OT- here we go again!!


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What's this I hear that you made the local newspaper using a SNOWBLOWER????? What happened to the waxed shovel????

Walt Barney
Well Don's curse is rolling even further south. The forecast for tomorrow night is for 1-3", or more, for Charleston. All the weather folks are in a real tizzy about it. I know 1-3" is nothing more than a dusting compared to the mid-atlantic area, but .... Look out Tom and Andy, you're next!
If your trying to say we need to get the jeans back out =

Forget it :p :p :p

Im racing in shorts next weekend and just to really mess you guys up

Im gonna run tunnel too !!!!!!

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What's this I hear that you made the local newspaper using a SNOWBLOWER????? What happened to the waxed shovel????

Walt Barney
Yup, got my pic in the Monday Richmond Times while at work last Sunday cutting down a 5 foot high and about 8 foot wide mountain of snow at work. That large pile came courtesy of the jackasses who plowed the adjacent parking lot, they decided to push it across the street up onto the walkway directly in front of the steps leading to my downtown office building. Needless to say I was not a happy camper when I got there that morning as it was the 2nd time they've done that this year. The City of Richmond won't let you push it anywhere onto the street so I guess they figured better on my property than theirs. Needless to say I had a nice "chat" with the guys who run the lot and they apologized and promised it wouldn't happen anymore. Even though we got alot of snow we still didn't get quite as much as my pals just a little further north in the D.C. area, here's a pic Steve Sutton sent me last night of his house in Laurel, Md.
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Don, if I were you, I's check more into local ordinances about that. Here, it's illegal for plowers to for instance, push snow from my driveway across the street into a neighbors yard.
Man I sure am getting tired of this white stuff!

Yup thats why I moved farther South. Winter in Northern Minnesota lasts for for close to 7 months. Down South here in Minneapolis it only lasts about 5.
Hey Don, about that first picture you posted in this thread, the weather guessers around here would forcast that as snow flurries, with slight accumulation possible.
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i'm in northern va., & it still ain't right!!! i'm starting to feel like those stories your grandparents told you - "i had to walk a mile in the snow just to.....", that's me getting to the mailbox. can't let the boat parts freeze, ya know . actually, with my bum knee, i can't walk /wade through much of this snow. i have to get on the third board up on the pasture fence & side step along. you do realize you'll never live this down, don't you don "the blizz" ferrette??
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Here is a pic of the inside of the hanger that collapsed at Dulles. Never seen so many planes doing wheelies.

Robin, I'll call you tonight after 7pm.

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guys, don't blame it on don, it even snow 50 miles north of new orleans, ever here the slogan (hell will freeze over when the saints win the superbowl,) they did it SAINTS WIN SUPERBOWL YEAH GO SAINTS,
Here we go agian.Snowing in Dayton,Oh and we are going to get 8 more inches of that white Sh##.Heading your way Don.

Dave Roach
They're actually saying we're gonna get rain but I'm still keepin' my fingers crossed, don't trust 'em at this point. Finally got to go up and see my dad yesterday (he's not doing well and I go up each weekend ... weather permitting) and while we were there they came and cleared more snow off my parent's street ......with a Gradall crane!! Geeez, this winter has been crazy, gonna be a mess when this #$%@ starts melting....................
Here in Cincinnati, we set new record for Fed.- The old one was set in 1914.

Got 25 " this Feb. so far. Where is the globly warming?

Until last night I never realized that I could appreciate the sound of RAIN against the shop windows. :p

Kinda of GOOD sound, like NASCAR in 5.0 HD surround sound,, :)

The first sign, of many to come,proving Spring is on its way!!!! we dont have to much of the white stuff,but its been colder here than in Vancouver, :eek:

i mean it dusted us with snow the day before our last race this past Dec., That just aint right.
Until last night I never realized that I could appreciate the sound of RAIN against the shop windows. :p
rain, what the hell is that <_< ???? flurries again tomorrow, snow again this weekend. jeez, don, enough already :lol: :lol: ! i just got dug out monday, after a week of being snowbound................... and i live SOUTH of the mason-dixon line!
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Hey Nissa, what do you mean it's cold in Canada? The Olympics crew had to MAKE SNOW for some of the ski events.

I haven't been below 40 degrees in over two weeks and I'm only 70 miles south of the Canadian border. Even the nightly lows have been fairly warm :) We've had almost record high temperatures since the first of the year. This is my kind of winter, snow in the Cascades and rain in the Puget Sound basin.

Thanks for hosting all the snow Don, I've had a great winter :D