Pray for Buddy Lowe of Alabama please


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Apr 28, 2006
Just got word he had a heart attack today or yesterday, they performed double by-pass surgery and he is stable but still in the IC and his fate is uncertain. He is a guy that will give you the shirt off of his back so we need to support him and his wife Rhonda by praying for him in this time of need. Think of that delicious catfish he shares with nothing expected in return, and that is Buddy!

His good friend, James Beasley
Buddy is in our thoughts and prayers, a very great racer and friend, really hate to hear this. Very, very shocked.

- The Atwells
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Jesus man my prayers go out to buddy Lowe and Ronda in this difficult time. I started racing boat with buddy Lowe and he is competitive and willing to help anyone. Great friend and racer. J Bone wishes you the best and hope you recover quick my friend.

Just talked to Dick after reading this...please send out some prayers. Pretty shaken right now...
Just got word he had a heart attack today or yesterday, they performed double by-pass surgery and he is stable but still in the IC and his fate is uncertain. He is a guy that will give you the shirt off of his back so we need to support him and his wife Rhonda by praying for him in this time of need. Think of that delicious catfish he shares with nothing expected in return, and that is Buddy!

His good friend, James Beasley
James give me a call
Georganna and I are praying for ya Buddy, Get well soon.

Please keep us posted James.

Im deeply sadden to have talked to Rhonda,about Buddywhat a great guy an friend, our thoughts an prayers will be with Buddy an Rhonda GET WELL SOON.Your friends Dick an Carol Loeb
after the year he has had with re-replacing 2 defective hip joints & now this!! dammit man, buddy is too good a friend & racer to deserve this. i'm praying for ya. hang in there, rhonda. need to see both of you at the pond some more........please keep us posted, dick & james.
I've had a quad bypass so it's pretty much the same when they do this type of surgery. The advances in heart work has increased a lot in the past decade as he should be up and about in no time. Yeah, he's going to be sore for a long time and won't be playing with boats unless someone is there to start them for him.

A pillow is going to be his best friend in the world. A cough will be painful and you don't even want to know about a sneeze!

Buddy should inquire about Cardiac Rehab. I'm going through it yet again 3 times a week after my last episode at the end of February, somewhere around my 10th myocardial infarction. I've been really lucky though as I've got 2 of the best hospitals in the US within a couple of miles from my house for heart work.
Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery Buddy.

Glenn Gates
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