Lets thrash someone


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Lap hell! I'll try mow you a path right over to the spillway to let you off my wake. Hehehehe
Hey Billy your an NUT!!!! :eek: :eek:

Can't wait till April wrote the date in today on my shop calander. (the "won" with the BUCS cheerleaders on it)

Did you get that motor yet? (CMB)

Been working on J. Huffs stuff today boy we are going to have some mod tunnels at the MS race or what!!!!!



Where are you at are you still alive? Do you hear all this smack talkin' You need to come to Jackson MS an run with us it's only a 15 hour or so drive!!!!!!!!

Know why Mississippi doesn't have a professional football team? Because then Tennessee would want one! ;D
I heard that propjockey. Where did they get the name Titans from anyway. Shoulden they been called the "Rockchunckers" or the "Barefoots" ;D

You'll have to fergive PJ, His jug popped its cork long agooooooo..... he,he,ho,ho

Last I heard from the Great Grimstinker he was covered up with fuel cell orders, He outta check in soon.

Gene ;D
HEY HEy HEY.... you did not have to cuss me like that now!!! Hehehe Nope they have not told me that, they do say I look like Fred in the first Flinstone movie. Yep guys.... April in Jackson will be full of Tunnels!!!! We might wind up with multiple brackets.

Billy R. AKA Flinstone

Billy, try taking the Flintstone look as far as your boats.

ya know, stone prop, animal-skin finish, hollow-bone tune pipe. hey, it works in the cartoons, so it MUST be a good idea!!! :D :p

I wonder if Tim at Precision Boats could machine me one of those!!!!!!???????!!! Now that would be a real test of craftsmanship!!!! Plus, it sounds like something from the hills....hehehehehe
Hey, I forgot... that Flintstone boat might keep the enviromentalists off our backs!!!!!! Nah... Caveman not like animals... only if fast N' Taste good too!

Billy R.
Oh I dunno, the animal skin sponsons might be worth a couple MPH, Teradactile is supposed to be the fastest!!!!

With a chipped Flint prop, Yeah thats the hot ticket!!!!

Gene ;D
If you're gonna go the Flinstone way, you'll have to throw out your engine and duct tape a gerbel's front paws to the transom so it can paddle it. Now, if you did this, where would you stick the hollowed out bone pipe?

Feed the gerbal/ hamster LOTS of beans and you can guess where the pipe might go!!!! :eek: A little turbo boost ..... :eek:
Hey Guys,

I just thought that I would chime in for a secound. Seeing how I read these before I go to class on Mon. and Wed. and often laugh out loud. But I realy think all of you need to get a JOB or another HOBBY!! Not chat on the internet like a bunch of old farts bored out of your mind! :p ;D By the way. Crack on that old man who thinks he knows how to make cranks or something.

Josh Fulton

"The Driver 8)" of PB Racing