How bad did Katrina hurt you?


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Lake S.P.O.R.T. said:
To stay on topic, yes our gas went up .25 a gallon.
  Curt, if Iran keeps giving us the finger over nuke power, George will drop bombs on them. If Syria decides it does not want a U.S. influenced Democratic next door neighbor, George will drop bombs on them. If Yo Mow Wang Poo decides that his southern border needs to be a little further south, George will drop bombs on them. Sad fact is George is going to do what he wants weather it makes good sense or not......he already has showed us that. And don't forget the Bush family is in the oil business.  :eek:


George will NOT put the republican party in that kind of a mess much less this country. Granted George has no regard for our troops lives at this point, however, he doesn't want to loose the white house to the democrats or control of congress. He will be a good little boy for the next 2 1/2 years then we will all get to choose a more qualified replacement who knows something about the military and war in general. Spoiled rich brats that dodge the draft will not be our next choice.

Today I filled my 2004 Chevy Impala, took exactly 15 gallons...cost...PRICELESS... :lol: just kidding cost me $48.73 for Regular.....rumor is were gonna get killed for the Labor Day weekend so I went to fill up my wife's 2003 Chevy Suburban....$80.00 and the tank wasn't even empty before I started filling it up :angry: ....**** moose of a truck gets about 12 miles to the gallon... :eek:

Oh well, cost more to live in California what can you do B)
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I paid 99 cents/liter in London this weekend. I found it interesting that the gas stations have to break down the cost of fuel. If I remember correctly it was 2% profit, 39% cost of crude, 38% taxes and the rest was refining cost.

The goverment can do something about fuel cost by reducing taxes on fuel or forcing the fuel producers to use more American crude.

I own land that is producing oil and my royalty checks have not increased in 5 years. The oil company isn't pumping it out any faster either. This seems odd to me.
Allright you guys,

Talking about gasprices, over here in the Netherlands it's almost one dollar 65 per liter (I believe 1.65 times 3.72 for the gallon is over 6 dollars per gallon).

And because of European legislation of airpollution we can only build more highways and houses if we reduce the airpollution. How? the politicians are thinking of a -carless sunday-, so almost no one is allowed to drive on sundays....

Another option is other energy sources like the hybrid cars or lpg, liquid petrol gas

The last one is only some 50 dollarcents per liter in my country.

No offences to you American people but did you know that 16 percent of the total global fuel consumption goes into your cars??

Anyway, hopefully no one from the boating people got hurt from Katrina or any other cyclone.

Happy boating Ronald.
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On the drive back home from Nortern California to Texas this last week I paid $3.59 / gal at the Califonia-Arizonia boarder!!! :blink: Cost of trip in just fuel - $537.62 :angry:

Damm I'm glad to be back in Texas and out of NorCal for a while!

This wasn't started to lessen the concern over the real victims of Katrina, only to spark a little friendly chat. Our government sucks in my opinion. I don't vote because I think they are all crooks and true politicians. Days ago is when the Katrina victims needed food and water, maybe even rescued. Now they are told to evacute the evacuation centers. So the government is telling me we can't get food and water to these people who are only miles away. It's no big surprise because it has always taken at least a week to do anything in these situations. It is rediculous to hear from different organizations how they are geared up to serve 500,000 meals a day. How ignorant do you have to be to realize that these people are already starving? The victims will just have to wait for Bush to fly over in a helicopter and declare a state of emergency.............. as before.

Gas costs much more in many other places but it always has. I guess we are mostly concerned over the increase in terms of percentages over a period of time.
Well, I filled up Monday night for $2.49 a gallon. This AM at the same station it was $2.89. I wouldn't be surprised to see another 10 to 15 cents by tonight.


Charlotte, NC
Wow even cheaper from where I live. Our gas went up .20 cents a litre overnight. That's almost a buck a gallon. 4.4 litres per gallon at $1.20 per litre equals $528.00cdn per Canadian gallon Eh! And, I still love it here!

If you figure out the dollar exchange and the fact that our gallon is about a litre bigger than in the U.S. We are paying about $4.00usd per U.S. gallon. Look out guys. You still have room to go up.

Inactive Ron
quote : (Our government sucks in my opinion) AMEN PRESTON, i hear ya.

the trouble is. everyone thinks about how FREE we are.. ya, free until the government wants our property for roads or what ever else they see fit..

I hate to say it, i am not a fan of either side of the government party's. but.

You can thank BILL CLINTON for our FINE FINE FINE NAFTA act.

in my opinion THAT is where it all went down hill.

as for bush. well you can see what he has done.. fact, no matter who we put in, they are going to do what they see fit no matter the costs nor what the majority opinon thinks.

Chris Wood said:
I hate to say it, i am not a fan of either side of the government party's. but.You can thank BILL CLINTON for our FINE FINE FINE  NAFTA act.

In my opinion THAT is where it all went down hill.


Chris I couldn't agree with you more. We are not yet done feeling the effects (screwing) from NAFTA. :(

Chris Wood said:
..........fact, no matter who we put in, they are going to do what they see fit no matter the costs nor what the majority opinon thinks.

Yup, since big oil has been keeping both sides of the political fences pockets lined your local politician won't touch that subject. Meanwhile those same oil companies continue to reap huge profits while we suffer. Just wait until the "trickle down" effect kicks in like cutbacks & layoffs as companies struggle to absorb the increased operating costs. This is only the beginning....... :angry:
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In Germany we have to pay about $6,40 per gallon now!!! :blink:

One week ago we had to pay about $ 5,85 per gallon (and I thought that was already f*** expensive!) :( :angry:

I will soon convert my car from gas to methanol/nitro...that will be a lot cheaper in the future I think :rolleyes:
Gentelmen, even though our great country is not as great as it used to be It is still the best that there is bar none! I have been to many countries and I would not choose any one of them over the USA.

Even though we Americans pay less for gas than just about anywhere in the world, to us the increasing gas prices suck! We cant do anything about it so let it go and channel your energy towards more important things such as...........

start praying for the lives of our fellow boaters and the people in the Hurricane Katrina affected areas.

I just hope I get to hear from my friends in the SGRA, Jackson Mississippi MBC and any others that may be affected!


Read this guys. It pretty much says we're screwed no matter what we do. The oil companies arent trying to hold oil it there really isn't more to sell unless you pay a higher price to drill out. Annually we use more oil then we produce.

Just my 2 cents.
I think it's time to start considering other sources for fuel. Methanol for instance. We don't pump it out of the ground, we grow it! It's a renewable fuel source! Any kind of plant can be converted to alcohol. Another source is biodiesel. It can also be made from a vegtable source and it burns cleaner than the petroleum based stuff. If we could wean ourselves off of our dependence of foreign oil we could give the entire world the finger and tell them "your on your own". Yes, I am an isolationist.

As for our government, they stopped listening to the common man a long time ago. I too have lost faith in the people who run our country, be it Democrat or Republican. Their only interest is lining their pockets on our tab while they tell us to "ENDEAVOR TO PERSEVERE"! We need to run our goverment like a business not the welfare system it has become. They need to break out their old Steppenwolf monster albums and listen to it's message.

This disaster will show us our goverments true mettle. My bets on their failure to meet the needs of those poor folks down there.

There. that's my 2 cents. All I'm saying is if we don't change, we'll all wind living like a Mad Max movie.

If you read more of the article you'll see that it doesn't matter. That fuel can't sustain the economy because there isn't enough of it. To try somthing like that you would still need to use oil to produce those crops. Whith that said what would you eat after using produce to fuel your car?
Ray Sametz said:
2.99 in jersey. 82.00 to fill my partners truck for work. Ray

$3.29 here $38.00 for half a tank time to ride the little bike to work......Mikey
Events of these past few months put a few things in a little clearer perspective for me... In a nutshell the world's economy is on its way to going to hell in a very large oil tanker. Everything we have depends on some form of oil-powered transportation to get where we can buy it, and/or have it delivered. Which means we will be absorbing these costs in everything we buy... the vicious circle of inflation is about to rear its ugly head, folks.... A lot of us are really living beyond our means, as evidenced by the record consumer debt, and the lack of savings being reported... Our good paying jobs are going to China by the boatloads, and we are expected to make do with the $8 jobs that remain and like it... I believe we are on the brink of economic collapse in this country... the Mad Max reference ain't that far off...

Mr. Bush and our military might be something to be reckoned with.. but Mother Nature still lays claim to the world's most powerful force. and there's no negotiating with her when she decides to strike... Watching the news accounts have thoroughly angered me..... We have become experts in traveling half way around the world, and taking down entire governments in 2 weeks time... but we're seemingly helpless and unprepared when it comes to serving our own citizens in time of emergency.. This is the United States of America, the world's richest and most powerful nation.. We should expect better.. It should NOT take years to rebuild... no excuses in my mind... BTW... you see any foreign countries offereng aid when WE need it??