If you can't win change the rules... they always say.


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Jan 14, 2006
Read the article.


So this reminds me of when I was a kid. When the neighbors always lost they made rules on the fly just to give themselves a chance. Problem was unless they prohibited just being good at playing the game they always lost.

So one GOP lawmaker stated that college students are emotional and are unable to vote responsibly.

In a recent speech to a tea party group in the state, House Speaker William O'Brien described college voters as "foolish." "Voting as a liberal. That's what kids do," he said, in remarks that were videotaped by a state Democratic Party staffer and posted on YouTube. Students, he said, lack "life experience" and "just vote their feelings."

Some GOP lawmakers in New Hampshire have billed the measures as an attempt to crack down on voter fraud in the state--but recent remarks from the newly elected GOP state House speaker have suggested otherwise.

Hello!?! this is the majority of voters in general. Who isn't influenced by their emotion toward one subject or another. What I find interesting about this is that there are so many arguments about the government putting the country in debt that are kids will have to pay back. We won't be around but "We must save our kids from this horrendous debt". But now it looks like the GOP is afraid the kids are not voting responsibly. I am sure they would not care if they felt the majority of students were voting in their favor. But I guess not. And since they are not... They are voting irresponsibly. Hahaha! How funny is this? So the way I see it if students are that much of an influence on the vote and they are on the side of those making decisions that increase the deficit then let 'em pay it back. I figure that argument of "save are kids from the deficit) is bogus anyway. But if it isn't they are obviously not worried about it... so why are you? You won't even be around.

But back to the right for students to vote. Really? I guess it's win at all cost even if it means infringing on our kids rights

Actually we shouldn't run up the debt but that didn't start with this adminstration. No reason to keep it going. Thing is someone gets heart no matter which way you go or we all still get hurt just in different ways. So I guess we fight over whether we want to be taken down at the knees or punched in the gut.
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WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I served almost 7 years in the Navy and have been in the work force for 20+ more and now, because I was forced to get a new trade I'm a kid? I think someone needs to tell that stupid idiot that almost as many 35+ year olds are in school as "kids". Hell, in my primary class, there are four of us with grey hair, has to say something :huh:
Legal voting age is legal voting age,... No matter what,.. Case closed. Let's just hope those young minds see the impending disaster that the current establishment is heading for..

"unsustainable" is not a dem or rep term... .. and that is what the government currently is..

When the PEOPLE work for the GOVERMENT,.. the country will fail.

Please excuse any spelling errors,.. years of spell check has weakend my spelling skills...

Not dem,.. or Rep,.. American.. These are only my person opinions.

Anthony Marquart
NOPE, NOPE, NOPE. Not gonna bite Roger but nice try in presenting your leftist spin again. I will tell you one thing though, the DEMS said the same shiznit when the GOP held majorities, this is NOTHING new and has been going on for a long time, NEITHER party truly gives a rat's butt about us "regular folk" anymore. :rolleyes:
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I do agree that it is all about the special interest

groups and the lobbists in Washington that is destroying

our country. It does not matter who the figurehead is for

their term.Corruption Is Everywhere These Days.

Sad To Say But True,

Mark Sholund

I do agree that it is all about the special interest

groups and the lobbists in Washington that is destroying

our country. It does not matter who the figurehead is for

their term.Corruption Is Everywhere These Days.

Sad To Say But True,

Mark Sholund
Mark, you forgot one. To me, a bigger problem is corporate greed. When you look at how much of what we use is made overseas or call centers that have been sent to India, Guatamala or the Philipeans due to the cheaper labor rates, is it any wonder the U S is starting to fail economically?

I do agree that it is all about the special interest

groups and the lobbists in Washington that is destroying

our country. It does not matter who the figurehead is for

their term.Corruption Is Everywhere These Days.

Sad To Say But True,

Mark Sholund
Mark, you forgot one. To me, a bigger problem is corporate greed. When you look at how much of what we use is made overseas or call centers that have been sent to India, Guatamala or the Philipeans due to the cheaper labor rates, is it any wonder the U S is starting to fail economically?
But aren't we all the extended arm of corporate greed. Yah sure, maybe most if not all of us have are not making a million plus in our annual salaries but if you had the opportunity would you turn it down? or would you give it back? I am not there yet either but I am certainly trying to map out my career path to reach that destination before my days of labor on this earth are done. Who else is going to build us an R/C boating stadium complete with air conditioned driver stand for the summer and heated in the winter. LOL! But back to my point if I should make it there I would think I worked hard enough to deserver it as do most if not all people. So should I give it back? Should I refuse it to begin with? But lets just talk about where I am now. I can find someone that does a pretty good job at what I do in India, China, Argentina, Russia or even in our home country in Idaho. But ask me today and I will say I deserve to be paid more. As would you and you and even you.

So then we put our hard earned money into IRA's, Mutual Funds, and Stocks hoping to get a return on our investment so we can build up a big enough nest egg for our retirement. So that requires are investments to yield profits and we all know that profits come from margin above opertating cost. The lower the cost the more the margin. The more the margin, the greater the profit. The greater the profit the better the return on our investment. And who doesn't want a return on their investment?

...And that's not just a leftist spin... BTW I thought you were working on boats... don't you have an inmessage to return? lol!
Im thinking this should be in the politics thread ????

Isnt that the deal
Im thinking this should be in the politics thread ????

Isnt that the deal
Oh! I was in the politics thread but then wanted to start a new topic and thought it would pop under Politics but he popped out here. I guess we are supposed to swing from one political topic to the other all in one thread I guess. Feel free to cut and past it in there I guess.
Roger, first and foremost ANYONE who is of legal age to vote should exercise thier RIGHT to vote! HOWEVER, the problem that concerns me is that many colleges, not ALL, but many are loaded with teachers, proffessors, and administrative faculty members who are in fact left wing liberal extremists who have no problem shoving thier agendas done these kids throats AND discriminating against these kids if they dont agree with it...ive seen it funneling down to the high school and yes even, elementry school level and i dont give a **** WHICH party is doing it, it is WRONG! Don YOU NAILED IT.....i wouldnt give you 2 cents for either party! I watched some interviews with several college kids the other night and could already see how they had been shaped by liberals with ellitist attitudes and though what they were saying sounded very "intelligent" they truley had a look on thier face like they were clueless as to why......these kids need to know and understand ALL views politically, and to be allowed to CHOOSE as they wish without being discriminated.....THATS DEMOCRACY!
I don't consider myself liberal or conservative. I think I have views that fall on both sides of each groups common thinking. I take the information that I take the time to absorb and I make a decision. Did I vote for Obama? Yes I did. Was it because he was African American? It had a lot to do with it. But if it was Hillary my vote for her would have had a lot to do with the fact that she was a woman. I was mostly interested in giving something different a chance. I might agree that both parties are not doing much good as they spend most of their efforts trying to protect themselves from each other. Reminds me of a few years back when a guy in my district were had fast record setting boats. Every heat was an all out battle. Although entertaining to watch we ended many a heat with a DNF. So much so that the the guy with the much slower boat. (We often lapped him in our battles) won the the year's high-point series. Although we were great, powerful and a spectacle to watch, in the end we could not finish the race. And you know what... we are at it again in a differet class. So maybe people ought to stop betting their money on great spectacular parties and vote on what makes sense to them. It may be something slow but it may also be steady and true to the end.

I am not sure any of our choices for this past presidency would have faired much different. The economic down turn was/still is difficult to manage. It think if there wasn't a bail out people would have criticized the government for not assisting and who among us common folk know of the collateral damage that might have caused... maybe even a depression. One could only guess. There are just too many variables for anyone to make that decision.