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Well my brother is doing extremely well as of today, he had shoulder surgery on saturday to fix his busted socket, went well, today he was pushed off the respirator and as of 11:00 oclock this morning he is breathing on his own. I have to thank all of your prayers and thoughts as well as the great doctors and nurses that helped him. We will be awaiting the news to rather he will walk on his own or be wheelchair bound. Either way he is alive and that is all that matters to me.

Thanks again all, it really did help!

Beau Parsons
Beau, so glad to hear man!! We are all brothers here buddy. Boaters really are a pretty tight knit family!

I have to say that for people not knowing me or my family the support was overwhelming, IW is really like a second family to me, great people always willing to lend a hand to total strangers, I don't think it can get better than this. YOU ARE RIGHT BOATERS ARE A PRETTY TIGHT KNIT FAMILY, I can say this after all the support for my brothers recovery.

Many thanks

Great news Beau!!! All the best to you, your bro and the family. Look forward to the next round of good news,

All the best,

Time hopefully heals all bad wounds.
Beau , you told us in your first post you guys had not seen eye to eye lately, Somebody is giving you guys a chance to fix those issue's my friend, run with it, Im more than sure this has opened your eye's to how short it can be, I'm more than willing to bet that whatever caused you two not to agree, seems pretty petty now, at least I would hope. I for one have lost a loved one that I didnt speak to for some time as I told you ( my dad) I would give anything for a second chance, your blessed with good friends and good family. Keep us posted, and keep your head up ;)


I have definitely change my opinion about my brother, life is really short if you think about, time seems to fly bye these for sure. We have been asked to not visit him at the hospital, not to sure why, I am thinking he is having a hard time dealing with the pain. Did find out that he has a fractured kneecap, so sounds like more surgery. They told us he is going to get worse before it gets better. This just sucks because the stress it is putting on my parents is so immense. I did see him yesterday and he did not look good, pale, shaking and breathing very slowly. I guess I am frustrated today!

Deep breath Beau, He still has a long road- like I said before - He needs ya to be strong . All your I/W buddies are here for ya and we got your back. Take the break the Dr.'s told ya to and take a minute for YOU to step back and take it in too. Go do something normal-Be it laundry/clean the house- go out to eat, but do it. Will give you time away from the hospital and get you in check.

We are here for ya buddy.

what drew said, beau ;) . we're all here for ya, & the no visitation is prolly for the family as much as your brother. please keep us posted on his progress. however it turns out, he is alive & you 2 can be brothers again!!
Hang in there Beau, I hope the races this weekend gets your mind off things for a while. A race day helps me get my mind off everything else and hope it will help you! It may just bring our NAMBA 20 group closer together for your sake.

Beau my prayers with you and familiy and I do know what you all are living at this and downs at this moment is part of the recovery process.......Lord is here for you and family.Gill
Well I have to say things are looking up for my brother he is been moved from ICU to a lesser rectrictive room, still dealing with a lot of pain, and some minor infections along the way, but things are on a postive note though, but with the good seems to come the bad, my wifes cousin passed away this weekend form a seizure at the age of 20 in Ness City, Kansas. This year seems to be full of pain for my family as well as for my wifes extended family. This is going to be a huge loss for the family and I dont even know what to say, or how the parents of Johnny are going to cope with loss of they youngest son. With myself being father I could not even imagine losing a child. I am not to sure how to deal with having to see a child being put in the ground to rest. I am not looking foward to this funeral at the end of the week it is going to be the sadest I think I will ever attend in my life.

Beau, in the span of a little over 12 months( this was a long time ago, but I still remember it all too well) i lost my Mom, my Dad, and my Sister in law.....she took her own life and left two baby girls behind.....all i know is that i would have NEVER gotten through it without my belief in God and my family.....i lost my only brother to cancer when i was 13...he was 25 and had a baby boy....i will never forget the pain my parents just indecribable, but with the help of your family, you will get through it. I dont think anyone gets over it, they just learn to deal with it as best they can as time goes really glad that your brother is doing good, all things considered...i give anything to get my brother back....enjoy every day you have with your family, be it your brother, wife, kids or who ever your close to......every day is a gift....just wanted to share this with you. i hope maybe it might help a little. Bill
Beau, in the span of a little over 12 months( this was a long time ago, but I still remember it all too well) i lost my Mom, my Dad, and my Sister in law.....she took her own life and left two baby girls behind.....all i know is that i would have NEVER gotten through it without my belief in God and my family.....i lost my only brother to cancer when i was 13...he was 25 and had a baby boy....i will never forget the pain my parents just indecribable, but with the help of your family, you will get through it. I dont think anyone gets over it, they just learn to deal with it as best they can as time goes really glad that your brother is doing good, all things considered...i give anything to get my brother back....enjoy every day you have with your family, be it your brother, wife, kids or who ever your close to......every day is a gift....just wanted to share this with you. i hope maybe it might help a little. Bill

I lost my son when he was 6 years old to cancer, and that was 41 years ago and I still greive for him, You just keep going and do the best you can and when you think of him just say another prayer for him and it will also help you.

Walt Barney
Bill and Walt,

I just cant imagine how anyone can loose a child it has got to be completely devastating. I was not as close to Johnny as my wife this was her close cousin, she is still shocked and is not ready to make the drive to Kansas to see him at his funeral, it is going to be hard to see such and young child with so much life to still live, it is just sad and I hope time will heal all wounds. This year has been a reality shock for me and I have done some real soul searching, to change some of my bad habits because life it truely very short. I do have a different outlook on various aspects of my life.

Bill and Walt,

I just cant imagine how anyone can loose a child it has got to be completely devastating. I was not as close to Johnny as my wife this was her close cousin, she is still shocked and is not ready to make the drive to Kansas to see him at his funeral, it is going to be hard to see such and young child with so much life to still live, it is just sad and I hope time will heal all wounds. This year has been a reality shock for me and I have done some real soul searching, to change some of my bad habits because life it truely very short. I do have a different outlook on various aspects of my life.


Support your wife in any way that you can it will very tough for her and you , both need to support each other as when one has a good day the other will have a bad day with Gods help to both of you, you will work your way thur this and be a better person, to understand how the other person feels.

Walt Barney

P S I also have a brother that was in very bad accident is now in a nursing home a will be there the rest of his life, He does not know me when I visit, and just sits and stares at the floor,if you talk to him he may or may not answer.has no control over any body functions and get feed by a stomach tube. This accident happened 10 years ago.
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