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A BIG Thanks to Stu, Paula, Kyle, the city and the people of Hobart. I know not many of you know me but, i brought the Madison down to it's home state and the people loved it! :rolleyes:

Great times! i want to reserve my spot for next year...Very much looking forward to it!

From Northern, Wisconsin were the days are always sunny and the fishing is great!

Big AL
Al, we had a little girl and her family stop by our pit area and her name is Madison. My son told her about your boat so maybe they stopped by your pit to have her picture taken with it.

We withdrew our pink Lazer 45 but found out that the ladyfolk like the pink ones and wanted their pix taken with it. The boat was plagued with radio problems but Joe Petro came down and offered to buy the hull so we stripped it down as he wants to use it to show off his mono hardware plus I wouldn't be surprised if he races it also.
On behalf of AquaCraft Models, Futaba, Odonnel racing fuel and OS Engines thank you for hosting a fantastic event. It takes countless hours to pull this off and we really thank you!

Also a huge thank you to the city of Hobart IN.. The food was great and when they are talking "The Friendly City" they just aint a kidding there..

Also.. Congrats to ALL the winners.. To win at the masters (heck to even place in the top 3) is a HUGE deal.

One last note.. congrats to my good Buddy John (Johno) Otto for being inducted into the IMPBA hall of fame. The mill master was in tears when they called his name and truth is how could he not.. To be thought of by your peers as "NEVER EVER being forgotten".. that is what the hall of fame is all about.. again congrats!

Thanks again

When are we gonna see the results? Sounds like a GREAT race...well done guys!!!

Stu or Bruce send me your database (after scores were entered) and I will post them for you!

I need to get you the updated Race Manager file so let me know when your ready for it. I know you guys need a break after such a great event!
I can't remember too many of the winners but Jul Alvarez beat John Otto in Open OB tunnel in a run-off and Stu got the Clock Tower/High Points award by it seems like around a mere 40-45 points. A few other classes had run-offs as there were only 3 rounds per class except for the twin 'riggers who really had to work for it. I think that some even surprised themselves for their finishes.

As for the IMPBA vs. the Evil NAMBA Empire it wasn't even close as by Saturday night the IMPBA team had almost a 5,000 point lead!

A huge THANK YOU to the sponsors as they really came through again this year, Stu of course giving away CMB's, Tower/AquaCraft/Futaba/etc., Zippkit's and many more whom I've forgotten as my list is still locked up in the trailer. The Hobart Chamber of Commerce also made a $500.00 donation to the Indy MBC to help cover expenses.

One last thing for now. I know that it's already been said many times before but you can't simply type the pride that you feel when you race at a venue like this and know what even being a small part of this event means to everyone that races or attends. I didn't see one racer who got into it with another or didn't stop to answer a question by a spectator. My pit area was one of the first at the north end by turn 6 so we had a lot of people stop by. When people asked if they could take a picture of one of my boats I felt honored. I got a lot of flak about my Detroit Red Wings Cat as I was in Blackhawks territory but all in fun.
...and a little something Ray Sametz and I did on behalf of the racers for the city of Hobart to say thanks for all they do for us. They plan to display it at City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce until it gets it's permanent home encased in glass at the new Community Center-
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...and a little something Ray Sametz and I did on behalf of the racers for the city of Hobart to say thanks for all they do for us. They plan to display it at City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce until it gets it's permanent home encased in glass at the new Community Center-
Great race site, great people and great fun! Thanks to the city of Hobart and the Indy club for putting on what has to be the grandest race I have ever attended!!!!!!! Put this one on your calendar for next year!!!!!!
...and a little something Ray Sametz and I did on behalf of the racers for the city of Hobart to say thanks for all they do for us. They plan to display it at City Hall and the Chamber of Commerce until it gets it's permanent home encased in glass at the new Community Center-
Sweet looking boat and something that will go along way with the city of Hobart and Model Boat Racing.

WTG Ray and Don!
WOW!!! What a race! It was all everyone said it would be and then more. The people of Hobart couldn't be any nicer to the boaters if they tried. Three of us even got a free drink in a bar one afternoon after we finished practicing with the boats because the guy thought what we were doing was cool. I saw old friends I haven't seen in more than ten years. I got to put faces to names I had known only through the phone or the computer and I met many new friends. The racing was great, too. Hats off to Stu Barr and everyone else who put on this show...........best race I've ever been to since I've been racing.

Dick Tyndall
WOW!!! What a race! It was all everyone said it would be and then more. The people of Hobart couldn't be any nicer to the boaters if they tried. Three of us even got a free drink in a bar one afternoon after we finished practicing with the boats because the guy thought what we were doing was cool. I saw old friends I haven't seen in more than ten years. I got to put faces to names I had known only through the phone or the computer and I met many new friends. The racing was great, too. Hats off to Stu Barr and everyone else who put on this show...........best race I've ever been to since I've been racing.

Dick Tyndall
Your right Dicky, WOW!!!!! Thanks Stu and the City of Hobart for the Luau Dinner, which was free to all the racers.
Thanks Don F. for your amazing finishes on the Hobart boat and the refreshments at the luau, we did seem to draw a crowd to our table.
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WOW!!! What a race! It was all everyone said it would be and then more. The people of Hobart couldn't be any nicer to the boaters if they tried. Three of us even got a free drink in a bar one afternoon after we finished practicing with the boats because the guy thought what we were doing was cool. I saw old friends I haven't seen in more than ten years. I got to put faces to names I had known only through the phone or the computer and I met many new friends. The racing was great, too. Hats off to Stu Barr and everyone else who put on this show...........best race I've ever been to since I've been racing.

Dick Tyndall
Your right Dicky, WOW!!!!! Thanks Stu and the City of Hobart for the Luau Dinner, which was free to all the racers.
Thanks Don F. for your amazing finishes on the Hobart boat and the refreshments at the luau, we did seem to draw a crowd to our table.
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That boat is amazing ..where did that dummy engine come from .?? :) :)
WOW!!! What a race! It was all everyone said it would be and then more. The people of Hobart couldn't be any nicer to the boaters if they tried. Three of us even got a free drink in a bar one afternoon after we finished practicing with the boats because the guy thought what we were doing was cool. I saw old friends I haven't seen in more than ten years. I got to put faces to names I had known only through the phone or the computer and I met many new friends. The racing was great, too. Hats off to Stu Barr and everyone else who put on this show...........best race I've ever been to since I've been racing.

Dick Tyndall
Your right Dicky, WOW!!!!! Thanks Stu and the City of Hobart for the Luau Dinner, which was free to all the racers.
Thanks Don F. for your amazing finishes on the Hobart boat and the refreshments at the luau, we did seem to draw a crowd to our table.
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That boat is amazing ..where did that dummy engine come from .?? :) :)

WOW!!! What a race! It was all everyone said it would be and then more. The people of Hobart couldn't be any nicer to the boaters if they tried. Three of us even got a free drink in a bar one afternoon after we finished practicing with the boats because the guy thought what we were doing was cool. I saw old friends I haven't seen in more than ten years. I got to put faces to names I had known only through the phone or the computer and I met many new friends. The racing was great, too. Hats off to Stu Barr and everyone else who put on this show...........best race I've ever been to since I've been racing.

Dick Tyndall
Your right Dicky, WOW!!!!! Thanks Stu and the City of Hobart for the Luau Dinner, which was free to all the racers.
Thanks Don F. for your amazing finishes on the Hobart boat and the refreshments at the luau, we did seem to draw a crowd to our table.
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That boat is amazing ..where did that dummy engine come from .?? :) :)

To bad the engine is dicast makes that boat weighs more. Jetpack has one of those HEMI engines at his place on a shelve. Joe picked it up and said that got alittle weight to it .But that boat look great thow.we had acouple of different things that was there. A guy brought a gas tractor puller there. the julls/wave waker brought his dog and he rode a 4 wheeler and had a jet ski for him to ride on too. and yes jack rode them both..
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The Miss Hobart is not a running model so the weight of the engine doesn't matter.

Behave yourself as I still have shots of Saturday night at Hooters not to mention those from Tony Packo's! :D
WOW, what a party and we raced boats too. Monday, I could hardly walk and had no voice. Tuesday, I spent the day with my wife. She very much deserved this. Results and thank you's will follow soon.