been racing for many years. It's amazing what you can pick up from the more experienced racers just in an innocent conversation. I use a day at the lake as a place to socialize, learn and test under racing conditions. Scoring points along the way is great and, if I win a heat or two, that's icing on the cake
Paul.. contact me per possibly what you lack.. i have props, shafts, and carbs maybe fit your application... lets get testing boats... Mike
I to have had similar experiences to you Paul when purchasing items that aren't what they are said to be. What I have found is for every unfortunate instance there are dozens of people only too willing to help you out, often at their own expense, don't lose faith mate.
What some perceive as good stuff in reality is junk. I have thrown lots of stuff ive bought in the trash,sometimes you get a deal others not. Its best to get as many photos as you can. Then ask around if the guy your buying from is ok.

Unfortunatly, there ARE some folks out there that just want to "unload" there stuff. I know you jumped in with BOTH feet and purchased a bunch of stuff. I have looked at alot of what you have and have told you what is salvagable...

Unfortunatly you purchased before meeting us and getting straight info,,, remember, Folks like Doug, Lamar, Mike W. and myself have nothing to gain, except trying to get some one new into our hobby.

Yes, IT IS TUFF starting out,, atleast you are not flalling around by your self.... we are and WILL help you get going. Like I said yesterday. One step(boat) at a time...

You know I'm gonna bring that Sport-40 back to life,,, the scale is going to be an uphill battle,, but I'm willing to whoop it.

Don't give up on us now,,, you have too much STUFF to give up now.
Paul when Rick says he will get it done he means it and trust me the boats will run great he does great work wish he was back here in Florida he is missed

I'm sorry to hear aout your experiences. Please don't let one or two shady people ruin a great hobby for you.

I've been in model boating for more than 40 years and one thing I learned is to buy only from people you know very well and to buy only those items you have seen work properly.

It is no different than buying items at a garage sale. Somd people have no conscience when it comes to getting rid of junk.

I have no problem buying new or used boating items from the people I know and trust. There is no way I will buy anything from other people, no matter what the item or price.

Before letting this ruin your experiences with model boating, spend some time with the boaters in your area. You'll find them to be a great bunch of people that will help you enjoy the hobby.

Al Hobbs

Unfortunatly, there ARE some folks out there that just want to "unload" there stuff. I know you jumped in with BOTH feet and purchased a bunch of stuff. I have looked at alot of what you have and have told you what is salvagable...

Unfortunatly you purchased before meeting us and getting straight info,,, remember, Folks like Doug, Lamar, Mike W. and myself have nothing to gain, except trying to get some one new into our hobby.

Yes, IT IS TUFF starting out,, atleast you are not flalling around by your self.... we are and WILL help you get going. Like I said yesterday. One step(boat) at a time...

You know I'm gonna bring that Sport-40 back to life,,, the scale is going to be an uphill battle,, but I'm willing to whoop it.

Don't give up on us now,,, you have too much STUFF to give up now.
It's way early in the game Paul!

As Rick said you have a great support group.

Hang in there and we'll see you at the pond!!

I want to personally thank you all I am not a quitter by no means and will whoop this as aggravating as it may be thank you all for your help I see there is a majority of good guys here .And Rick your the best . I truly with a heart felt thank you and the rest of you guys can't wait to meet y'all .Rick and Doug are gonna get me there one day .my best asset is I do listen thanks everyone I feel better already If I can ever help anyone Just Hollar thanks Paul
I want to personally thank you all I am not a quitter by no means and will whoop this as aggravating as it may be thank you all for your help I see there is a majority of good guys here .And Rick your the best . I truly with a heart felt thank you and the rest of you guys can't wait to meet y'all .Rick and Doug are gonna get me there one day .my best asset is I do listen thanks everyone I feel better already If I can ever help anyone Just Hollar thanks Paul