Heart Attack - James Beasley


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Sounds like we are all having heart attacks but SURVIVING them for the most part. Mine was 8 years ago with a 99 percent blockage in one artery and a 75 percent blockage in another artery. They put a stent in the 99 percent blockage but did nothing for the 75 percent blockage. I lived with the 75 percent blockage for 5 years and felt at diminished capacity for the whole time until the blockage kept me from attending the gas nats at my favorite lake in Fort Richie. They finally put a stent in the second blockage and then I felt 100 percent! It appears that insurance does not kick in until the blockage is worse than 75 percent. It is ashame you have to wait until that stage to get insurance to kick in. periodic visits and a stress test avoided another heart attack. The original attack happened when I was digging up Pompass grass in the back yard. It was because plaque broke loose while working way to hard with the shovel. You can over exert yourself and BOOM the plaque breaks loose and your body tries to block the hole where it broke loose and it overreacts and blocks the artery, so I am told. I am not a Doctor. My advice.........don't over exert yourself! Get checked out at the Cardiologist even if you feel fine. If you do start feeling extra tired and no energy get checked out. Us old farts need to pay attention to our bodies more than we do to our boats.