1969 Outrigger Pay'nPak


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Roger J. Newton

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2003
Here is a real challenge for the group. For over 35 years I have been looking for a picture of the nose cowl on the '69 Pak. I did find one on the UD website that is not too clear. It does show an eagle. Does anyone have a good picture of the eagle?

Thanks, Roger
Hey Rogger I saw a picture of one Don't remember the site.Senior moment, but it looked more like a buzzard to me. hahahaa
Roger, i think a contact to make would be Bucky Austin (Bucky's Radiator etc...) or Jim Green (Jim Greens Speed Center, Lynwood). both are here local.

i can't remeber which one of them has it, (i think Bucky), but it is the front engine fuel dragster from the time. i think on the nose of the car or on the tin work around the cage, could be similar or exactly what you are looking for.

hope this could shed some light and help. good luck Aaron Olson
Wes, do you have a picture of the Eagle you used that you can post? Or a Photo of the front of the finshed boat you can share?

Roger, I just finished that boat for Ken Hildreth. I used the eagle from the US seal and it matches up pretty close to the best picture I have.
Wes I put the picture here https://www.intlwaters.com/gallery/displayimage...m=325&pos=1


Nice effort on your boat. It looks really nice. Have you guys noticed the orange pinstripe adjacent to the Black Scallops on the nose and sponson tips?? For that matter adjacent to the black throughout the boat??

I've been around this hull for so long, I gave up on finding the "emblem" some 15-20 years ago, but think the internet will help us find an actual picture. I don't think there is any doubt it is an eagle.... just what eagle??

I can't disprove your "guess", but then again, I'm not convinced it is correct. Let's use the internet to see if we can find an actual picture.

Josh and I are on a mission, with Roger's help (and hopefully others) to find an actual picture... the one on UD is vague but almost the best we have. I have another, but still not definitive.

Let me know if I can assist any of you.

David Jensen

Question? Has any one talked to the owner of the boat? Is he still alive last I heard he was running horses. Or would he even remember? Just a question sorry to get into your cool aid. Don McKay
Guys I looked at the UD pic and the Eagle looked like it was more metallic gold than brown. I went rummaging through the video footage I have from the 60's and it definitely looks metallic gold with black outline. There is no shield in the center of the bird either as there is in the US seal. It has something clutched in it's claws but it doesn't look as big as the oak clusters. It's hard to see because of those air scoops. I've got a number of vector art eagles I'll see if I can find something that may come closer or if someone can find a good enough picture I'll draw it.
Mike, You are correct, the Eagle does not have a sheild in the center of it. It has an american flag in one claw, and something white in the other. It could be a scroll? I'm still searching for a better photo.

You're right the one side is a flag and the other is not as clear. Could be a scroll...... I'll go through the video some more and see if there is anything else. I've got some from '69 but it's mostly Bardahl and Notre Dame but there is some of the Pak.
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You're right the one side is a flag and the other is not as clear. Could be a scroll...... I'll go through the video some more and see if there is anything else. I've got some from '69 but it's mostly Bardahl and Notre Dame but there is some of the Pak.

OK, now that it was mentioned, why didn't i think of this before, I've got movies (8mm) that I took from Detroit in '69. I'll dust off the projector and se what can be seen. If something comes out of it I'll let you know.
Hey Jim,

If you have any of that film that you want to convert to digital video I have a commercial video lab in the SF Bay Area that does that type of conversion. I have an account with them and they pick up one week deliver the next. Give me a holler if you want to do it.
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Hey Jim,
If you have any of that film that you want to convert to digital video I have a commercial video lab in the SF Bay Area that does that type of conversion. I have an account with them and they pick up one week deliver the next. Give me a holler if you want to do it.

I'm just starting to look into getting some of the movies put on digital video. I guess theres a big process to do it so that you have a really good complete reproduction of the original. I've even got some movies of Mike Meelbush running the first 70 mph SAW record, E hydro, Octura Wing Ding, in Detroit, Belle Isle. There were about 3 years where I took movies (uncle's old Kodak) before geting a still camera. Including Madison Gold Cup.

Do they have a web site that I can check on?
Unfortunately no, they do not do direct to the public. They only deal with commercial businesses like videography studios or independant film houses and such. They charge a set up fee and then it's by the foot of film. So if you have a bunch to do it's better to do it all at once.
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I have thought on this a bit, I am going to PM Dennis Wright, he has an old boat of mine, a wooden Miss Eagle Electric that has a very similiar paint scheme, including the tail, and It has an eagle that looks closer to the bird on this boat. well, from what I can see. We will see If I can get him to post a photo. Ken
I have thought on this a bit, I am going to PM Dennis Wright, he has an old boat of mine, a wooden Miss Eagle Electric that has a very similiar paint scheme, including the tail, and It has an eagle that looks closer to the bird on this boat. well, from what I can see. We will see If I can get him to post a photo. Ken
The pay and pak team started as miss eagle electric didnt they? so that eagle electric logo probally is the one.

I have a PS from the '68 Eagle Electric and there isn't an eagle on there. I'll pull it out to double check when I get a chance. Wasn't there an ealier Eagle Electric?
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