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Just picked up a couple used Futaba 603ff receivers. Thinking since I dont know how they were treated might be wise to change out the antenna. Should I go with the long wire or short? 2.4 is all new to me since I have been running 75mhz. Fingers crossed on the 603FF receivers. couldnt pass up the deal.
Just for reference, be careful with the tabs when opening case, they break easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pltXeEvRDts
Gonna havta get one of those antenna tubes:


Hmmm, what color is gonna work on the Mutt?
For those that use the longer antenna. Is there a proven range advantage or just personal preference?
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You have more than enough range with the short antenna, They just cant get used to the idea that you can leave the antenna inside the radio box.
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Has anyone tried the new recievers that you can get that does not have any antenna ?
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No Ray I seen them with my own eyes

The new 4px you can get the telemetry receivers with no antenna at all
Has anyone tested the range of the long vs. short antenna?

We have NEVER proven more range.. not in ANY testing we have done..

There is going to be zero difference as the antenna on both are exactly the same. The antenna is only the last inch of either wire where the coax shield has been stripped back.

The longer wire will actually have more losses than the short wire(although barely measurable)so unless you need the extra length for some ridiculous reason there is no use for them. People put them on thinking longer is a better antenna over all. If you can just get the last inch straight up in a tube any distance is all you need to get it vertically polarized and have your transmitter up and not laid over that is about as good as it gets. About the only reason would be to get above a carbon cowling but other than that fiberglass and wood are both invisible to 2.4ghz.

Last time we talked about Fasst antenna's and I mentioned that the coax wire is more delicate and to never fold them over the top of a tube and put a cap on one like a FM wire or you can consider it likely damaged.

Almost 10 people here said the are just as tough as any FM wire ever was and I was informed they are not one bit more delicate than any antenna wire has ever been. I just shook my head and thought about how clueless people can be sometimes. Just wrote it off to inhalation of too much nitro.

Never have heard of any connector issues though. Never have ruined one myself but have seen quite a few people manage to damage the coax. Why? Because you can not treat one like the old FM wire or you will ruin the coax. Kinks, folds and sharp bends and abrasion can all damage the coax pretty easily if you don't treat it with a little more respect than a old FM stranded wire antenna.
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Just picked up a couple used Futaba 603ff receivers. Thinking since I dont know how they were treated might be wise to change out the antenna. Should I go with the long wire or short? 2.4 is all new to me since I have been running 75mhz. Fingers crossed on the 603FF receivers. couldnt pass up the deal.
Just for reference, be careful with the tabs when opening case, they break easy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pltXeEvRDts
Looks like his bottle of Jack has gone bad.....LOL
I've used both long and short THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE! Both work great.
For me personally the longer antenna was never a question of range. Just makes it easier to clear the cowl on sp 40 and scales without kinking. Getting that last inch outside the boat is the key.
I found the opposite... I don't have to worry about placing or having an antenna to deal with. Mine stay in the box.. no muss!

I watched a carbon fiber boat beach itself At full song due to the antenna being in the radio box... Not sure if it was the ff or fs.
Guys I have the Futaba 400mm boat antennas. $14 each plus shipping. Regular short ones are $4 plus shipping. PM me if ya want any.
I dont run CF boats.. That IS a different deal. Still dont need longer. . but do need it out of the hull.

And that is one of the reasons I don't use CF in my boats as well. As far as bending a 2.4 antenna, feel free to do so. The trick is to not bend it any tighter than 10X the size of the outer insulator jacket. Bend it any tighter and you're asking for trouble
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The longer antenna allows way more flexibility on placement in your radio box, THAT is why I use them. I run my antenna tubes just tall enough to get the last inch (actual antenna) above tuned pipes and carbon fiber lids.