SPP OB Pipe 2006


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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2003

Where are the SPP OB Pipes ?? What happened to the U.S. dealers ?? Web page was down ???

I guess I will have to buy a pipe and muffler that I don't want, and try to make it work.......AGAIN !!

Race in two weeks !!!!!!

Butch ;)
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They are in production and should be shipping soon. Dave is working on a new

7.5 pipe and it all takes time Butch. I have an order in for 12-N/R 21 OB pipes

and they will ship out as soon as they hit my doorstep.

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund

Are these 12 all prepaid and sold like the last batch ? Or are there 12 for sale .......

Mark all you had to tell me, a year ago, was the pipe orders are prepaid and a waiting period......

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That's what I'm doing.... Are you coming over with James, TopFuel 443 ??

" Tunnel Championships " ?

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Dave is working on a new 7.5 pipe and it all takes time Butch. I have an order in for 12-N/R 21 OB pipes

and they will ship out as soon as they hit my doorstep.

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund
Hope a 21 and 45 pipe make it to my doorstep along with some props :D

Waiting on the pipes and working on the propellers, I did not forget about you. I write

everything down. :D

Thanks For Waiting,

Mark Sholund


I have had pipes ordered for over two months, and some of them are prepaid. I would rather

get the pipes in first and them send them out.

Good Luck,

Mark Sholund
All I got from Mark when wanting props was, I'm 2 months back logged and have so much work I'm going up in price because I have too much work........why have a tude with me, I wanted to just put in a order ?? He picked the side job not me !!!

He did not need my $375.00 order then and wait 2 months :rolleyes: Van's Racing , CMDI had no problems taking my money :lol:

If you need a SPP pipe order direct from Dave and you will know you are getting a pipe.....!

Mark the pipes will ship on Feb. 8-10 (new batch)......

Butch :)
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No "tude" here, just telling it like it is. I don't really care who you buy propellers or pipes from,it is a free

country last time I checked.

I hope your ten propellers are working well for you? Your absolutely correct about me picking

the job of doing propellers,I do the best that I can for my customers and some people you just

cannot please know matter what you do or tell them. :D

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund

You can stick your props and pipes up where the sun don't shine :lol: You lied to me ,I did not lie to you !!!!!

And I have never been a customer of yours, So how could you try to please me ! Can't wait to see you at the NAT's

Have fun packing them

Butch ;)
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I guess you have trouble reading also,I never said you were a customer of mine. And how did I

lie to you? I just told you what Dave had told me, when he was going to ship my next order of

pipes. Dave has been really busy, and when I get my next order of pipes is when they will go on

sale. Sorry, I will miss you at the Nats this year, I will be busy selling propellers and pipes. :D

Have Fun,

Mark Sholund

Thanks for your cool response.. it shows you have a stake in the hobby and that is to share information and to have FUN racing toy boats.... nothing wrong with making a little green too..

Thanks for all you do..

Butch.. Please.... I know its that time of the year and we are all waiting for racing.. but please my friend.. be kind... you have a stake too..

Lets be done with this one.. I look forward to meeting you at the Internats this year.. if not sooner.


Dave has nothing to do with this ......

When you put the first order in to SPP, I was suppose to be on the list , order comes in, where's my pipe ?? O' you where not on the list !!! Put me on the list...please ..... PM'ed back, Your on the list !!!

Those pipes came in and my pipe was sold to Phil's Hobby Shop(6)....

That's the lie !!!!

I know I'm on this list waiting, no problem !!! OR Is it ???? Who knows I've been on and off LIST 's......

If you want them prepaid then say so !!!!!!! not all this other BS..

I have learned one thing deal directly with the MFG. not second hand !!!!!!!

Have fun packing

Butch ;)
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It's done !!!!! My pipe and props are on the way... We are still racing down south, Feb 17-19

To bad you are snowed in.... :)

I'm still getting people tell me how amazed they were with the speed and revs of Mark J's Lynx at a race a few weeks ago. Usually it's from guys that race bigger inboard boats too! The SPP 2006 OB pipe rocks! B) B)