Thoughts and prayers needed


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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2004
Hi all, I don't know most here, but you all seem like extended family!! My daughter, Hannah, was in a pretty severe car accident yesterday. She broke her arm badly in 4 spots. All 3 major bones in her arm plus her collar bone. They've bolted/plated it back together. The surgery took nearly 5 hrs. She also has a fractured rib and a small rupture to her spleen. She's in ICU now and doing ok. They said she will stay there for today to monitor the spleen. Any prayers greatly appreciated!! She's 18 and just graduated from high school last Friday! What a hell of a way to start your summer. Graduation commencement is Sunday, if all goes well, she MAY be out by Saturday. Time will tell....

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Shur hope she can get out on Saturday and take place in the graduation ceremony

Pete collinson
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Zamn it man, Ray is right, but as a Dad with a girl- I cant imagine that call.

Hope she heals quick Joe and tell her " the extended family " is wishing her well. ;)

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Thanks guys. Just got home from day 2. Doing well. And exhausted. She's a tough/stubborn little bugger so I expect she will do very well.

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