Looking 4 a Good .18 Marine and Header.


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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2002
Am building a small 28 inch cat that is laid up light for electric and want to put an .18 in it for my grand kids and I to play with.

Help appreciated

I would suggest since doesn't sound like its for racing just for fun, trying a OS engine they make the engine thats in the Miss Vegas and it is suppose to be pretty good. This link will show you the OS engines : http://www2.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0093p?&C=GCU


p.s. Others might have better suggestions, I am just giving my opinion :)
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Curt, I'd try that OS .18 CVR-M that gooycheese recommended. This engine is rated at 1.35 hp and I wish that I would've bought this instead of spending the same $85 on a couple of ebay motors (Dynamite and HPI .15s) :rolleyes: . I've got a Dumas Lil Rascal rigger that I'm going to put the small engines in. I wish I woulda bought the OS instead :( .
The motor that was a buggy motor has a water cooled head available for it from towerhobbies. You just need to search for it. But i would also recomend the OS18 CVR-M because it is so reliable. Also i would stay with OS because their motors are very good. Not all are top performers but they all will run great. The 18 from aquacraft is an OS motor that has the same bolt patern as the CVR-M but the CVR-M is slightly a better motor with a 3rd port that is in use un like the Aquacraft one but you can also look into that motor. I don not know about the price for that one comaired to the CVR-M.
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The .18 from Aquacraft is the same price as the CVR-M $84.99 except that with the Aqua you get the pull start.

If you want the OS .18 with pull start it is the CVR-MX and are $169.99
