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Good point Jim.. how do we get the gamers to come over and play boat?

dunno, man. If someone's not interested, you can't make them be interested. Trying to force the issue will probably drive them away faster.

I think it's to expensive for young people to get into. I know I wouldn't be able to do it if it wasn't for my dad. It helps we build our own boats but it's still very expensive.
Cost is one thing, but I think you've touched on another side of the issue. You've got family who have been racing successfully for a long time, so you've had a lot of experience to tap into. you can't just jump into racing with both feet or you're going to get your ass handed to you like I did. If you're green and you don't know who to go to for coaching and advice, you might feel like giving up.
I wouldn't be in this hobby if it wasent for my dad. It would cost to much. That's why I think it's hard to get young people into it.
The way I see it since the turning of the Century??? Is Finances is the biggest problem for those that try to race on a regular basis?? For myself I have an ongoing problem with the Governing Race Party here in Florida so I prefer to play in District 13!! When Politics get in the way that is a true deterrent to participating.. Seperation of the classes would be a good thing in my opinion?? We do a good job with the Grand Prix series with mixing Nitro Tunnels and Gas Classes.. But when you want a 250 boat turn out I believe you will have problems to make all classes.. I just checked the entry list for the Atlanta Grand Prix and only find I am the ONLY Gas Sport Hydro registered Hey it's two weeks from the race?? Now I'm hauling boats to races I can't run?? As soon as 3 years ago Gas Sport Hydro was one of the most popular classes.. People is not the problem the costs and economy is our Major Enemy!!!! Thank You!!


I am not sure about other areas but we are seeing a lot of RTRs (Miss Vegas) at our races.

I checked tower hobbies and they are 350.If I remember correctly you just need to upgrade the prop (22) and turn fin (18) and your set to race. (this inclueds radio and starter)
our club did a group buy of Miss Vegas boats a couple of years ago and got them for $280/ea from a local hobby shop. Tower isn't the be-all, end-all.
i don't think it comes down to money.. kids that play video games fork over TONS & TONS of money for games. . 70 plus a game. plus all the crap that goes along with them headsets controls ect ect.

at the end of the day. it comes down to if you want to do it you will if you don't you won't.. and i will say it again.. people want a plug and play. easy.. if it involves work, or any sort of physical situation. they will walk away from it.
i don't think it comes down to money.. kids that play video games fork over TONS & TONS of money for games. . 70 plus a game. plus all the crap that goes along with them headsets controls ect ect.

at the end of the day. it comes down to if you want to do it you will if you don't you won't.. and i will say it again.. people want a plug and play. easy.. if it involves work, or any sort of physical situation. they will walk away from it.
You are right Chris, it is for the most part NOT the money. I am watching guys put their boats on the shelf and offten times do something that is more expensive. I think that the large numer of classes are a big part of the problem. With 25 classes at some of the BIG events a racer must enter several boats, which IS a money and time issue or be willing to sit idle for MANY hours waiting to run his one or two boats. Look at the up coming Nitro Only race in Florida. The number of classes is limited and the rigger classes are fuller than I have seen in a LONG time. 19 .45 riggers and good turnouts in the other rigger classes. And that is a race that is at the end of the world where most can not afford to travel to and in a state where nitro is only hanging on by a thread.

It's time for minimal class, specialty races. Then a racer can attend with just a couple of boats and do lots of racing. NEW and EXCITING events are what we need, but NOT too many of them until the attendence rebuilds.
You know I feel it is a combination of a few things.

1. Less people building stuff in general, if it is RTR and it is FAST and really cool folks will buy it - Has to be kind of easy also

2. To many choices to take your time/money - I guess it is the "me" generation deal they want it all and right now!

3. We want to do it all, super moms and dads spoil the kids with so much "stuff" they never anchor into anything and do well, at least the kids get to see many things

4. Poor economy, face it hard work no longer makes it a slam dunk to have all the cool toys, stuff just keep going up in cost and wages are not tracking the same speed.

5. Willingness of the current boaters to bring in new blood, drag them in if you have to! I too feel this one, it is hard to get the young folks interested enough to STAY with the boat path.

Just my 2 cents worth, and we all know 2 cents will not get you ANYTHING these days!!!!

The hobby is in great shape. D1 is exploding. Between D1 and D2 races in Michigan I have almost too much to choose from. However this past weekend was a situation where I couldn't run my 40 rigger (if it was ready) as the D hydro class only had 2 entries. In a case like this if it happened in multiple years, more racers would enter a format like: Open hydro, Open Mono, & Scale. That way, gas, nitro can all play together. Makes no difference to me as now I can race. Where as with class racing, I was out due to only 2 boats entered my class. Maybe sometimes, Open is the way to go.
You know I feel it is a combination of a few things.

1. Less people building stuff in general, if it is RTR and it is FAST and really cool folks will buy it - Has to be kind of easy also

2. To many choices to take your time/money - I guess it is the "me" generation deal they want it all and right now!

3. We want to do it all, super moms and dads spoil the kids with so much "stuff" they never anchor into anything and do well, at least the kids get to see many things

4. Poor economy, face it hard work no longer makes it a slam dunk to have all the cool toys, stuff just keep going up in cost and wages are not tracking the same speed.

5. Willingness of the current boaters to bring in new blood, drag them in if you have to! I too feel this one, it is hard to get the young folks interested enough to STAY with the boat path.

Just my 2 cents worth, and we all know 2 cents will not get you ANYTHING these days!!!!

"3. We want to do it all, super moms and dads spoil the kids with so much "stuff" they never anchor into anything and do well, at least the kids get to see many things"

Paul, I think you hit the big one right there. I think that is the biggest reason of all.

I had ONE boat during my first six years of r/c boating. The Radio cost $250 and I had $150 in the engine,..,,and I used a leather boot lace to start it the first 4 years., but minimum wage was $2.00. The radio and engine investment represented 200 hrs on the job. Even more if taxes are accounted for. Today's minimum wage will bring in $1500 for 200 hrs on the job. That would buy a top shelf radio and engine today which will function in a very superior level of performance compared to what I purchsed in 1973 for $400.

R/C boating is only TOO expensive for those whos "WANTS" are TOO big.

Roger Hooks is promoting a new race for next year. Only ONE boat is needed to compete for ALL of the bragging rights. It's an Open class, "Run what ya Brung" type of race. Several qualifying rounds and several "finals" rounds means lots of racing with just one boat. Any NAMBA legal boat can enter and everyone will race for ONE Grand Prize, First place trophy. No need for a trailer full of boats! One boat in the back of the Civic or Cooper and you are ready to race with the best of the best for ALL the marbles! FUN and RELETIVELY inexpensive!
Cost of living today is also a factor, 200.00 dollars today will not buy what 200.00 would back in the day, not even close. Just because wages have almost doubled doesn't mean your living any better, cost of everything has doubled or worse since then.
With $ 1000.00 a month in gas , $1200.00 in property taxes , mortgages , insurance ,tuitions , repairs on things's hard to stash money for RC boating , cold beer etc . Things change , period . I don't think there is a single reason but many reasons .
All of the things affecting our hobby have always been there and always will be , economy, money, family etc. etc.

What has changed is the number of classes, we went from a dozen or so to 50/60 classes while are numbers are probably close to what they were when we had limited classes , it's just simple math.

We have way to many options and not enough racers, can it be fixed? Sure but it's going to take leadership, focus and direction and an understanding by everyone that things need to change to get better..
Some of you simply refuse to take off the rose colored glasses and accept reality of our now plug and play society. Sure go ahead and streamline/reduce classes but if you do it based on popularity and/or boat count (how else would you do it?) you'll most likely be slitting your own throats as nitro racers. We started running open classes to get the nitro boats BACK ON THE WATER because the classes were not making on their own and the ones still running them (like me) had NO PLACE TO PLAY. Yes there are big nitro races that we travel to BUT look around, it's basically the same people attending them. When you get a new local boater what are they showing up with??? Hint- it isn't nitro. The problem is not the number of classes the problem is the FACT that the classes many of us like to run are not getting new blood to replace the ones dropping out. All I'll say at this point is since some of you make it sound so simple and want to tell us how it needs to be done speaking of leadership, focus and direction then STEP UP become a BOD member. It's always so easy to sit back and tell everyone what's wrong and what others need to do................
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I don't have the answers but number of classes sure is a hot topic at the races these days. May be time for the BOD to take a look at. I'm sure if they need help all they would need to do is ask. What really sucks is clubs running 2 and 3 boat heats just to pay the bills.
Don, I agree reducing classes may not be the answer. Maybe the burden is on th club or CD of the event to notify the entrants of low registration and that (?#) boats of (whatever class) can become one open class for that day. For me it's better than sitting at home on the Playstation. I don't feel we can gripe if we are offered any chance to participate.
QUOTE ... ''All I'll say at this point is since some of you make it sound so simple and want to tell us how it needs to be done speaking of leadership, focus and direction then STEP UP become a BOD member. It's always so easy to sit back and tell everyone what's wrong and what others need to do................''

Don. I have the utmost respect for you and all that you have done for the hobby however, your quote above is not what I would have expected from an IMPBA Board Member.

Why does this issue keep coming up? Simple ... IT'S a problem! Instead of telling people to step up why not listen to what the membership has to say and act accordingly. Those of us who speak up are called complainers or trouble-makers. We, the membership have voted in the IMPBA BOD to show leadership and do what is best for the hobby. I hope this issue will be discussed at your next meeting. Or ... why not add another class. Maybe that will fix everything. (sarcasm)
Don, I agree reducing classes may not be the answer. Maybe the burden is on th club or CD of the event to notify the entrants of low registration and that (?#) boats of (whatever class) can become one open class for that day. For me it's better than sitting at home on the Playstation. I don't feel we can gripe if we are offered any chance to participate.
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner folks! Classes got added because members ASKED for them (gee Randy that sure sounds like listening to the membership and acting accordingly) and there is nothing that says you have to offer all the classes, you offer what is running and popular in your given area. If a class has a low boat count then it's up to the people in that area to generate the interest. I stand behind everything I have posted and the answers start with everyone looking in the mirror and not looking for someone or something else to pin the blame or responsibility on.
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