L Y N X is back


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Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
May 25, 2006
I can now say that Carl and I have inked a deal, and one of the fastest and most sought after hulls of all time is heading back into production! I picked up the molds this weekend and plan to be molding within a couple of weeks. The new L y n x will be molded in vacuum bagged epoxy glass/carbon/structural foam core. The final price is TBD, but I expect to be able to sell the epoxy boat for ~$385. I am still investigating molding from vinyl ester/glass like the original, but I don't prefer to work with gelcoat and styrene. The vacuum bagging process will yield a much stronger hull, but the materials and consumables are a bit more expensive.

For those interested, I can be reached via PM or at Jon Thibodeau. I do ask for your patience as I get started in this enterprise. My plan is to mold 4~8 hulls per month, as I also have a fairly demanding day job and a family.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from those of you who are interested.
I can now say that Carl and I have inked a deal, and one of the fastest and most sought after hulls of all time is heading back into production! I picked up the molds this weekend and plan to be molding within a couple of weeks. The new L y n x will be molded in vacuum bagged epoxy glass/carbon/structural foam core. The final price is TBD, but I expect to be able to sell the epoxy boat for ~$385. I am still investigating molding from vinyl ester/glass like the original, but I don't prefer to work with gelcoat and styrene. The vacuum bagging process will yield a much stronger hull, but the materials and consumables are a bit more expensive.
For those interested, I can be reached via PM or at Jon Thibodeau. I do ask for your patience as I get started in this enterprise. My plan is to mold 4~8 hulls per month, as I also have a fairly demanding day job and a family.

Thanks, and I hope to hear from those of you who are interested.
Any plans to make the Shaman or Warhead?
At the current time, the deal only covers the L Y N X. Once the first one is underway, I will look into the Warhead.
I have to ask. Are you planning on supplying boats to people who have paid for them in full quite some time ago?? Im not one waiting, but I know Waltr has been waiting on his hull for quite sometime. Thanks in advance.
Thanks Rod,

Jon contacted me a few weeks ago and I know he's on top of it.

I do also wish Jon the best of luck on his new business venture :)

He'll be building one really FAST hull.

And it won't be sensitive to fuel either. GREAT NEWS! :D
That is Good News,, been racin' mine like it was the "Last of it's Kind",, that meant, less racing for the hull.

Make "yourself" happy here Jon, don't want you to burn out too. If epoxy/glass is easier, I'm sure there will

be those that will finish them,, I know I would.

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Epoxy is not necessarily easier, but it is much easier on my lungs, and a superior material in terms of strength. I'm cleaning up the molds today and prepping them. I have a few details to work out, but I'm on my way. I'm waiting on a final box of things from Carl.

As for the past orders, I'll talk to Carl, but my understanding is that he was going to take care of two or three paid orders before the molds were delivered. I do know that he was pulling parts from the molds as late as Friday evening.

The basic kit will incude the hull and cowl with plans for a wooden radio box. I have yet to receive box mold, and need to check it out, but my understanding of the mold from Carl does not lend it to epoxy molding. Once I have it in hand, I'll see what it taked to mold the radio box. In any event , the glass box will be an option at this time. I'll have a price list for the kits and components within a week or so. I don't have a web page yet, but will attempt to get one up in the next few months. As I said before I have a fairly demanding day job, but will give this a shot for at least a year.
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Epoxy is not necessarily easier, but it is much easier on my lungs, and a superior material in terms of strength. I'm cleaning up the molds today and prepping them. I have a few details to work out, but I'm on my way. I'm waiting on a final box of things from Carl.
As for the past orders, I'll talk to Carl, but my understanding is that he was going to take care of two or three paid orders before the molds were delivered. I do know that he was pulling parts from the molds as late as Friday evening.

The basic kit will incude the hull and cowl with plans for a wooden radio box. I have yet to receive box mold, and need to check it out, but my understanding of the mold from Carl does not lend it to epoxy molding. Once I have it in hand, I'll see what it taked to mold the radio box. In any event , the glass box will be an option at this time. I'll have a price list for the kits and components within a week or so. I don't have a web page yet, but will attempt to get one up in the next few months. As I said before I have a fairly demanding day job, but will give this a shot for at least a year.
Good luck,ive found molding smaller parts are so much quicker and easier than a big monster like a scale. When your ready to do the bag molding id like some pics of your process. Ive got the stuff to do it just have not tried it yet....Mike PS good to see the L Y N X back
Great news! It looks like I found a material to use as a gel coat that will work with epoxy. At $108/gal it isn't cheap, but I think it will be worth it. I've got a gallon of it headed my way. This way the buyer can decide if they want a gel coat finish, or not.

Mike, there is a lot of time in prepping the bagging materials. You basically have to make a kit so that you are ready to put the bag together as soon as the laminate is complete. You have to get the bag under vacuum within 2 hrs of mixing the resin. What weight bleeder material do you plan to use?
Great news! It looks like I found a material to use as a gel coat that will work with epoxy. At $108/gal it isn't cheap, but I think it will be worth it. I've got a gallon of it headed my way. This way the buyer can decide if they want a gel coat finish, or not.

At least with epoxy you have a boat that does'nt shrink and bow for years,,yeah?

Great news! It looks like I found a material to use as a gel coat that will work with epoxy. At $108/gal it isn't cheap, but I think it will be worth it. I've got a gallon of it headed my way. This way the buyer can decide if they want a gel coat finish, or not.
Mike, there is a lot of time in prepping the bagging materials. You basically have to make a kit so that you are ready to put the bag together as soon as the laminate is complete. You have to get the bag under vacuum within 2 hrs of mixing the resin. What weight bleeder material do you plan to use?
hi i need to now your terms i would like two if possible

Jon good work! and good luck i hope it works out well!

Would be interested in the sharman or war head option thugh ;)
Great news! It looks like I found a material to use as a gel coat that will work with epoxy. At $108/gal it isn't cheap, but I think it will be worth it. I've got a gallon of it headed my way. This way the buyer can decide if they want a gel coat finish, or not.
Mike, there is a lot of time in prepping the bagging materials. You basically have to make a kit so that you are ready to put the bag together as soon as the laminate is complete. You have to get the bag under vacuum within 2 hrs of mixing the resin. What weight bleeder material do you plan to use?
Good luck with it Jon, just curious, what brand of epoxy do you use?
For those that have expressed interest in the new epoxy glass/carbon L Y N X, I will email an order form shortly. If I don't have an email address from you, I will PM requesting an email address. The order form is an excel spread sheet with the various options listed. If you want to discuss your specific needs, please contact me at the telephone/email address on the order form. Once your hull is ~2weeks from layup, I will request a 25% deposit to secure your place in line.

I will lay up my first resin/glass hull this weekend. The gel coat hull will start in a couple of weeks; once the material arrives. I'll post pics of the first hull early next week.

For a teaser, I plan to make an ultralight kevlar/carbon/rohacel core layup that I hope to get down to 1 1/4~1 3/4 lbs. This hull will be too light to heat race effectively, but might be just the ticket for SAW records. I'll know the exact weight in a few weeks. This option is on the order sheet as well.
Anyone who is interested in ordering a boat from Jon can use these Excel or PDF versions of the order form to do so. A link to Jon's email is also included in the form.
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For some reason I could not use the name of the boat in the text above.
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Thank you for posting the order form Joe. For some reason this BBS does not like the word L Y N X.

Anyone wanting to place an order, please fill it out (preferably the excel one) and forward it to the email address on the form.
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Thank you for posting the order form Joe. For some reason this BBS does not like the word L Y N X.
Anyone wanting to place an order, please fill it out (preferably the excel one) and forward it to the email address on the form.


Well, how did the boat come out?

Had a failure on my vacuum pump, not enough flow for 3 bags at 1 time. I have a new pump and larger air tank on the way. I'm stuck until I can get enough vacuum. Spending the time making flotation, cutting formers, etc. Also, most everyone wants gel coat. I still have not received this from my supplier. I'm promised it is on the way. Typical slow start. I've also designed a tool to perforate the foam core for the cowl and ultralight hulls. It was supposed to be ready at the machine shop on Wednesday, but no call. I'll check again on Monday. I hope to pull the first set of no gelcoat hull sets next weekend. My goal is 2-3 boats/week. The first few boats will go to those that have been paid to Carl for a while.

Got your order in the mail, Bill.
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