IMPBA scale rules


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I agree with Jeremy, it's done and over. Wes didn't even run the boat he even left for some reason. Wouldn't be surprised if it was all the crying and moaning. It's boat racing model boats not some big this isn't that isn't show. I think you all made your points and I'm sure everyone gets it so how many ways can you talk more or beat it into the ground. I'm sure if it needs fixed it will but if not and your not pleased then just don't race and spoil it for other people. Anyone that would want to get into scale reads this whole thing it turn them the other way and I thought we were trying to get more people in the sport.
I have a thought. You never see anyone from NAMBA or RCU having these problems. Their scale rules are layed out, and are well defined, without question. So there are no vague arguments. If IMPBA rules are fine then why do we keep coming back to this. I think they need fixing. I guess I care enough about the class to actually give a darn and not run a boat that is not true to scale.
The event is in the books, done, over with. Why are we crying over spilled milk. I fully support Don on this issue and I will end my presence in this thread with this. If you do not like the way things are being ran in the IMPBA, follow proper steps to submit recommended changes or go race in NAMBA or RCU sanctioned events. Last thing this hobby needs is negativity like this. I am relatively new to the boating scene and I come from offroad electric and nitro racing. I took a break from that hobby due to all the bs drama and grown men wanting to fight over toy cars. This hobby is supposed to be a way to blow off steam and have fun with friends and family. This is starting to feel like offroad all over again.
First of all I wasn't even there. Second, just what are you supporting ? Don's only point is that there is a magic set of rules buried somewhere in a roostertale that will solve all our problems. We were going to get with Mike S, and try to hash something out.