IMPBA Rule Change


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Piston1 said:
Mark, then we can do the same setup with our Twin Hydros as long as we are below 95db.  Don whats your opinion on this matter.

Jose' you & I know where I stand on this. The rubber elbow is not an "offset stinger" as meant by the rule. An example of offset stinger would be a Cooper or Irwin quiet pipe or any typical r/c car pipe. I guess this is just another example of twisting the intent of a rule. <_<

On another note about noise on twins I will say that Mark's twin with his internal stingers is a perfect example what a little effort can acomplish. You want an inexpensive altenative to a $65 muffled pipe? How about a buck's worth of brass tubing (cheaper than that rubber elbow). Mark has internal stingers on his twin which has no problem meeting the 95dB limit & would meet the 92dB level as well and it really hauls a$$, nice job Mark! Sure it's a little more "effort" than zip tying something on the end of a pipe but it's truly legal. B)
Yes if you can stay below the 95db limit. The only problem that I would see would be the variable distance from race course that the rule has. You could say be legal in Huntsville and ilegal in New Orleans but this could be true with muffled pipes also. Bill and I have been discussing this variable thing trying to come up with a fix. We have been thinking about putting the meter at the number 6 surveyor's pin.

But I do not know if all of the lakes are layed out the same from the pin to number 6 bouy.

Don, I know were you stand and I respect your position. But as previously posted by Mark, he loves loopholes. I am presently running AB67s on my Twin CMB 91s. They work as well as MAC 15CCs and are quiet. I voted against the rule for this very reason it should have been based on DB limit only. At this point in time I feel like I wasted my money and time buying stingers, etc. only to find now that the only thing I needed to do was buy an exhaust deflector to comply.
Mark, the rule states that the meter goes 25ft back from the bank, somewhere between the starting line and buoy one. What are you talking about. Explain yourself.
Don I am not going to try to step on your toes but the Technical Director says that what we have done is consider a offset stinger under this rule. I always said that these rules would come back and bite everyone on the a$$. But there was a few members out there that voted this in because they thought that we needed to do something and they never read the rules that they where voting on. And I bet that most of the members that are upset about this did not even vote. It is a sad thing to say but true.

Mark Bullard
Preston you better change the flyer in you race or accept deflectors similar to the INTERNATS. From what Mark says, it appears that IMPBA has ruled on this issue. Anything else you decide doing would be a violation of the official IMPBA interpretation.
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Jose our rule book states that the number one and the number six bouy line will be no less than 50ft. or and no more than a 150ft. from the shore line. So if you place the db meter 25ft. from the shore line you have a 100ft. variable distance. This was bad wrong from the get go. You could be legal at one pond and ilegal at another pond and not change anything. The rule should have been written with this in mind. It could have been say 150ft or greater so long as it is a fix distance.

I discussed this at the 2004 Internats board meeting and was told by a board member that if we place it at a fix distance, lets say 175ft. that we would not be able to catch anyone. This rule is not about catching anyone it is about reducing noise and somehow measuring it where it will be the same at any pond.

Piston1 said:
Preston you better change the flyer in you race or accept deflectors similar to the INTERNATS.  From what Mark says, it appears that IMPBA has ruled on this issue. Anything else you decide doing would be a violation of the official IMPBA interpretation.

No he won't be. There was no "board meeting" on this "interpretation" of the rule, just the "race committee" saying those rubber elbows were ok for THAT race. I can tell you one thing for sure is Preston shares the same general view as I do in that we were both in favor, as were MANY others, of just a dB rule. Leave it up to you how you get there, just do it. At the last minute the "powers that be" decided the muffler requirement should stay. The ONLY reason I'm even commenting on this rubber elbow thing (as we all know most 20 boats would be under 95dB with no muffler) was how it was such a BIG deal to leave in the muffler part rather than keeping it simple with a flat dB rule. :blink:
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Mark Bullard said:
I discussed this at the 2004 Internats board meeting and was told by a board member that if we place it at a fix distance, lets say 175ft. that we would not be able to catch anyone. This rule is not about catching anyone it is about reducing noise and somehow measuring it where it will be the same at any pond.

Thank you Mark for pointing out the big picture, this is about reducing the noise folks!
I think everyone agrees the db rule is a good one but it burns my butt that the person that insisted that a construction rule stay in place is skirting the rule. Knowing that fellow boaters would dump a ton of time and money to make sure they comply, I can't see how they can look another racer in the eye.
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You are right Joe I remember that.
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Don Ferrette said:
Mark Bullard said:
I discussed this at the 2004 Internats board meeting and was told by a board member that if we place it at a fix distance, lets say 175ft. that we would not be able to catch anyone. This rule is not about catching anyone it is about reducing noise and somehow measuring it where it will be the same at any pond.

Thank you Mark for pointing out the big picture, this is about reducing the noise folks!


Im sure Bill Zuber runs the brass tube to quiet his boat, Maybe he put the elbow on to make it even quieter! The main thing we have done is quiet boats and at some point will need to go quieter.When you come to our race you just need to be under the db with some attempt to muffle with the big emphass on db rather than how.....Mikey PS you can beat on Mark and Bill but their boats meet the rule when you put a meter on them
the rule is messed up.

it shouldn't matter how you get there, just get there.. I could care less if you had a bud light bottle on the back as long as you get it under the limit.

Mikey I am not beating on Mark I am simply trying to prove his point. I know him well and I respect his knowlege of the rules. The rule "SUCKS" and thats the reason I voted against it. Look what you just said. You just threw out a third interpretation of the rule. I guess we now have the Jackson, the Carolina and the Evanvsville interpretations. Anybody else wants to take a stab at it.

Piston1 said:
Mikey I am not beating on Mark I am simply trying to prove his point.  I know him well and I respect his knowlege of the rules.  The rule "SUCKS" and thats the reason I voted against it.  Look what you just said.  You just threw out a third interpretation of the rule.  I guess we now have the Jackson, the Carolina and the Evanvsville interpretations.  Anybody else wants to take a stab at it.JOSE


The most popular interpretation is this: "IT SUCKS".
This post should actually be in the "For Sale" forum but I'd like to introduce my new line of mufflers. Presenting the Hyper Ventilator . It's a multifunctional device that has endless uses. The introductory price is only $20.00 per unit. If interested, please e-mail me directly.
Chris Wood said:
it shouldn't matter how you get there, just get there.. I could care less if you had a bud light bottle on the back as long as you get it under the limit.

Which is what I wanted to begin with way back when.... <_<

I can see two common things in all these posts-

1- we agree the rule in it's current form ain't cuttin' it.

2- we are all pretty much in favor of just a dB rule.

Now keep in mind that even if we straighten this out we can't stop here. We need work to get down to the next level which has been previously discussed at 92dB. And in a few seasons after that we should lower it again to say 89dB and so on. Quiet ain't slow, I think we've all learned that. Just ask Andy Brown or Al Hobbs who regularly compete in the NAVIGA Championships, they have to be under 80dB. B)
The IMPBA rule is that the recording device shall be 25' from the edge of the pond and the boats are tested in lane 1. Per IMPBA rules, lane 1 can vary from 50' to 150'. So the variation could be 75 to 175' to the meter. Why re-invent the wheel. XXDb at 50' from the recording device. The recording device shall be mounted on a tripod 2' above the ground. The reading will be taken at the start buoy with Db meter perpendicular to the course. NAMBA has been using this for years and have no problems. Most NAMBA ponds require 92 or 95DB but a few are lower. BTW You can't walk around with the Db meter in your hand and get accurate readings. KISS