Phantom & Phantom II


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ALRIGHT! I started reading up on Top Flite Lustre Kote and found that a lot of guys use it on their boats with good results! The only thing that was mentioned was that the longer it dries the more fuel proof it becomes (app. two weeks). One guy has been running 60% nitro in his boat with no adverse effect on his paint finish. Ken's boats have had more than two weeks drying time. I deleted my post on using Top Flite Lustre Kote and now I wish I had not deleted it!
Got news for you, it does not become more fuelproof the longer it dries, that's a bunch of hoooey. Right on Top Flite's web site they clearly state it's only fuelproof to 15%. Lustre Kote was developed as a color match for Mono Kote covering films for airplane parts that needed to be painted and airplanes run very low nitro. Also as for a comment made about using any kind of paint is ok if you use a fuel proof clear, that's fine .... until the clear gets scratched. Been in this game long enough to see what works and what doesn't for paint on boats, do yourself a favor and stick with Klass Kote or other high end paints like PPG.
There are many techniques everybody uses different ones. the longer cure will be better for resistance.Their warranty is up 15% nitro. Im glad some didn't listen to the engine manufacturers only use 15% live an learn lol
JOE: Remember when using luster kote top flight paint, when nitro fuel hits the paint it does"t bubble immediately.It will take time,but why risk it at all? If you leave nitro in your race engine it will destroy

the piston head ,bearings and block. If nitro can do that to hard metals what do you think it will do to paint. Trust me use, use the fuel proof paint. You don't seem like the guy that takes the time to design and build a high performance boat and put a EARL SHIBE paint job on it. You want the best to justify the overall image of a super boat. This thread is to help in the success of your PHANTOM BOATS and buy no means implies any disrespect . DAN
You beat me to the post lol

End of chapter called test the paint Joe as stated his using better paint an different color next time

Thanks for the heads up
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ALRIGHT! I started reading up on Top Flite Lustre Kote and found that a lot of guys use it on their boats with good results! The only thing that was mentioned was that the longer it dries the more fuel proof it becomes (app. two weeks). One guy has been running 60% nitro in his boat with no adverse effect on his paint finish. Ken's boats have had more than two weeks drying time. I deleted my post on using Top Flite Lustre Kote and now I wish I had not deleted it!
Got news for you, it does not become more fuelproof the longer it dries, that's a bunch of hoooey. Right on Top Flite's web site they clearly state it's only fuelproof to 15%. Lustre Kote was developed as a color match for Mono Kote covering films for airplane parts that needed to be painted and airplanes run very low nitro. Also as for a comment made about using any kind of paint is ok if you use a fuel proof clear, that's fine .... until the clear gets scratched. Been in this game long enough to see what works and what doesn't for paint on boats, do yourself a favor and stick with Klass Kote or other high end paints like PPG.
Don, I have been building and flying R/C airplanes for 41 years now. I owned the first roll of Monokote ever released by Top Flite back when I was still flying control line models. I have used Lustre Kote since it was first released. As for becoming more fuel proof the longer it dries, I can tell you this, after the vehicles go out of any paint, it becomes harder and more resistant to other chemicals. To know if paint is completely dry, just smell it. If you can't smell anything, it has stopped evaporating chemicals and vehicle and is completely dry. As for PPG, I built race cars for many years and watched several friends wind up in the hospital with irreversible illnesses caused by using PPG paints even though they used all the proper safety equipment. No they were not professional painters that had long exposures to the paint. I won't go near that stuff!
"As for PPG, I built race cars for many years and watched several friends wind up in the hospital with irreversible illnesses caused by using PPG paints even though they used all the proper safety equipment. No they were not professional painters that had long exposures to the paint. I won't go near that stuff!"

So you'll shoot Klass Kote but are scared of PPG? You do realize that both are catalyzing paints that if breathed in can equally cause harm....................

Never mind. Sorry I wasted valuable thread space.

Carry on.
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I have used and been around catalysis (2 part) type paints for years and what I have found (as all of them are harmful) PPG brand seems to be the worst! I tell you, every time this paint subject comes up, people start getting mad! I get enough of that just trying to drive down the road and really don't want that kind of thing among what I consider my friends. So lets just let the paint thing go! Everyone seems to have very strong opinions on the subject making it a very volatile topic. I am not going to bring it up again, PERIOD!

The boats look Great !!

Do you know when you will build the 20 ?

Hi Ty

I am building on them right now. I am building two Ultra boats, one Elite boat and one GOBLIN FE-P (electric) boat. All .21 size boats. Two will go to England and two to Tennessee for testing. Joe
"As for PPG, I built race cars for many years and watched several friends wind up in the hospital with irreversible illnesses caused by using PPG paints even though they used all the proper safety equipment. No they were not professional painters that had long exposures to the paint. I won't go near that stuff!"

So you'll shoot Klass Kote but are scared of PPG? You do realize that both are catalyzing paints that if breathed in can equally cause harm....................

Never mind. Sorry I wasted valuable thread space.

Carry on.

See what I told you......
21 pages 312 replies all about a boat that's never been wet. And a class that has less than a 100 boats in the country. Welcome to keyboard racing
"As for PPG, I built race cars for many years and watched several friends wind up in the hospital with irreversible illnesses caused by using PPG paints even though they used all the proper safety equipment. No they were not professional painters that had long exposures to the paint. I won't go near that stuff!"

So you'll shoot Klass Kote but are scared of PPG? You do realize that both are catalyzing paints that if breathed in can equally cause harm....................

Never mind. Sorry I wasted valuable thread space.

Carry on.
.......................................See what I told you......

Some people just like poking the bear lol move on sir. No harm no foul

I have used and been around catalysis (2 part) type paints for years and what I have found (as all of them are harmful) PPG brand seems to be the worst! I tell you, every time this paint subject comes up, people start getting mad! I get enough of that just trying to drive down the road and really don't want that kind of thing among what I consider my friends. So lets just let the paint thing go! Everyone seems to have very strong opinions on the subject making it a very volatile topic. I am not going to bring it up again, PERIOD!
Joe what makes this a "volatile" topic and subject to "strong opinions" is all the disinformation and chicken little sky is falling stuff that gets posted when it comes to paints. ALL catalyzing paints are very dangerous without proper protection and your friends who got "irreversible illnesses" didn't get that way simply because it was PPG. And if you've been around paints for as long as you say you'd know the worst by far was Dupont Imron containing the highest levels of isocyanates by a massive margin (so bad they had to reformulate the paint, now known as Imron Elite). Do you wear a respirator (most don't) when shooting from an aerosol can? Ever read an MSDS sheet on those? Did you ever have your eyes water or sting some while using CA? That's the cyanoacrylate entering your body through your eyes. Do you wear gloves, long sleeve shirts, full googles and a respirator when working on props? That beryllium dust is even more dangerous than the isocyanates in the paints. The bottom line here is there are many aspects of what we do in this hobby that can be extremely hazardous to our health before we even get to the pond. When proper precautions are taken paints like PPG are no more dangerous than aerosol bombs with good quality protection in a well (power) ventilated environment.

Good luck with the boats and look forward to some real world results getting posted on how they actually run.
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"As for PPG, I built race cars for many years and watched several friends wind up in the hospital with irreversible illnesses caused by using PPG paints even though they used all the proper safety equipment. No they were not professional painters that had long exposures to the paint. I won't go near that stuff!"

So you'll shoot Klass Kote but are scared of PPG? You do realize that both are catalyzing paints that if breathed in can equally cause harm....................

Never mind. Sorry I wasted valuable thread space.

Carry on.
.......................................See what I told you......

Some people just like poking the bear lol move on sir. No harm no foul

Ken, there are different classes of people.

Some people do not know and some others do not even suspect.

Besides, I enjoy exposing......

Over and out.

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That may be true, but Its great because it brings interest into the hobby and a new boat people may enjoy.

I say keep posting and talking.......

21 pages 312 replies all about a boat that's never been wet. And a class that has less than a 100 boats in the country. Welcome to keyboard racing
you beat me to it LOL!
It's unfortunate that people find joy in humiliating people who have a passion for a particular class. Maybe that is why our hobby is in decline.

Seriously, do you think this thread has over 18000 views because everyone hates this class? If everyone felt the way you guys do, you few guys would be the only ones in the world running RC boats.

I may not like everything about Joe's boats. Yes, I do think there are some aspects of his designs that are a little too much. But with positive interjections, there is always something to be learned. I appreciate the positive input regardless.
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