3.5 Outboard Powerheads


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Hey Butchie,

I wish I was lay'n in tha weeds, :lol: Might have been more fun :D

Y'all know me well ;)

Gene B)
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Yup da games on, Pass tha nachos.....Burp! Fuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!! Ahhhh :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, Payton has that NE Monkey off his back!!

Oh yea, took the boat out last week without the water cool'n. Boat was radar'd at 49 mph with a stock x440. Temp was up around 245f... Thinking of putting the water line back on with a .050 hole for the inlet..
Think hes havn to much fun drilln nipples Uh Huh! :lol: :p

Gene :D
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"Inlet hole" to .050in,,Ok,, Why has this number been chosen? It's easier to "pinch" the exit,,and normally it's pinched to 'bout nuthin'.

Squeezin' the entry down will give you an "erratic" cooling temp,,I do believe Rod Geraghty explained this very scenario in a lengthly past topic.

It will act much like a water filled volcanic vent,, not a constant water exit at all,,don't 'cha think?
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I had to go back and read page 2&3, Joe said do not restrict the exit or it could blow the o ring ;)

Think I read that right,

Gene B)
Personally, I don't think the "O" ring even has to be there,,maybe AB could verify this,,, Probably better

if someone else asked this question,,,prolly git an answer sooner.
The .050 hole came from Jim Irwin, but believe it was more for K&B's to bring them up to temp.

As for sqeezing the nipple, yea it's easy. But what if there is a need to enlarge the hole? It's easier to drill the hole out vs trying to reopen the hole via sqeezing..

Guess I missed the post on not limiting the incoming water..
I just removed the "O" ring and tightened things up and there was a minute amount of leakage,, And I think thats what we're really looking for,,worth a try, yeah?
Mark keeps wantin' to pinch his nipples :lol: :lol:

I just put a short piece of "sillycone" fuel tube on the exit nipple and cut a short piece of "brass"

tube stuff in the end of the "above" and pinch the brass tube down. Easier than pinchin' the engine nipples.
I swear you guys and yer nipples :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gener B)
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Thought it was Jims, but maybe not,

If memory serves me ( which sometimes it dont :lol: ) A far spell ago someone had a WICKED red case Rossi ovalhead outboard, Maranello maybe? Still got that pup? I want something different, Not talkin oval.

Gene :D

I just removed the "O" ring and tightened things up and there was a minute amount of leakage,, And I think thats what we're really looking for,,worth a try, yeah?
Jerry, you sort of answered your own question as to why you do not pinch off the exit. If you are seeing any leakage you can have a problem of the water squirting into the carb. You will not notice it until you back off and then the motor will not come back up because the water going down the carb. The O-ring is in place to prevent this from happening.
:huh: No, I haven't even ran it yet,,,,,where's my "LOL" thing,,,There are definetly two methods

here with this "pinch in", "pinch out" thing. I happen to go along with Rod G on this,, long before

he wrote his last page on it.

TimD and many others go with the "pinch in",,,people I respect,,, it's just one of those Ford vs

Chevy things that will go on forever I suppose.

I'm sure not buying Joe's example,, there's Way too many variables "screwin'" with that one,,

there's water flyin' freakin' everywhere while runnin' one of these and Only The Drops Leaking

From The Head is Goin' down the Carb??? Get Outa Here!
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OhKee DohKee,

Well, Im try'n to channel my prop guru:

Ohmmmmmmm......Ohmmmmmmm......SholundcheckyourPM's.......Ohmmmmmm :p

Gener B)
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Ok, Out in the open this time,, no editing. OK Mr Smarty Pants,, if that "O" ring is so

important "for water goin' right down the carb when you Back Off" then what are you

gunna do 'bout if it leaks around the plug pocket!! Huh? Huh? Go ahead,,You can Tell

Me,,,jus give me a Lil' tickle,,
Ok, Out in the open this time,, no editing. OK Mr Smarty Pants,, if that "O" ring is soimportant "for water goin' right down the carb when you Back Off" then what are you

gunna do 'bout if it leaks around the plug pocket!! Huh? Huh? Go ahead,,You can Tell

Me,,,jus give me a Lil' tickle,,
Jerry, the explanation came directly from Andy. It's not something I made up. If you refer back to the other post you would realize that I am not running any water. I'm using an air cooled head from a MAC buggy motor.

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