What would it take to get a race in my town?


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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2003
We have a good spot to race.We had a stock outboard race here before and it would be a perfect spot.What would i have to do to do an IMPBA race in D2?

Where abouts are you in D2? Do you have a club using the site now? You would have to register a club and part of doing that would intale making your site sanctioned under IMPBA. This then covers that site under the insurance we all pay for. That's the first step, secondly, you would have to get tyhe set up of the site done for a race. Items that would be required and bring along with them are clock, raft to float clock, retrieve boat (1 for sure, maybe 2), drivers stand (?) and then finding a date in the D2 schedule. That might be the hardest as D2 basically has a race almost every weekend unless you hold a race early or late in the season. I know this because we are trying to do this also.

Let me know if you need any other info.

What some of the new sites do around these parts...is have a "fun run". Kind of like a race, but has lots of open water, with a few racing heats set up.

Also, instead of worrying about dragging a clock around, there is an audio start we use in OK city and Wichita. It works pretty good if you can get some sort of PA system up and running. I think this might be a little easier than getting a clock.

Contact the IMPBA office and John can send you some paperwork to get you rolling. IMPBA Prez Kevin Sheren lives in the Lansing area so that helps to get things pushed through.

You'll need 5 current IMPBA members to form the club.

Next, you have to find people to join up if you haven't got enough. Put up fliers at the hobby shop(s) around the area.

After that, it's tough to get an open spot on the D-2 schedule as if you wanted to have one for next season you'd really have to get things going fast otherwise you'd have to wait until 2011.

Make sure that you can get the site with no problems and here in Michigan, if it's on public water you have to get a Regatta permit from the DNR. If it is public like a park then it helps immensely to get an OK from your Parks & Recreation Dept.

Even the simplest race needs a lot of equipment. Bouys, a starting system like an audible clock, a PA system, fencing if needed and at least some yellow tape to cordon off the hot pit area. The IMPBA rulebook covers other things neccessary to hold an event.

Oh yeah, lots of parking space as usually any D-2 race will have a lot of racers showing up.

Having a race is A LOT OF WORK.

If you can get atleast six IMPBA members together that want to

work their butts off, let me know, and I will be happy to help

you out. FYI, most in D-2 only like to travel to Saginaw or Flint,

Michigan for a day race. We have nice water here in Traverse City,

but you cannot find the dedicated members to help out.

Good Luck,

Mark Sholund