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Mike Hemric

Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2005
Hey guys I got a phone call today that one of our boating friend past away on Sunday. The guy told me that Scoot had cancer and I told him that I didn't no he had it. Scott was a good guy in the hobby an he will be missed so let's keep his family in our prayers.

Alot of times people dont want you to worry about them.We all wish we could worry though.The Norris family are in our prayers.

The Hargetts.
Sad news for sure. I didnt personally know him , but spoke with him several times here.

RIP - Our thoughts and prayers are with the Norris family tonight.

Andy and Georganna
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Wow..unreal news..Scotty was a great guy and so much fun at the races....Deryl and I will miss him and our thoughts and prayers go out to his family... don't even know what to think of this terrible news. jj
Wow I`am Shocked... Scott was a Great Boater and Competitor, Super Easy to get along with & would help Anyone with advise or help tune a boat. We sure had some good times & laughs in Charleston Racing together. RIp Mr. Scott Norris We will miss you!!!!
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Wow I`am Shocked... Scott was a Great Boater and Competitor, Super Easy to get along with & would help Anyone with advise or tune a boat. We sure had some good times & laughs in Charleston Racing together. RIp Mr. Scott We will miss you!!!!
Yes this is a SHOCK, Scott and I had a lot of fun at all the races we attended, was my pit man in most ot the races we entered togather RIP Scott...

Walt Barney
****! I had no idea Scott had cancer. In all the years he never mentioned it. Last I talked to him he was looking to get back to racing this year. RIP Scooter, we're gonna miss you. :(
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Good pic of him Don, that's just the way I remember him. My condolences to the family
holt sh*t ! my mouth is still on the floor! i had no clue he was that sick.met him 4 years ago when i bought a boat from him. had lots of fun and good times with him. you will truly be missed my friend.see you on the other side.RIP,Mikie.
WOW, What a same. When I first started with boats Scott was one of thoses guys that always helped me out . Had some of the fastest monos in our club at the time.

Thoughts and prayers to the Norris Family

Rest In Peace .....
Good pic of him Don, that's just the way I remember him. My condolences to the family
Absolutely Mike,that boat lost radio at Charleston and punched a hole in the retrieve boat. Always had a smile on his face. Very sad news.
I posted that picture on my facebook...he will be missed..we duct tapped that boat for a while. Too many great memories with scott! He will be missed.
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WooooW!!!! My Thoughts and Prayers to the family.

Scott was the best person for a good Drive hard race. We had many runs together. He was on my mind this week as Atlanta is cover in "Pine Crack". He was the one that gave it that name after a many pages of Hype before the Spring National a few years back.

R.I.P. Scott............... F-mono will not be the same.
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