which one?


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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2004
hi!! i'm in the process of saving to buy an engine and hardwares.. but i am torn between engine size.. i'm considering either a .12 or .15 O.S. cv-rx or the O.S. .21 rg-m.. they're almost in the same price bracket...

is there a big difference in fuel consumption between these engine sizes? how about power output? are the .21 difficult to handle?

thanks for any inputs..
Are you going to race or just play? What type of hull are you going to use? Let us know your plans and we can give better advice.
I guess the set up would also play a big part in your decision. If you bought a little plastic boat than a .12 or .15 would better suit that boat. If you have a steardier boat go with the .21. New people tend to get bored with the speed of a .12 or .15, hell even with a .21, but at least the .21 will be faster.
Oh by the way, there's not too much fuel consumption between the .12 and the .21's. Any motor can be tough to handle if it's going fast. These guys and their .12-.15 riggers haul bootie.......
I have a .15 cvrx and its a good strong little motor.

likes to wind out tho.

can run 40% in it stock.

the boat is a scratch build WAVE PIERCING MONO... for the first boat, i'm gonna used jet drives because that's what i have right now. and later on i can buy some hardwares and make another one using props.. if i go with .12/.15, the hull would be @ 28", if .21, it would probably be 34"..

it's more of playing, no race here i guess... is the fuel consumption not really a big diffrence? because i think speed will have a big diffrence.. nitros are kind of pricey here as what local HBS told me.

thanks guys!
A jet drive mono,

I would keep it 28 long and go with the .21 as the jet drive will eat up alot of power from engine.

thanks nitro! do you think the mini jet drives by graupner can handle the os .21 rg-m? i'm still planning the setup, doing some research.. it's really hard to get hardwares and stuffs for boats here, i'll have to import almost everything.
I know nothing about that jet drive system, but on normal boats, a jet boat will need more power than a proped boat.

Ernest, where are you located? Are you in the US?

Just so you know most of us boaters have to mail order the parts we need. The local hobby stores don't carry boat stuff because there isn't a large market for it. The plane and car guys have it made! If your lucky you might find a few props and some cheap RTR boats at the store, but thats about it. You have to order every thing elce. Or some like to check E-Bay for the parts you need.

Here are some links for web sites selling boat hardware and more.

Good luck with the project!

Dale P.

Rocket city Racing

Fullers boats
i dont have 1st hand experience but im pretty sure they are designed for small electric boats
nope, from Philippines dale, so hard to get parts here.. i think none at all. LHS here do sell some kyosho boats. that's why i have to buy everything i need from a single online store if possible to minimize shipping costs..

tom, i've seen some pics in a certain website, they powered it with a kyosho .11 engine.. that's why i think it can be done.. i just don't know right now how the setup.. because wrong setup might shatter this mini jet drive into pieces. :eek:

i think i already have some idea though, i might even put a clutch on it for added safety, anyway its for fun only..

I would almost say forget the jet drive, for the work going into it, and the lose of power, i dont think you will be happy with the speeds and or boat with a jet, if you do anything under a .15 i would guess it would have to be super lite.

anyhow, hope that helps.
