Pay N Pak


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Don't blame me Bill, RJ started all this by bugging me to build one :eek:

I stand corrected......THANKS ALOT RJ! :lol: :lol: PaynPaks are COOL boats though, arent they RJ? :)
Hey Bill, what are buddies for right?

I think the Pay N Pak boat is a very cool looking hull. I have my Atlas U-76 all painted up today, I'l post pics of it when finished detailing it.
I don't think buddies are supposed to make us spend our hard earned $$$$$$$ UNLESS WE CAN RACE THEM IN THE END. So RJ, when are you coming up north to race the boats? :lol:
Don't blame me Bill, RJ started all this by bugging me to build one :eek:

I stand corrected......THANKS ALOT RJ! :lol: :lol: PaynPaks are COOL boats though, arent they RJ? :)
Hey Bill, what are buddies for right?

I think the Pay N Pak boat is a very cool looking hull. I have my Atlas U-76 all painted up today, I'l post pics of it when finished detailing it.
I don't think buddies are supposed to make us spend our hard earned $$$$$$$ UNLESS WE CAN RACE THEM IN THE END. So RJ, when are you coming up north to race the boats? :lol:
I was part of IMPBA dist.4 but hopefully if things work out I'l be moving back home from Texas next yr summer. But til then I'l probably hang out with the Lone Star Model Boat Club near Houston.
Don't blame me Bill, RJ started all this by bugging me to build one :eek:

I stand corrected......THANKS ALOT RJ! :lol: :lol: PaynPaks are COOL boats though, arent they RJ? :)
Hey Bill, what are buddies for right?

I think the Pay N Pak boat is a very cool looking hull. I have my Atlas U-76 all painted up today, I'l post pics of it when finished detailing it.
I don't think buddies are supposed to make us spend our hard earned $$$$$$$ UNLESS WE CAN RACE THEM IN THE END. So RJ, when are you coming up north to race the boats? :lol:
I was part of IMPBA dist.4 but hopefully if things work out I'l be moving back home from Texas next yr summer. But til then I'l probably hang out with the Lone Star Model Boat Club near Houston.
you'll be back in our :D
Finished punching out the parts today, though I did find some discrepancies. I found the transom to be shaped wrong. It has an arched top instead of flat so I'll be fixing that when I redraw it. I also found an error in the tail placement. It's placed right over the engine bay wall on the full sized boat but almost fully inside on in the model's design. I also found that the rear deck, between the tails is set wrong. The kit has it sloping upward and above the main deck level instead of being flush with the main decks. I guess those are three things I'll be reworking when I build the boat, along with removing lots of weight. I'll also be reducing the size of the strut doubler. I can't see any reason to make it as big as it is. I guess it's just another example of Dumas' love of excess weight showing up :huh:
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Funny when I ordered the 20 Pac from dumas, I had previosly in my cart a Socerer 40 mono, which I have not seen on there site for a year, so I ordered it with the pac, todays e-mail says order shipped, wonder if I am getting the scrocer too? we will see when it arrives???
If you have a way of checking to see how much was billed, then you would know for sure. anything over about $85 means you got both boats
oh yea total was 171.00 but I was waiting to see a charge back or back ordered item, but nope, guess I will have a little hot rod,fliping, rolling mono too!!, will just need to do what I had planed for the slingshot year's ago, build with updated hull shape??, change the free board, we will see???
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Okay guys, I was able to get more frames layed out today. I ended up going wider to allow extra room in case I have to use the NR21. After doing so many scales and sport 40's through the years, this thing seems almost tiny. RJ, hate to break some bad news, but I'm not in D4, I'm in D8, where it's presently warm and sunny. We had 50 degrees at 1:00 PST today. If I remember right, D4 was looking at more snow today :unsure:
Hey Hj,Who said anything about that being bad news? :lol:

I currently live in Texas, Dist 7. Im originally from Illinois, to which I'l be moving back up there in 2011 summer..

Went fishing today, it was 67 outside.. :p
The wife and I will be driving through the Chicago area in late June, 2011. May have to see if I can talk her into letting me bring a boat with us. Might be fun to get a few people together to run the "Mini-Paks". Maybe we could get Misshydro to join us with her "Oberto", since it's a 21 powered boat as well
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The wife and I will be driving through the Chicago area in late June, 2011. May have to see if I can talk her into letting me bring a boat with us. Might be fun to get a few people together to run the "Mini-Paks". Maybe we could get Misshydro to join us with her "Oberto", since it's a 21 powered boat as well
well sombody also forgot I will have a.21 rigger running soon too.. oh proubley be getting a pay n pak to build to build.. :lol: :D :p
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The wife and I will be driving through the Chicago area in late June, 2011. May have to see if I can talk her into letting me bring a boat with us. Might be fun to get a few people together to run the "Mini-Paks". Maybe we could get Misshydro to join us with her "Oberto", since it's a 21 powered boat as well
Stop by champaign and we will have to run. John
I just came through near there yesterday coming back home from St. Louis which I go there often due to my wife and all her Family is in St. Louis, whats nice is her uncle has a 4 acre pond on his property, I always take a boat or 2 there, perfict size for gas or anything, would make a great race site!! 500' x2000' pond
I just came through near there yesterday coming back home from St. Louis which I go there often due to my wife and all her Family is in St. Louis, whats nice is her uncle has a 4 acre pond on his property, I always take a boat or 2 there, perfict size for gas or anything, would make a great race site!! 500' x2000' pond
We moved back here from wentzville mo . Are you anywhere by there?
I just came through near there yesterday coming back home from St. Louis which I go there often due to my wife and all her Family is in St. Louis, whats nice is her uncle has a 4 acre pond on his property, I always take a boat or 2 there, perfict size for gas or anything, would make a great race site!! 500' x2000' pond
Not that it matters, but a 500' x 2000' pond would be a little over 22 acres. That would be an awesome site!!
Well...i got the parts popped out for my 20 Pak....that was two WEEKS ago! :rolleyes: Boat race last weekend..theres another week before i can MAYBE get back to it....ill be RETIRED before i get my 20 Pak done at this rate!! :rolleyes: :lol: