June 16 - 17 Orlando High Points District 3 Race!


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Can someone please explain to me why there is no one by the name of Robert Romero on the current list of NAMBA District 3 members?
Can someone please explain to me why there is no one by the name of Robert Romero on the current list of NAMBA District 3 members?

I bought one day insurance at the Broward race and my form to join NAMBA went in right before my Miami race just last weekend. Along with a few others that where friends of mine. Is there an issue?
Can someone please explain to me why there is no one by the name of Robert Romero on the current list of NAMBA District 3 members?

I bought one day insurance at the Broward race and my form to join NAMBA went in right before my Miami race just last weekend. Along with a few others that where friends of mine. Is there an issue?

The issue, as you call it, is that as of yesterday (May 25th) your name doesn't appear on NAMBA's list of insured members. This means that at Miami, you were not covered under NAMBA insurance. You should have been asked to produce proof of membership at check-in, and when you were unable, you should not have been allowed to race. Why did you wait so long to send in application after Broward? This would have avoided the problem.

Nothing personal, I just get skeptical when I read someone posting that I don't know of. The deal about "who's Bigslick" got me interested. I had just received the list and I decided to check it. You might want to get some proof of membership before Orlando.
Can someone please explain to me why there is no one by the name of Robert Romero on the current list of NAMBA District 3 members?

I bought one day insurance at the Broward race and my form to join NAMBA went in right before my Miami race just last weekend. Along with a few others that where friends of mine. Is there an issue?

The issue, as you call it, is that as of yesterday (May 25th) your name doesn't appear on NAMBA's list of insured members. This means that at Miami, you were not covered under NAMBA insurance. You should have been asked to produce proof of membership at check-in, and when you were unable, you should not have been allowed to race. Why did you wait so long to send in application after Broward? This would have avoided the problem.

Nothing personal, I just get skeptical when I read someone posting that I don't know of. The deal about "who's Bigslick" got me interested. I had just received the list and I decided to check it. You might want to get some proof of membership before Orlando.

I said issue, as if there wasn't one this could have been sent to me in a PM and it could have been easily explained. At this point I will have to direct you to my club president Ron Ratoff. After the Broward race we joined the Broward club and paid our NAMBA membership to him, maybe a week after the Broward race. I was called by the Miami club before the race and they verified that indeed the payment for my membership had been sent and it was still processing. Not sure how I could have handled this any better nor why this needed to be addressed in a public forum.
I bought one day insurance at the Broward race and my form to join NAMBA went in right before my Miami race just last weekend. Along with a few others that where friends of mine. Is there an issue?

I said issue, as if there wasn't one this could have been sent to me in a PM and it could have been easily explained. At this point I will have to direct you to my club president Ron Ratoff. After the Broward race we joined the Broward club and paid our NAMBA membership to him, maybe a week after the Broward race. I was called by the Miami club before the race and they verified that indeed the payment for my membership had been sent and it was still processing. Not sure how I could have handled this any better nor why this needed to be addressed in a public forum.

You asked. The information people see here can help them understand what they need to be doing to comply with rules, etc. Again, nothing personal. I will get an answer from Ratoff.
You asked. The information people see here can help them understand what they need to be doing to comply with rules, etc. Again, nothing personal. I will get an answer from Ratoff.
Did I ask to be publicly called out and basically told that I should never been allowed to race? Especially, when I did exactly what I was told to do by the guidance of a NAMBA club. Don I really cannot agree that this being put in public and choosing me as your example to teach others was the correct thing to do. One thing is to make a general statement of what not to do and another is to single out an individual, especially without getting the facts straight first.

What started out as a post to let others know how well RTR class was doing and to announce that the RTR class was being run in Orlando has turned into a disaster. If this is what NAMBA is all about I am having serious considerations of withdrawing my membership. The only positive thing going is the local club I have joined and also want to thank the Miami club for making me feel welcomed as well. As far as what has happened in this thread, very disappointing :(
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Let me say this, As host for the next District 3 Race to be held in Orlando you are all welcome and we look foward to you running this new class. We will have up to date member lists at that time for check-in.

I do not see the point about checking his membership for what has already occured.. Might of been best, Don, if you checked with Miami if your so interested what occurred there at check-in instead of rambling on after saying he's not a member.. Maybe just be concerned about your own race at check-in..

I have some knowledge on the procedures and delays in getting a up to date list from Cathie.

Brian Watts

CD / Treasurer

Orlando Culvert Dodgers, Inc.

You asked. The information people see here can help them understand what they need to be doing to comply with rules, etc. Again, nothing personal. I will get an answer from Ratoff.
Did I ask to be publicly called out and basically told that I should never been allowed to race? Especially, when I did exactly what I was told to do by the guidance of a NAMBA club. Don I really cannot agree that this being put in public and choosing me as your example to teach others was the correct thing to do. One thing is to make a general statement of what not to do and another is to single out an individual, especially with out getting the facts straight first.

What started out as a post to let others know how well RTR class was doing and to announce that the RTR class was being run in Orland has turned into a disaster. If this is what NAMBA is all about I am having serious considerations of with drawing my membership. The only positive thing going is the local club I have joined and also want to thank the Miami club for making me feel welcomed as well. As far as what has happened in this thread very disappointing :(
Don Robert is a member of Broward club and i saw his namba card before the Miami race since i am secretary of Broward club needed to see it for membership anything else you would like to add.
Let me see if we can end this on this note...

See copy below of original post....


Ok guys the RTR class has really taken off. We have two successful events under our belt now and the RTR class is offically on the flyer for Orlando. Sign up and show up, e-mail me if you have any concerns. I will meet with you before hand and go over any racing or setup questions. Lets have some fun!!


And some of you veterans said this class would never work
Don Robert is a member of Broward club and i saw his namba card before the Miami race since i am secretary of Broward club needed to see it for membership anything else you would like to add.
Thank you for clearing that up Robert Pickard.

Rpbert Romero, I have stated twice that this is not personal. You have taken this personally. I am offering my apology to you on this forum for you taking this personally. I will pm you any other concerns as you requested. Looking forward to meeting you in Orlando.

Brian Watts, As I told Wayne Farrow in Miami after defending Orlando's right to run the Winternats as you do, if racers don't agree with the way you run your race, they can choose to not attend. As long as you run by NAMBA rules, which you do, the other things are always going to be debated among those with differing opinions. I intend to be at your race and am looknig forward to it. I was suggesting to Robert (and all) that he be able to show membership at your race because I know you guys will be checking.

Not sure why you think any list you receive will be more accurate than the on I received, sorry if I'm rambling again...

I am trying to look out for the safety and concerns of ALL District 3 members. If you are a member of District 3 and you would like to discuss any District 3 matter, my contact information is readily available. Doesn't have to be here.
Will IMPBA membership be honored at this race? If so do I have to show proof? I just joined IMPBA locally (Louisiana) along with my son, and don't have my cards yet.


Will IMPBA membership be honored at this race? If so do I have to show proof? I just joined IMPBA locally (Louisiana) along with my son, and don't have my cards yet.


I will answer this and if there is any deviation fom this answer, I'll let Orlando club representative reply.

NAMBA has a "single event" insurance form that any non- NAMBA member can use once per calendar year. You may download this form from the NAMBA site and include it with your entry form to validate your entry. The fee is $10. If NAMBA membership is then applied for in the same calendar year, the $10 is applied to the full membership fee. (additional $35)

You do not have to prove membership in IMPBA to do this. I hope this helps.

Mr. Grimracer,

Since I don't type too fast, I did not see your post previous to mine until I posted it. You will not see another post from me on this thread.
Thank you Don..

Have a good race guys.. wish I could be there..

GO Aquacraft in the RTR class.. o heck.. lets just get those ready to runs ROCKEN regardless of what boat wins..

Mike, I wish you could be there too cause the tunnel mafia (if they show up) is going to have a problem.....in their own back yard!!! :eek:

Like Brian, I was very disappointed that a public forum for our June race was used to determine the NAMBA credentials of individuals making post when there were at least three other avenues available to obtain membership verification. In addition, I process more NAMBA memberships than anyone in this District so I consider this a mute point concerning our race, and any lists that anyone obtains is only a snapshot for a specific period of time. The membership list is dynamic and ever changing. I hope that going forward, this will be a lesson learned.

I am also perplexed as to the sudden controversy over this exhibition (a/k/a specialty) class. Our race is the 3rd race in the district to offer this class and we were happy to offer it. There's a post on the District website that has been there for a while that explains the class in general terms fairly well. I saw the class race for the first time when I attended the May race in North Carolina, and everyone seemed to have a really good time.

I wish the communication was better, but it is what it is.

So let's recap....a forum titled with our June race has gone from confusion over the class and whether it's legal, trying to figure out who somebody is, questioning NAMBA credentials, to the vote as to whether the Winter Nats should be a District 3 race. Wow! That was alot of ground to cover, and I'm confused as to what one thing has to do with the other. Just vote with what your conscience says is the right thing to do....no strings attached.

We look forward to seeing everyone at the June race.

Ellie Watts


Just don’t tell them I said that.. They will send Johno, "AKA Luigi" after me.. :ph34r: :lol:

I'am positive in Knowing Don the way i and we all do here in dist three he was only looking after the safety for all and the procedures that go along with being associated with NAMBA..Strickly because of the what IFs something had happened..As a Asst Director this is one of his jobs to take upon himself to see that we all are members of NAMBA...

Could Don have gone about it a different way,,maybe so... but the problem with these Forums is you cant see the person directly and read their eyes or see their face... So we take things for the worst or personal... God knows what we write is usually taken the oppisite way we ment it..

He is a very personable person and has a huge passion for our sport,,just pray that he does not get ahold of one of theses RTR and deceides to go racing..

Let all put this behind us and look forward to racing in Orlando and watch these little speed monsters,,

Twisted Liquid... Thanks for all of your support here in our Dist,,,

I would like to see the ole racers help be the spotter for the new guys in this class,, what better way to learn than from a seasoned vet..

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