MAC engine


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Marc Pagé

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2003
Hi, instead of asking Mr. Brown every month (it's not what i did but maybe some...), i'll ask to you guys :

Does somebody have some fresh news about Andy's project with MAC engine?

Do we still have to wait, is it the end of the MAC? It's been over a year since we heard about this New Mac project...can we get something to eat, just to keep our hopes alive... or...

Please don't start a rediculus pillow fight with CMB or others against MAC!!! :huh: Just answer the questions and don't use it to start something else!

Thank's ;)
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I beleave that Andy should give a inseight on the motors that everyone is asking about. It been about a year and if it not happing now it's not going to happen.Go get a cmb attack.

That's my .002 CENTS
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A sizeable amount of money has been spent on tooling several months back. They are coming, as to when not sure. Give it time. It will happen.

If I recall correctly, Andy DID give an update about 6 weeks ago about the progress and expectations of when his new line of engines will be available. He also noted that he understands that if you need to get another brand of engine then do it. Impatient lot aren't you guys!
The post about the tooling is correct as well as other things still in the works. Andy is being very particular about getting things made exactly the way he wants this time (unlike previous) & changes have had to be made due to those who could not live up to said expectations which have resulted in unforeseen delays. And contrary to what Dave is implying with his two tenth's of a cent (.002 CENTS) the motors are coming, Andy & company have way too much into this to turn back now. I've socked away enough cash to get what I want when they are ready. In the meantime my MAC's & CMB's will see me thru until that day arrives. B)
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I was told by Donna at CMDI "about the first of the year" for the Mac 84. I am on the waiting list already.
I'm still running my bullet proof silver heads in front of the blue heads so I'm looking patiently for the new ones. :)

Frankie says "RELAX"
Wow! Now there's a blast from the past! Too funny KB. B)

Dude.....I figure it was time to give "props" to the guy who keeps the big wheel rollin here B) without him the sport/hobby would have croaked a couple years ago when the price for .21's started going up.

I know they're commin from a good source.....I'm sure the'll be top shelf based on past performance. I'm glad I'm not in a position where I need to wait for it :lol:

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Ok folks I just got this, as current an update as you can ask for but there is light at the end of the tunnel-


One of the world's largest machine tool manufactures has had a machine

sitting in our shop for 14 weeks and their installation is yet to be

completed. I have met all requirements on my end. They've sent several

tech engineers out to install backordered hardware and software. They have

run into some "bugs" and yet to solve them. They are here this week working

on it so hopefully we will have a fully operating machine next week.


In the interm I've written many programs and have gotten tooling set up, so

when they say GO, at least we'll hit the ground running.

That's all I can tell you. I'm just sitting here between a rock and a hard



Patience people, sounds like Andy & crew are doing the best they can. B)
I feel like I've betrayed myself...........the urge to Andy Bash dies hard
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Patience people, sounds like Andy & crew are doing the best they can. B)

I am a patient guy...

but having to wait 16 weeks now for my .21 rudder / strut / tank & .15 rudder / strut / turnfin / tank / boom has changed my mind about CMDI & customer care! If I were Andy - doing the best I can, I would have shipped those parts 10 weeks ago! :angry:
Patience people, sounds like Andy & crew are doing the best they can. B)

I am a patient guy...

but having to wait 16 weeks now for my .21 rudder / strut / tank & .15 rudder / strut / turnfin / tank / boom has changed my mind about CMDI & customer care! If I were Andy - doing the best I can, I would have shipped those parts 10 weeks ago! :angry:
Ok perhaps, & I'm speculating here, that the 14 weeks Andy has been trying to get that nice shiny new piece of machinery up & going might just have something to do with no .15 & .21 struts or rudders?? Since you cherry picked one particular sentence out of my post I'll pick one-

"In the interm I've written many programs and have gotten tooling set up, so when they say GO, at least we'll hit the ground running."

Maybe, just maybe (and again I'm speculating here), some of these programs Andy speaks of might be for making hardware, as well as pieces for the new motors, in house. Let's think for a moment, what would you do if some company, to whom you just gave a sxxtload of cash to, can't get your new machine on line as promised? You can't just pick up the phone to who used to make the stuff & say I need it tomorrow, ain't gonna happen, usually takes 6-8 weeks minimum regardless. Not to mention said supplier is not going to be highly motivated knowing they're already out of the picture & that order is just a filler. And then more than likely you have the guys who sold you this mega dollar state of the art equipment who I'm sure are saying something like real soon or any day now to keep from losing the sale, hence Andy's last sentence-

"I'm just sitting here between a rock and a hard place."

And don't think that I don't know how you feel, I've had a couple hardware pieces on order since July. I can tell you one thing for sure, I've dealt with alot of vendors in this hobby & CMDi service still overall has been some of the best in the business. For all the support they've given boaters over the years maybe it's not too much to ask to cut them a little slack while they struggle though this glitch in the plans. Just a thought.......
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"I am a patient guy.."

:lol: :lol:

Obviously doesen't know the meaning of the word,PATIENCE. <_<

For all Andy is doing for most of us,we've learned to cut him some slack with anticipation of some really nice parts priced right.

Have a little understanding of what's going on.

Don't knock CMDi down for there hard work and dedication to this hobby.They've done alot for all of us.

I don't think there's too many people that are up on this hobby that will side wih you on this one!

Look,even KBs cutting him some slack. ;)

And well said Don! :)
I was told by Donna last month that the 67 would be available sometime in January.

Excellent..... :)
Patience people, sounds like Andy & crew are doing the best they can. B)

I am a patient guy...

but having to wait 16 weeks now for my .21 rudder / strut / tank & .15 rudder / strut / turnfin / tank / boom has changed my mind about CMDI & customer care! If I were Andy - doing the best I can, I would have shipped those parts 10 weeks ago! :angry:
Ok perhaps, & I'm speculating here, that the 14 weeks Andy has been trying to get that nice shiny new piece of machinery up & going might just have something to do with no .15 & .21 struts or rudders?? Since you cherry picked one particular sentence out of my post I'll pick one-

"In the interm I've written many programs and have gotten tooling set up, so when they say GO, at least we'll hit the ground running."

Maybe, just maybe (and again I'm speculating here), some of these programs Andy speaks of might be for making hardware, as well as pieces for the new motors, in house. Let's think for a moment, what would you do if some company, to whom you just gave a sxxtload of cash to, can't get your new machine on line as promised? You can't just pick up the phone to who used to make the stuff & say I need it tomorrow, ain't gonna happen, usually takes 6-8 weeks minimum regardless. Not to mention said supplier is not going to be highly motivated knowing they're already out of the picture & that order is just a filler. And then more than likely you have the guys who sold you this mega dollar state of the art equipment who I'm sure are saying something like real soon or any day now to keep from losing the sale, hence Andy's last sentence-

"I'm just sitting here between a rock and a hard place."

And don't think that I don't know how you feel, I've had a couple hardware pieces on order since July. I can tell you one thing for sure, I've dealt with alot of vendors in this hobby & CMDi service still overall has been some of the best in the business. For all the support they've given boaters over the years maybe it's not too much to ask to cut them a little slack while they struggle though this glitch in the plans. Just a thought....... cherry-picking this time... :p

just one thing...I would NEVER NEVER kick out my supplier until I have produced the first part on my machine.

And why do you need a cnc-machine for producing tanks? I think they are still handmade. <_<
just one thing...I would NEVER NEVER kick out my supplier until I have produced the first part on my machine.

And why do you need a cnc-machine for producing tanks? I think they are still handmade. <_<
I'd bet 14 weeks ago the picture was different & alot more stuff was in stock. I'd also bet there is something we refer to as a minimum run when parts are made. In other words you must order xx amount of pieces to do the next run for it to be cost effective. If you're being led to believe your own machine will be "up & running any day now" I'd have to think one would not place another order thinking what you have on hand would hold you until your machine is churning out parts (before the 14 weeks of unfullfilled promises). Again, I'm speculating but it makes sense. As for the tanks I know that they are make for CMD not at CMD but then again a tank does no good without your hardware right? Try to hang in there like the rest of us as I'm sure Andy & co. hate this as much if not more than we do. ;)
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Patience people, sounds like Andy & crew are doing the best they can. B)

I am a patient guy...

but having to wait 16 weeks now for my .21 rudder / strut / tank & .15 rudder / strut / turnfin / tank / boom has changed my mind about CMDI & customer care! If I were Andy - doing the best I can, I would have shipped those parts 10 weeks ago! :angry:
Ok perhaps, & I'm speculating here, that the 14 weeks Andy has been trying to get that nice shiny new piece of machinery up & going might just have something to do with no .15 & .21 struts or rudders?? Since you cherry picked one particular sentence out of my post I'll pick one-

"In the interm I've written many programs and have gotten tooling set up, so when they say GO, at least we'll hit the ground running."

Maybe, just maybe (and again I'm speculating here), some of these programs Andy speaks of might be for making hardware, as well as pieces for the new motors, in house. Let's think for a moment, what would you do if some company, to whom you just gave a sxxtload of cash to, can't get your new machine on line as promised? You can't just pick up the phone to who used to make the stuff & say I need it tomorrow, ain't gonna happen, usually takes 6-8 weeks minimum regardless. Not to mention said supplier is not going to be highly motivated knowing they're already out of the picture & that order is just a filler. And then more than likely you have the guys who sold you this mega dollar state of the art equipment who I'm sure are saying something like real soon or any day now to keep from losing the sale, hence Andy's last sentence-

"I'm just sitting here between a rock and a hard place."

And don't think that I don't know how you feel, I've had a couple hardware pieces on order since July. I can tell you one thing for sure, I've dealt with alot of vendors in this hobby & CMDi service still overall has been some of the best in the business. For all the support they've given boaters over the years maybe it's not too much to ask to cut them a little slack while they struggle though this glitch in the plans. Just a thought....... cherry-picking this time... :p

just one thing...I would NEVER NEVER kick out my supplier until I have produced the first part on my machine.

And why do you need a cnc-machine for producing tanks? I think they are still handmade. <_<

A fellow club member of mine is making the fuel tanks for CMDi. If you can give me the specs that you ordered from them, I will be happy to check with the tank builder to see if it has been built. Not much to offer but something.