Let's get Dorkhedeos a boat!


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somebodys getting excited?

PPG is a brand of paint that alot of us use to paint boats with. Rodney says you can see what he has and pick out a color that you may like.....
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I just realized the only thing the mono's missing is a ruddar and a strut. I might have a strut from an old Road Runner Rigger .21 but it's a hooky one. Anyone have an extra?


You still in for a fuel cell for the Concept tunnel??

Yup, Topfuel got it! I also have Sunset Rose, Fine Pearl White and Blue Pearl. Pearl added into the scheme could look nice on the boats to.
what did the package consist of? enough for you guys to do any work?

I thinks its an awesome thing you guys are doing, both donations and definatley Rodney willing to put in the time....

Iwaters RULES!!! ~ James
I didn't have much to offer. A bit of epoxy, brushes, two servos and extra hardware. If I can do anything more, let me know. Glad to help...

That was a lot of stuff you sent. All great stuff to!


The Mono hull came in this afternoon as well! Sweet looking boat!

[SIZE=14pt]Yeah, it's like Christmas time all right but all this free stuff for Dakrhedoes is gonna have my wife get suspicious, I'm sure she'll be convinced I've come up w/my best plan ever to sneak more boat stuff into the house....LOL I'll probably have to let her go blow a couple hundred bucks at Nordstroms or Neiman Marcus to bribe her.[/SIZE]
Hey Rod,

If you need anything for the Tunnel, just let me know and I will send it to you. TB
You know i have seen times when people would come together to help out others in times of need but you guys went over the top with this and i think it is great that we have people like all of you in the sport of RC Boats. With all the hate in the world at this time it done me good to read this and see that there is still a warm heart out there in this cold world we live in. You guys are the best and i am glad i found this website. As for the kid that is getting all this help i hope you have years of fun in the Rc Boat world and look farward to seeing pic's of you and the boat these great guys have put together for you.