2012 CMB World Tunnel Championships now accepting entries!


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Blah blah blah.. that's what I just read. Just make sure Deryl has the fixins for the Perlo!
Great Day of racing yesterday! Glassy tunnel boat water most all day. Made for tough racing and everyone trying to get into lane one in the first turn.Looks like good water for the rest of the weekend.
I'm waiting to hear about how things are going also...

Ron...? James...? Mr Loeb...?

I'm waiting to hear about how things are going also...

Ron...? James...? Mr Loeb...?

Awesome race so far, you could not order up more prefect water and weather. Once in a while some crazy wind pops up to make it interesting, but overall wonderful weather and racing. I am set to take FE Q Tunnel, have a perfect score after 4 rounds. All I have to do is score more than 50 points in the final heat of Gas OB Tunnel and I will be smiling for another year, my fingers are crossed. Round 4 of Gas OB was wild and exciting, I was hit 3 times and survied them all. Ron "Kamakazi"

Shaw tried to dive in under me on bouy 2 on the last lap to steal my victory but I suckered him into thinking I would slide out as per my previous laps and that resulted in his boat running over the bow f mine, I survied and he was dead wood!!! Oh the pain. Dick and Carol are doing well, Buddy Lowe has a shot at winning the 40 Mod class if all goes in his favor tomorrow. My race weekend started bad as on my very first heat my 20 Vision leaned out before I ever made it to the first bouy upon launch. By the time the heat was over it had done the belly roll and went down to fish land. The CMB club has a club diver and he graciously went down after the end of the days racing and brought it back to the light of day within one minute. Cool beans! I am running 13 class, dropped OB Hydro after my boat ran away off into the woods, breaking a bunch of stuff. Ron Shaw is running 12 classes as well. We are in Tunnel Heaven. later, Beasley
Good stuff James! Thanks for the very informative update! I wish all of you in D.12 the best of luck!

Get the FE Q tunnel crown James! Tell Dick, Carol and Ron I said hello!

The scores through today's racing have been posted to rcracingevents.com Click on the race results, then the Charleston Model Boaters, then on the 2012WTC. We ran 72 heats today and are several classes from finishing round 4. Tomorrow we will finish round 4 and then complete round 5. Should be finished about 1 pm.

The racing has been exceptionally competitive, the most in the past 3 years. The hottest classes are Sport B, B and D tunnel classes. Scores are exceptionally tight in those classes and in many others. Racing conditions have been the best in several years. The Vision boats, the Lynx/Shaman boats have performed exceptionally well and Ron Shaw has done well also with the LeeCraft hulls. The HTV's (Halbrehder) and the HTB's are also doing well. Dick and Carol Loeb are doing very good with the ML hulls. Shawn Junker 40 mod boat is smoking fast it is like a rocket on the water. Some racers have had the gremlins come along with them. Tomorrow will be a shootout and I will post the final scores tomorrow evening.

During yesterday's racing we had James Beasley's 20 boat sink, Bob Kensill had his record setting Tommy Lee 40 hull hit and the cowl sunk and my pipe from my 20 fell off after a bolt sheared. Anthony Black, the CMB Prez, went diving and located all parts in about 20 minutes. Rather interesting day to say the least.

Now to bed as 6 am comes early.
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Thanks John! Good to read your post as well!! Much appreciated!!

Good luck to you tomorrow!!

Looks like the Vision boys got the ModVp's running just right, thats gotta hurt. Way to go Rich and Jeff.

The final results for the 2012 WTC race has been uploaded onto rcracingevents.com. Click on Race Results, then the Charleston Model Boater and then the 2012 WTC. The racing was exceptionally intense and hard fought and the winners earned every accolades that can be afforded to them.

The winners for each class are:

Sport B Tunnel - Jimmy Duncan

B Tunnel - Mic Halbrehder

Sport D Tunnel - Shane Adderley

D Tunnel - Ron Shaw by runoff over Buddy Lowe

E/F Tunnel - Ron Shaw

Open Tunnel - Jay Halbrehder, perfect score with an FE boat

MOD-VP Tunnel - Shawn Junker, perfect score with a Vision hull

Gas Tunnel - James Beasley

FE P Limited Tunnel - Dick Loeb

FE P Tunnel - Jay Halbrehder by runoff over Dick Loeb

FE Q Tunnel - James Beasley

B OB Hydro - Ron Shaw

Sport B Kneeler - Mike Brevorot

The big winners with the awards after a lot of hard work were:

Jay Halbrehder - 6

James Beasley - 5

Jimmy Duncan - 4

Ron Shaw - 4

Dick Loeb - 3

Shane Adderley - 3

James Clegg - 3

Bobby Lewellyn - 3

Many thanks to all that attended the race. We had great weather and calm water to compete this race. Put this one in the books. Up next for the CMB club is the 2012 IMPBA Internats May 26 - June 02.
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Thanks CMB for a wonderful race. Special thanks to the CD's, Premo and Knight, to the retrieve boat drivers, score keepers, pit bosses, JJ and her hard work, to Mike B. for being the best pit man ever, and to Joe Tumbleston and his brother Charlie for the use of their property for the race. This is one of the best tunnel race sites on the East Coast. Thanks again!!!......... ;)

PS......One of the highlights of the race happened well after a full day of racing at a local Japanese restaurant. Lets just say if Chic Fillet ever decides to switch from cows to chickens for their mascot, Otto's their man for the chicken suit and chicken dance!!!!!!!!............ :eek:

Videos will be coming soon, right Jr???????????............ ;)
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Thanks CMB for a wonderful race. Special thanks to the CD's, Premo and Knight, to the retrieve boat drivers, score keepers, pit bosses, JJ and her hard work, to Mike B. for being the best pit man ever, and to the Corbin's for the use of their property for the race. This is one of the best tunnel race sites on the East Coast. Thanks again!!!......... ;)

One correction please. Joe Tumbleston with his brother Charlie, owns the property.

We try to stage the very best races possible for all coming. We know we have one of the best racing sites anywhere and we are blessed having it available.

One correction please. Joe Tumbleston with his brother Charlie, owns the property.

We try to stage the very best races possible for all coming. We know we have one of the best racing sites anywhere and we are blessed having it available.
Correction made. Thanks John..... ;)
The final results for the 2012 WTC race has been uploaded onto rcracingevents.com. Click on Race Results, then the Charleston Model Boater and then the 2012 WTC. The racing was exceptionally intense and hard fought and the winners earned every accolades that can be afforded to them.

The winners for each class are:

Sport B Tunnel - Jimmy Duncan

B Tunnel - Mic Halbrehder

Sport D Tunnel - Shane Adderley

D Tunnel - Ron Shaw by runoff over Buddy Lowe

E/F Tunnel - Ron Shaw

Open Tunnel - Jay Halbrehder, perfect score with an FE boat

MOD-VP Tunnel - Shawn Junker, perfect score with a Vision hull

Gas Tunnel - James Beasley

FE P Limited Tunnel - Dick Loeb

FE P Tunnel - Jay Halbrehder by runoff over Dick Loeb

FE Q Tunnel - James Beasley

B OB Hydro - Ron Shaw

Sport B Kneeler - Mike Brevorot

The big winners with the awards after a lot of hard work were:

Jay Halbrehder - 6

James Beasley - 5

Jimmy Duncan - 4

Ron Shaw - 4

Dick Loeb - 3

Shane Adderley - 3

James Clegg - 3

Bobby Lewellyn - 3

Many thanks to all that attended the race. We had great weather and calm water to compete this race. Put this one in the books. Up next for the CMB club is the 2012 IMPBA Internats May 26 - June 02.
congrats to all.

A shout out to Karen Kensil for driving her newly updated OMC Gen 1 into 4th place against some TOUGH competition in Mod-VP. Was her first race with the boat. Also heard she was out front at least once over the weekend. Way to go!
A shout out to Karen Kensil for driving her newly updated OMC Gen 1 into 4th place against some TOUGH competition in Mod-VP. Was her first race with the boat. Also heard she was out front at least once over the weekend. Way to go!
She ran really well with your OMC Mark. We pitted beside the Kensil's and John, a young man they are introducing into the hobby. They are great people and have definitely set a "boating" hook into him. He was very excited and always willing to help launch or carry boats to and from the pits. Bob and Karen are ending up teaching him about much more than just boats. Thanks again Bob for the boat exchange you made with me. Hopefully you will be hearing about it again one day soon..... :D