Please pray for Gary Erwine


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Thanks for the text and this posting. Gary were all with you in support and please just ask if any of us can help you or your family out in any way. our best wishes & prayers obviously.

I never met Gary in person, but bought a hull from him. He was a very nice person to deal with. My thoughts are with him and is family.

in our prayers hoping all goes well for a good friend. so we can all go racing again.
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Thaughts and prayers sent. hope every thing turns out all right. Gary is really a great guy been raceing him for years off and on.

The Atwell's
Gary, My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. You don't know how much you have helped me in this Hobby. Get well soon. Tom
gary, we had some issues in the past, but that is water under the bridge to me. get well soon, you are in my thoughts & prayers, buddy ;) .
Gary, whatever the health problems are that you have, im sure you will overcome them. You are in my prayers, and i hope we get to see each other at a boat race again soon. Bill
THANKS for the thougts . not seeing so good. hope you can read this. fact it non operable lymphoma brai canse found out a week ago wen when i got the first copptrerin just like conair

sorry for the mess.ill beat this im strong willed i have to or my wife will come apart please think of my famley bee back soon . thanks to all myfreins it does hit hard thanks gary
Man Gary that is just terrible we really hate to hear this kinda of news. my advice is to put it in GODS hands and know in your heart he can fix this and we will keep praying and thinking of you and you family.

The Atwells