Workhorses vs. Showhorses


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That's great!! :p

The choice is clear- gimme a workhorse any day. :)

Sure beats the smoke & mirrors boys on the Dem's ticket! :p

The mirror is already there & the smoke will be the hairspray when it ignites from the heat of the camera lights!! :lol:
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Hey Don,

I've got one thing to say:

Any man that has his own compact should NOT, I repeat NOT, be elected Vice President of The United States! :lol:

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Kevin Whitehead said:
Hey Don,
I've got one thing to say:

Any man that has his own compact should NOT, I repeat NOT, be elected Vice President of The United States! :lol:



Jerry Wyss said:
Like They say " any Campaign Full of Crap Like Theirs Deserves Two Johns"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Oh Oh Politics and Im on the wrong side! Being in high level business and having a global account base; We are watching this joke from affar (canada an EU). If that handi-capable Bush guy get's into office again, The US dollar is going to slide lowerby another 10 - 15 cents in a matter of months. In essence, Good for me "personally" as I can buy your boats "at par" but from a financial aspect, As i get paid in US dollars, It wont be worth Squat as the US "green Back" wont be worth the paper that its written on.

To Add, YOU my friendly restless nighbours to my south, Will be Paying BIG BUCKS for , Our Steel (we supply you with 40%), Our Lumber (we supply you with 60%), Our Water (we supply you more than what we consume at a nice $), Not to mentior our FAR superior Beer!!!!! I dare say you's is Fooked should Bush get in. What do you think will happen when your Suadi partners Increase the cost of oil and your dollar goes Down????? I trully do hope you guys make it out ok as your economy is in one hell of a slump!!
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It's very simple. :) If you work for someone else, own a small business and make less than $200,000 a year vote Democrat. If you make more than $200,000 a year or own a large business, you vote republican. Peroiod - regardless of who is running. Lets face it , all politicans lie to gain office. ;)
Man, Bruce Springstien is makin under 200G's????????????????????

Correctly stated; If your an American making 200G's or less, Vote Democrat.

If your an American that Would Like to Make 200G's and work in American, Vote Dems.

If your an American running a Company with Manufacture In America and hope to make 200G's, Vote Democrat. If your an American, Who has a company that has Off-Shore manufacture and love the additional 137 Tax incentives and shelters put in place STRICTLY for Off-Shore service by GW . Bush, Vote Replublican (You may need to name your first born Boo-Pinder as he will need a Job in India)

riph said:
It's very simple.  :)   If you work for someone else, own a small business and make less than $200,000 a year vote Democrat.  If you make more than $200,000 a year or own a large business, you vote republican.  Peroiod - regardless of who is running.  Lets face it , all politicans lie to gain office. ;)

Speedway said:
Oh Oh Politics and Im on the wrong side!  Being in high level business and having a global account base; We are watching this joke from affar (canada an EU).  If that handi-capable Bush guy get's into office again, The US dollar is going to slide lowerby another 10 - 15 cents in a matter of months.  In essence,  Good for me "personally" as I can buy your boats "at par" but from a financial aspect,  As i get paid in US dollars, It wont be worth Squat as the US "green Back" wont be worth the paper that its written on.   
To Add,  YOU my friendly restless nighbours to my south,  Will be Paying BIG BUCKS for , Our Steel (we supply you with 40%), Our Lumber (we supply you with 60%), Our Water (we supply you more than what we consume at a nice $),  Not to mentior our FAR superior Beer!!!!!  I dare say you's is Fooked should Bush get in.  What do you think will happen when your Suadi partners Increase the cost of oil and your dollar goes Down?????    I trully do hope you guys make it out ok as your economy is in one hell of a slump!!


"that handi-capable Bush guy "

What, are you 14 years old?

You don't know jack about economics. That is for sure.

American $ = 1.217 Canadian $

If you guys would get your acts together and toss out your Socialist overseers, perhaps more people up there could actually afford R/C hobbies.
Hey Kev, I'll type slower for you. Iiiimm Nooot Baaashhing Buuushh or Keeerrryyyy. Im stating the facts.

Im 32 and have more Financial cred under my belt than I care to mention. Its just economics dude. Im the "Anti-socialist" up here and its sad to say that with all the "free stuff" we pay for in taxes and all the extra's we have that we dont need, Our dollar is at 82 cents today banging the US green-back!!! It wasnt just a few years ago that is wat 68 Cents! Our Economy is blistering to the brink of Inflation and colapse because yours is so poor! Housing starts in my "hood" exceeded 130,000 units!!!! My new house that I pid 460G's for went UP 180G's in 1 year!! I hear a collapse coming! Man, If my Fiance miss-managed the house and sold the babies while I was Feuding with the guys at the bar, She's be gone !! nest Pas??? (The last bit there was French by the way.

Kevin Whitehead said:
Speedway said:
Oh Oh Politics and Im on the wrong side!  Being in high level business and having a global account base; We are watching this joke from affar (canada an EU).  If that handi-capable Bush guy get's into office again, The US dollar is going to slide lowerby another 10 - 15 cents in a matter of months.   In essence,  Good for me "personally" as I can buy your boats "at par" but from a financial aspect,  As i get paid in US dollars, It wont be worth Squat as the US "green Back" wont be worth the paper that its written on.   
To Add,  YOU my friendly restless nighbours to my south,  Will be Paying BIG BUCKS for , Our Steel (we supply you with 40%), Our Lumber (we supply you with 60%), Our Water (we supply you more than what we consume at a nice $),  Not to mentior our FAR superior Beer!!!!!   I dare say you's is Fooked should Bush get in.   What do you think will happen when your Suadi partners Increase the cost of oil and your dollar goes Down?????    I trully do hope you guys make it out ok as your economy is in one hell of a slump!!


"that handi-capable Bush guy "

What, are you 14 years old?

You don't know jack about economics. That is for sure.

American $ = 1.217 Canadian $

If you guys would get your acts together and toss out your Socialist overseers, perhaps more people up there could actually afford R/C hobbies.


Speedway said:
Man, Bruce Springstien is makin under 200G's???????????????????? 
  Correctly stated;  If your an American making 200G's or less, Vote Democrat. 

If your an American that Would Like to Make 200G's and work in American,  Vote Dems.

If your an American running a Company with Manufacture In America and hope to make 200G's,  Vote Democrat.    If your an American, Who has a company that has Off-Shore manufacture and love the additional 137 Tax incentives and shelters put in place STRICTLY for Off-Shore service by GW . Bush, Vote Replublican  (You may need to name your first born Boo-Pinder as he will need a Job in India)
Again, you show that you know nothing about the subject.

The laws that cover tax sheltering, by moving jobs offshore, have been in place for 10 or 12 years.

Yet, somehow it is President Bush (President for only the last 4 years) who is responsible for that?

All of that "outsourcing" rhetoric is just baloney anyhow. Read a little bit and learn:
we already have enough politics in the hobby... do we really need to bring in more??

Somebody PLEASE start talking about boats or engines....

Not trying to dodge the subject at hand because it is important, but this a RC Boating forum. :D

just another opinion....

Bush plans on Out-sourcing you water! No More RC-Boating!!!! OK, Enough "Propaganda" in this thread. Let kill it before Kevin Makes up some more or falls for his own.

Is someone forcing you to read this thread, even though you don't want to? Does someone have a gun pointing to your head? (We can call 9-1-1)

If you are not interested, just skip over it.

Many do.

And, many more probably will, after they see a couple of Speedy's offerings.
We arent allowed to have Guns up here.! Do you guys really do that down there? Like... For Votes and such? Its going to be watched by alot of folks thats for sure. I know people up here that have taken the following day off cuz they plan on having Election watchin parties! Kev, I can see your maybe taking offence to an "Out-side lookin in View" so I'll just sit back quietly and storm Uragua while no-ones lookin! They now have Potato Guns and Sling-shots

Kevin Whitehead said:
Is someone forcing you to read this thread, even though you don't want to? Does someone have a gun pointing to your head?  (We can call 9-1-1)

If you are not interested, just skip over it.

Many do.

And, many more probably will, after they see a couple of Speedy's offerings.


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