2010 NAVIGA World Championships


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Yes, I heard that some of the Germans were hoping to host in 2012. But, I was told that they do not have their national organization's approval at this time.

I think that Germany would be a good choice for me as it is easy to get flights to Berlin or Frankfort.

Mr. Hobbs,

Does NAVIGA promotes speed time trials, and can you post a link to their WEB page.
maybe andy and al or someone over on the other side of the pond can answer this.

i notice in alot of the pics. from this yr and a few yrs in past.. this is a BIG BIG deal.. lots people. opening ceremonies ect.. why is it so different for over seas than here? i mean this to me looks like the daytona 500 of boat racing so to speak.. citys look like a pump a bunch of money into this deal?

is this how i am seeing this or maybe the pic's don't give me the whole story?


maybe andy and al or someone over on the other side of the pond can answer this.

i notice in alot of the pics. from this yr and a few yrs in past.. this is a BIG BIG deal.. lots people. opening ceremonies ect.. why is it so different for over seas than here? i mean this to me looks like the daytona 500 of boat racing so to speak.. citys look like a pump a bunch of money into this deal?

is this how i am seeing this or maybe the pic's don't give me the whole story?


Yes! It is a VERY big deal over there in Europe. The first World Champs I went to in France....the entire front straight was lined with grand stands for spectators that paid money to watch! Imagine that! The race even made the FRONT PAGE of the newspaper. My picture was on the front page of the paper Above the winner of the 1998 tour de France. Imagine that too! Every year it is the same. There is a parade through town..the Mayor speaks, bands play...the race is TWO WEEKS LONG. They are serious about their racing. If you check the entries you will see about 35 entries in every hydro class and 75 entries in every FSR-V class. That DOES NOT include Juniors. YES!...there is a Juniors class for each boat class.

Racers travel a VERY long way to get there. I've seen the Russian teams arrive on buses. Half of them Junior racers(under 18). Australia, South Africa, Argentina, China, New Zealand and on and on.

They ALWAYS use the AMB lap counting system. There are Many Judges, officials, (CDs) and they DO NOT race. There are also language interpreters.

A FULL entire day is used for CHECK-IN and Equipment Inspection. They look and they test. They make sure your radio works and is tune properly and your boat is mechanically sound.

Others can say more and correct me where I am incorrect.
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Al Hobbs said:
The 2012 site has not yet been announced.

To this point no country has offered to host the next NAVIGA World Championships.
A little bird told me that Germany is trying to get the WC-2012 organised.

And hip hip hurray for the (for us) new FSR-V-25 / FSR-H-25 and FSR-O-25 classes.

The 35 class will remain .. but I'll doubt it will live on much longer.

Huge hulls , expensive engines .

Competing with a 25cc engine against a 35cc engine seemed not fair.

Although my buddy Marc Weijenberg became 4th with a 25cc (CC-Pro-mod or M&D) engine ,

just 2 seconds after Chris Hoff with his 35cc engine (CMB or SG)

Maybe CMB or SG is seeing now a market for a serious racing engine.

A reed-engine would make the most power I think ... but a Zimmermann-disk would be easyer to maintain.
I was'nt at the NAVIGA meeting but I do beleive the new gas classes (H/O/V) are 27 cc - not 25 cc.

Congrats on your Bronze metal finish Niklas!

It was no easy task to make the finals. Everyone had to win heats to make the top eight and there was no room to drop a heat.

Seven heats of fierce head to head racing! Makes for true World Champions!

Congrats to Kjell Gunner! On top of his game as usual!
Thanks Andy,

Yes, in 4+4 heats of racing I dropped 1 heat so I was third and not second (as if that would have been a "sure" thing). You really need to have your game on and be consistent to finish good. I could have got the silver (but I didnt) and Im very happy with my bronze medal! KG is a true champion of course, he has everything (most of the time) under control. I was one of very few that took a start before him in hydro during the complete world champs - but then he took the lead back half a lap later... :) ;)

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No Question but that it is a big deal for many people. Some people come just to support their team. Not to race, but just to support their country's team.

Both Andy and I attended some great races in France, Slovenia and Poland. To get into the pit area and meet the racers in France, spectators had to pay extra. While the NAVIGA event was going on, the Tour de France was close and there was a big sports car event in LeMans, not far from the boat race site. A French woman stopped by the USA pits to say hello. I asked her why she had paid to see model boats race and paid extra to talk to the drivers when she could watch the Tour de France or LeMans. She said she had seen the Tour and LeMans before but had never seen model boats. Then she said, "Racing is Racing".

The attitude towards model boats in Europe is that it is a sport. The attitude in the USA is that model boats are a hobby. Big difference in attitude! Because it is a sport in Europe, there are often big crowds of spectators. National television covered some of the Hungary event.

The race is very expensive to put on and normally unless a company or a wealthy person subsidizes the race, the local club loses thousands of dollars. Judges and officials are compensated for working at the race. The host team must rent meeting rooms for the organization. Normally the race site charges a lot of money to allow the boats to use the facility. This is why entries are higher than in the USA and why the banquets cost more as well.

But, it is a great experience. I've made so many friends it is amazing.

Al Hobbs

that is amazing to me.. just show's how different things are across the world.. that would be cool if it was more like that but at the same time.. i can just see the LEVEL go up 10 fold and the seriousness would be even greater

( i already have a hard enough time convincing myself of that lol )

interesting to say the least.. i hope to find the funds to do this one day.. even if i got WAXED i would enjoy it lol

One thing you will see is that the top racers, whether from USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, or elsewhere are all really good. There is no question but that some boaters can win anywhere.

For certain, in Europe the sport is a gentlemen's sport. There is no yelling or swearing on the drivers' stand. The judges' calls stand without a lot of whining or complaining. I don't agree with all of their rules and methods, but experencing my favorite hobby be treated as a sport and given the respect due a sport, means a lot personally.
One thing you will see is that the top racers, whether from USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, or elsewhere are all really good. There is no question but that some boaters can win anywhere.

For certain, in Europe the sport is a gentlemen's sport. There is no yelling or swearing on the drivers' stand. The judges' calls stand without a lot of whining or complaining. I don't agree with all of their rules and methods, but experencing my favorite hobby be treated as a sport and given the respect due a sport, means a lot personally.
What??? No yelling, swearing, complaining. Why that's downright Unamerican!!! :D :D

Is there a rule book, web page, etc. place were we can find and read all the necessary official information associated with NAVIGA. So far all I see is a lot fragmented information.

Please advice
Is there a rule book, web page, etc. place were we can find and read all the necessary official information associated with NAVIGA. So far all I see is a lot fragmented information.

Please advice

rule books are quite hard to find in the Naviga website...

You better ask P. Shaft (Leader of the model racing boats section) for up-to-date Naviga official FSR-V/H and FSR-O rule books.

His e-mail adress is here

Otherwise, you can download a compound, but unofficial, Naviga H/V/O rulebook

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