info on 2009 namba nats


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I had a family event to go to and if i wanted to stay married ,well you know!
Yup, I do know. My wife was kind enough to "force" me into going to the NATs, so I had to make her happy. Found out when I got home it was so she could rearrange the living room :eek: Still have room to work on the boats so all is still good, especially since I was able to get all the parts I need to get my Muck up and running B) Now comes the fun part, getting decals made and painting. Something about 13 colors has me dreading the paint store
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Eric, did Alfred bring up the paddle boats I made? no response to my earlier reply regarding them. I spent alot of time on them...not looking for a brownie button, but some response would be nice. Bob
made it down to the races today .wet and cold but it was worth it . lots of fast riggers ,were can i pick one of those up.
made it down to the races today .wet and cold but it was worth it . lots of fast riggers ,were can i pick one of those up.

way off topic now but there are many set of free plans on here, and fire fighter boats has sweet riggers too!!!



I own one of each there all sweet!!
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Eric, did Alfred bring up the paddle boats I made? no response to my earlier reply regarding them. I spent alot of time on them...not looking for a brownie button, but some response would be nice. Bob
Hi Bob,

The paddle boats arrived safe, thank you. They look great. We are sorry that you couldnt make it up here.

Okay guys, set the beers down and post some results :)
If you really cared, you would be here. Pass the pitcher. Bottoms up.

Now Mike, you're supposed to be nice in the forums
Yeah Mike, you're supposed to be nice :p

I really care just poor. I was hoping you'd invite me to stay at your place, breakfast before each day of racing, rides to and from the lake and maybe even pit for me (I'd have to consult the other racers to see if your any good first :lol: ) But no, the offer never came. :(

Put the beers down and post some more results!!
A Stock

1 Eric Bourlet

2 Frank Crockett

3 Mark Anderson

C Hydro

1 Justin Hill

2 Craig Limbocker

3 Lenny Blake

Sport 21

1 Jerry Dunlap

2 Jim Wilson

3 Kelly Gruol

P Mono

1 David Newlnd

2 Tyler Garrard

3 Scott Bickford

B Stock

1 Alfred Lanza

2 Troy Davis

3 Mark Grim

X Hydro

1 Frank Crockett

2 Justin Hill

3 Alfred Lanza

C Mono

1 Jim Osborne

2 Bill Bridge

3 Jeff Harteau

A Hydro

1 Russ Nachtweih

2 Colton Holland

3 Robert Holland

P Spec Hydro

1 Brian Buaas

2 Chris Grim

3 David Newland

G1 Mono

1 Shannon Muth

2 Justin Hill

3 Alfred Lanza

GX1 Rigger

1 Team Hillborne

2 Karl Morse

3 Russel Stark

B Hydro

1 Jim Osborne

2 Steve Winks

3 David Holland

X Mono

1 Shannon Muth

2 Jim Wilson

3 Tod Osman

Sport X

1 Mark Grim

2 Alfred Lanza

3 Don Maher

Bottoms up and now to bed.

COWL???? You sold your boats!

I tell you what, when you get back into racing I'll make a cowl to fit whatever you buy :)

BTW, the whining is going to continue until the end of the Nats!

Put the beers down and post more results :angry:
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COWL???? You sold your boats!

I tell you what, when you get back into racing I'll make a cowl to fit whatever you buy :)

BTW, the whining is going to continue until the end of the Nats!

Put the beers down and post more results :angry:
Geez Glenn, calm down. Mike posted the results for 14 classes, what more do you want? Please don't say pictures and videos since I dont' think there is a designated photographer. BTW, I dont' drink beer. Do I have to put my Mt Dew down as well? :blink:
Would you believe I was actually just joking around......possible even just giving Mikey a hard time?

I know when you're hosting a Nats it's a lot of work......enjoy.
Would you believe I was actually just joking around......possible even just giving Mikey a hard time?

I know when you're hosting a Nats it's a lot of work......enjoy.
I figured as much, considering how hard of time I've been giving some of the guys this week :rolleyes:
Updates and pictures.....great.

My favorite pic of Alfred winning GX-1 Cat with my boat and it's still in one piece. Only has to survive 4 more heats of G-1 today.

All the results have been posted for the entire event. Only one class photo has not been provided - Classic Thunderboat. Thanks to Al Waters for gathering the top 3 finisher and fast time information for the week. He's been a little email challenged but ultimately was able to get me the information to post.
Thanks Chris.

Looks like the WA scale guys made a good showing! Winning Scale, Sport 60 with fast times and Thunderboat class.