IMPBA ..... we got a problem!


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Believe it or not there are some really goofy a$$ rules that govern any organization with non or not for profit tax status & it appears we might have or be on the verge of breaking a couple........ :(
Hey Guys,
I can't belive I just spent 20 minutes reading this nonsence. Someone please explain to me WHO IS GOING TO PROFIT (monetarily) from sending out ballots. I got to tell you something guys, between the DB BS and this kind of crap I'm really getting weary of all the petty bickering. I'll bet a bunch more feel the same. It also always seems to be the same people stirring the pot too, nothing better to do with your time?


I vote for Paul Pachmayer to be Sergeant-at-arms for International Waters!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Hey Guys,
I can't belive I just spent 20 minutes reading this nonsence. Someone please explain to me WHO IS GOING TO PROFIT (monetarily) from sending out ballots. I got to tell you something guys, between the DB BS and this kind of crap I'm really getting weary of all the petty bickering. I'll bet a bunch more feel the same. It also always seems to be the same people stirring the pot too, nothing better to do with your time?


I vote for Paul Pachmayer to be Sergeant-at-arms for International Waters!!!!!!! :D :D :D
I hope no one paid for your postage Charlie Sammy may come knockin. GUYS GUYS this is over the edge. Cant we all just get along, we are racing model boats no million dollar budget here. Muffle this thread and use your keyboard for constructive topics......................
Many points well taken. Paul, you have my vote. Mike-so true. If you wish to promote this hobby, would you want a new boater to read this stuff? I am in this for fun and competion. Who cares, as long we are in the perimeters of what this organization is to accomplish.

Both Tom and I are away for the next week or so (oct 3rd). I would like to ask all to hold on and not post to this thread untill we can get back.

Thanks and Regards

Boy...after reading all of this it makes me want to go out and join the IMPBA right now!

what fun!!!!

You see, its a post that has no meaning like that, that does not belong on this site. Thanks for viewing but as you can see (i hope) that post did nothing to provide any meaningful information. As i asked before, please do not post on this thread uitill further notice.



Sorry to post. I did not mean to offend you. I did not know someone saying don't post just shuts off a thread.

But my post, if you really read it, is full of meaning.

It was a simple request to hold off untill Tom and I can get back, thats all.

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