RC Boat Modeler Magazine


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RC Boat Modeler Magazine,

I just got my first copy of RC Car Action and found out that the RC Boat Modeler Magazine will no longer be published. The Boat magazine was always a bit of a joke, but this newly expanded magazine is even worse. This is a 138 page magazine and you dedicated just seven pages to RC Boats, three of them were full page ads leaving the last five for an article about hull repairs that I’m pretty sure you already published in the past.

I would have been more than happy to give you guys a chance, but it’s like you didn’t even try to accommodate the RC Boating community. It seems like you want to do only enough so we all don’t ask for a refund on our subscriptions.

I’m writing this letter to let you know that I no longer want to receive this subscription and wish to have the remaining balance of my subscription fees returned to me. Since I wasn’t told of the change in advance, I also don’t expect to be charged for this first issue of the newly expanded RC Car Action Magazine.

Thank you for your time,

Dale Pynenberg
While I am upset by the stoppage of rcbm. I can see why they did it. I work in a hobby shop and I can tell you that our boat sale count for less then 1 % of our sells. and we live in area that loves boat racing.
I took RCMB just because I liked giving JD a bad time at races :p I do agree it was a RTR magazine and didn't focus on what was going on in the racing world. But this is becoming a RTR world, fewer and fewer boaters build there own stuff, our club most of the newbies run a Vegas or the like. They don't seem to have the desire to do anything else but run what can be bought or traded. Sadly the builder days are coming to a end. Sign of the times. Greg
So if you had your pick of a boat mag

What would be the content that everyone is looking for?

So if you had your pick of a boat mag
What would be the content that everyone is looking for?

More event coverage and less RTR boats. The head-to-head shoot-outs were a bright spot but then we see that more and better in races. How-to's are cool but we don't need "How to build a boat stand" or other such articles done to death.

Model Gas Boats has the right idea as it is more of an interactive e-zine where not only can you read the aricles but also discuss them on the site.

Articles written by people who we know.
I paid for my subscription just a few months ago for nothing. I haven't received a single issue at all except for RCCA. Even if there were many adds in RCBM it was still a starting point to find merchandise for our boats. Not to many hobby shops hold a lot of RC boat supplies. Losing RCBM will certainly hurt the hooby.
The loss of the RCBM is not our loss individually as I am sensing that most here feel it does not truly fill their needs. The loss will be to this obscure segment of the hobby and the industry. The lack of a hard copy RC boating magazine will slow growth! Exposure to that magazine is how I got here: I saw a copy on the shelf at the hobby shop when I was in shopping for airplane stuff and viola; I got an RTR boat not long after. Truth is I am now into kit building and I am planning a scratch build from plans for next winter.

I agree with those that feel the pub was heavy on the product reviews but I did enjoy having a hard copy to take to the head or the doc’s office.

Ya know, it does not matter what magazine you read be it RC stuff, Hot Rod or Field and Stream, when it comes to the commercial influence you are going to get a recycling of material over and over.

Thanks to you all I have learned more from this site in my short membership than all the time I was a RCBM subscriber!


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