RHTmarine sport 21 Gen 2A


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Thanks, where to get one?

more questions, what mount is that you used? Looks like we can stuff a tank in on each side?

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The mount you want is a speedmaster mini mount. You add 3/8" dia x 1/2" long spacers to make it fit a 5" engine well. I found them at osh. You can get them from McMaster carr. You will need longer screws as well. The tank is a sullivan 6 oz slant oval. (SO-6 )they fit real well. Order from sullivan products.
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Bob, Great looking boat, would you be willing to make me one and send to the east coast?? Send me a pm and let me know. Thanks, Henry
Henry, I would love to build you a boat. Shipping to the east coast is no problem. I will pm you with details. Thanks, Bob
Darn it Bob that thing looks awesome. I may need one to kick my brothers whiplash with.
Mark, I would love to build you a boat...Minnesota, don't think I have a boat runnin there yet
Bob, Mark had one at one time. He got scared and sold it before it was wet. Larry Conrad of MN has one of your hulls (believe like the M&M boat), very nice. I've been on Larry for two yrs to get it running. The 2014 season looks like a hit for this class in our club (TCMBC) as we will have 5-6 running at times! This hull looks primo! Keep up the great work.
Mine has been run numerous times, just not raced as the class died off, then struggled along with very minimal entries. I may need to hire a pilot for my fleet this coming season as I'll be on the mend from neck surgery for most of our short season.

We have few entries in our district as well...hopeful that new guys in D9 will want to run the class. I'm having fun already and haven't run anything! I made further progress getting the transoms glued in...I have also worked on the nose section. I will be doing tunnel tops this weekend and miles of triangle stock...they'll start looking like something then STAY TUNED!!

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Guys, I got the tunnel tops glued in, and now its time for some football!!

All the attention to detail is paying off...these hulls are going together rather nicely! Tight joints, smooth angle transitions. very proud of this build...I really enjoy building wood race boats.

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Guys, I have glued the foam to the sponsons and profile sanded the bottoms ...2 hours to sand 8 sponsons, not too bad. I'm ready to skin the sponson bottoms next. boats are going together quickly...I forgot the camera today so pics tomorrow of what I have so far. STAY TUNED!
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guys, I have a few different things going on currently...I have profile sanded the sponsons and will be skinning them this weekend. I also have been working a radio box plug...it's done and ready to be laminated. I will save hours making these epoxy radio boxes!!

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