Prayers for Mitch


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Gator 340

Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2005
I'm asking all you guys and gals to keep bro in your thaughts and prayers as he is going under the knife the day after christmas. As alot of yaw know he has had some issues with his back well now do to all that wheight on top of his neck he is having neck issues. I am not excactly sure what they are doing I just know that it is a very delicate proceedure that could have some bad consiquinces if it does not go wright. He will be down for 4 to 6 months after surgery so yaw probably wont see us at the pond till after he is back up and walking.

We love each and every one of our boat raceing buddys and we will see yaw as soon as he feels up to it.

Thanks Tony
as long as it's his neck, he should be ok, tonya. if they were going to try to fix that head, well...........
. take care guys & please keep us posted. best wishes for sucessful surgery & a fast recovery.
Best of luck an prays to you my friend and have a nice Christmas .

Take it easy, Dick an Carol Loeb
Mitch and the Atwell gang.

You KNOW.. you have a good friend following from up north. Be positive and everything will be fine.

Well wishes from the Zaborowskis..

We will certainly keep Mitch in our thoughts and prayers. It's never an easy thing when someone is cutting on you. Keep him out of the shop and resting easy for a while. I expect to see him at the Fall Nats next year!

Dick Tyndall
Tony, tell Mitch if he needs any help or anything, I'm just across the river. Call you later. Henry
Our prayers are for you, hope this help to get you in a pain free future, I know you've be suffering for some time.

Get well soon Mitch so we can thrash you at Charleston. Hope all goes well with your procedure.

Tony, tell Mitch to LISTEN TO THE DOCTORS and don't try to rush the recovery. We all know how stubborn we boaters can be and your bro is no exception. Nuttin' but luv for ya Mitch, a speedy recovery and hope to see you this fall.
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Hey lurch you big dummy listen to the doctors an take it easy for while ,I hope everything goes well you an youre family have my prayers. It want be the same without you.