New Modded C/F JAE 45


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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2005
Almost Finish work with rigger and Super modifed Picco 45R with Orlic carb also got special tank hold 13.8 oz good enough time from Walt B. I am delay paint yellow on cowl and sponsons because come back snow again

Do you think my boat ?
Looking good Allan, thought you would of sent me some follow-up photos.Your sponsons are done with holes drilled for boom tubes,

but I will leave out the brass tube so you can set them up for your boat.

Those crazy JAE's are stupid fast and stupid sketchy, so here's what I predict, a lot of buoy cuts, that way the rest of us have a chance at winning a heat or two, Allen, between now and spring visualize steady thumbs, straight lines and smooth turns!!!!!
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Allan did you put dowels through the sponson tubes?

Thought of that but with countersunk screws

Might help eliminate loss of sponson and with screws would be easier to remove
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Allan did you put dowels through the sponson tubes?

Thought of that but with countersunk screws

Might help eliminate loss of sponson and with screws would be easier to remove
I already drilled on outlet brass and carbon solid rod then put bolt& nut . If Something in Happen sponson loose brass then will drill on dowel through sponson then put thin long screw for " Back up " Like save time
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Nice boat but it looks like it is a laminated carbon fiber on wood or is all carbon fiber?
Not finished my test boat ( need more time ) because I lost my prather small muffler into the pond