I gave up on windows!


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I know it's off topic.... but today I ditched microsoft windows xp. I think hopefully for good. I'm trying out mandrake linux 9.0 beta 1. even my windows xp install got slower and slower over time... i was fed up. the server still runs windows 2000 server but if I ever have to replace it I will mostlikely use linux..... or so is my hope. i'm going to try hard to give linux a shot.... anyone else here a linux user..... got any tips? i'm a real newbie.... played with it a couple times before but thats it.... i know nothing about command line stuff!

now if you all could semd me an email or 2 to check out if that is working i'd appreciate it!


Tom, what am I gonna do with ya, :D :D :D

About a year or so ago I gave it a go here's what happened:

I tried Linux Red hat or Mandrake, the one that came with the dual boot CD with it. Put it on my last Desktop system. Fresh install with Win 95 on a dual boot, I was impressed with the speed fer shure, Linux loaded 10 times quicker than Win, however the cross compatability of programs was Zilch, my version had a Suite with it compairable to MS Office and worked great, but data would not transfer between Os's. Never took it online. The code thing is cool, but the commands were a little wicked to get used too. They might have solved this in the newer versions. I have heard that the Linux version for servers is real fast, but again dont know about the compatibility with other programs.

Hey there is a setting on XP, I am runnin it too, that sets your system up for speed rather than all the graphics intensive fluff. Did ya try that?

Gene ;D
well too late now for settings on XP.... as it is a goner! but I think mandrake will be better than redhat.... mandrake is more for personal use.... there are 3 office suits going..... dont know what one is supposed to be best.... i suspect star office

you still running linux.... know how to setup samba?
Star Office was the one I ran, Liked it very well. I let both operating systems go when I sold the Desktop and went Laptop. Never ran Samba, Some other titles were, Gnome, Midnite Commander, Gimp, Python, there was also a Caldera Linux.

Been a while cant remember much else about it.

Gene ;D
slowly but surley i'm figuring this stuff out..... today i figured out hot to use my video/tv card... meaning i can hookup my camera and take screen shots. I lost this ability in win xp! i also learned how to use the gimp to deinterlace the pictures.... makes them look alot better.

I am a happy man..... i just might make this work....

oh yea.... finally figured how to access my windows file shares on the intlwaters server :)
Cool!!!! You have got it further than I did, ;)

Sounds like they have made some improvement with the compatibility issues also, Man it is a fast OS to use once ya get used to it.

Gene ;D
i also learned how to use the gimp to deinterlace the pictures.... makes them look alot better.

I am a happy man..... i just might make this work....
Sounds like a scene from "pulp fiction" eeewwwwww!