Keep us in your prayers


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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2008
Hey gang

Please keep my daughter in your prayers. She is having back surgery on Tuesday, she broke it in two places during a Marine training exercise. (She has a unstable fracture of L-5 and a fracture in the sacral joint)They are going to put in a rod and screws to make it more stable. At this point she only has numbness in her toes and we hope this surgery will clear that up too. She has had a rough time through all this and I pray they fix it and she can get back to being a healthy Marine. I am flying out early this am to the Naval hospital in San Diego..(I am terrified of flying so say a little prayer for me too.. :) ) Thanks jj
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You got it Jenny ..she has youth on her side , she'll be just fine , Had fou rvert . fused when I was 18 that were all crushed and have done well over the years . Now as far as you flying ....well just go to sleep ! :D :D
this is something i know first hand i have l5-s1 discrectomy, lamoectomy, fusion done also the sacroiliac joint has sufferd to which can not be repaired. pain to feet legs and back is most likely to remain after if she has nerve impingement. i still have all these symtoms after 2 years and continued tramal for pain.

5 hours + on the table .

result for me i can no longer go to work or lift heavy objects so it's retirment for me @ 43 years

everyone has a diffrent situation in regard to this but simarlarities are same.

wish her well it all goes well for her and a good recovery.

my spine is caged as well and i do have secondry damage at l4-s2 as well as result of organisations trying to push me back to work early.

good luck.

All of that talk about spines has me lost, I can talk about cardio stuff though! Everything should turn out fine with your daughter as you've got some experience around them (understatement!).

Don't sweat the flying. My wife flew to Florida for her aunt's wedding and was terrified of the thought of getting on a plane. Moron in here gave me some advice to calm her down, keep an eye on the stewardesses. If they're fine, don't worry.

BTW, Brenda ended up by loving the flights as she swapped seats with her sister so that she could check out the view from the window seat!
hey jeni, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.have a drink, lay back and relax all will be just fine with the flying.chew gum, it will keep you busy and clear the ears out. mike. :)
Our thoughts and prayers are with ya Jeni .

As far as the plane ride- like Mike said, cept have more than one

Thats why I always try to fly later in the day, dont look so bad pounding a few cocktails at 3pm as compared to 9am

Keep us posted.


My prayers are with you and your daughter for her operation and a speedy recovery. I especially applaud those like your daughter who defend this great nation of ours.

Hey jeni the Atwells are thinking of you and your family. may the lord guide the surgen.

See yaw in October. Mitch and Tony