Villain Almost Done


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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2003
Well I've been working on the Villain for quite some time now, and I am finally getting close to completion. Should have her on the water in a few weeks. The hull is not cleared yet, but I just couldn't resist throwing the CMB on.

A BIG THANKS to Bob K., Mike Z. I couldn't have gotten this far without your help!




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Hi zrwhat

Your villian looks great. Make sure to send Mike Z a nice picture of the boat when you get a chance to take one outside and he will add you to the rest of the boats on his wed page.

Thanks guys, I'll send Mike a pic when I get her on the water. For those of you with questions on the pipe, Bob Kensill built it for me. I'm sure Bob would be more than happy to answer your questions, or build you a pipe ;)

Here's a little better shot of the pipe.


Shoot..I wish i could do em up like that..Man that boat looks great.

Yea..get some killer pics and i will post em.


Great Job
Will do Mike.

Bob, I had the motor together, just had to install the pipe and throw a couple screws in the mount. If the **** paint ever dries I will wet sand and clear the hull ;)

Can't wait to get her on the water.
krpnova said:
You must have burned the midnight oil to get that done so fast.
I second that one Bob.

ZR, you must of started 1 month after me, and somehow managed to finish at least 2 months before me! ;)

Great job there!!! Hope mine turns out half as nice

Finally got mine outside to take some pictures. Here's my Villain..........
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