Gene's Prop Tech/ Part II


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Gee, I have trouble finding time to do all my own stuff .... ;D


I cant say too much, but we tried a new ABC prop on the weekend and it was very good.... 8)

Nitrocrazed racing: Computer designed props are the best.....

Excellent, Might it be the one that you cut/shape per application?

Phase III Racing: Shhhhhhh! its a secret :-X

No, it was an ABC prop modified as per Jim Scheafer's instructions. I smashed up my boat before I got to try it, so I tried it on a friends boat....which went quicker than it had ever gone before!!!! ;D

Nitrocrazed racing: That cant possibly work....

Yeah. :'( I was running in a river and I think I may have clipped something in the water, it barrel rolled at probably close to 80mph and tore the right hand sponsons off! Bit of bad luck really. I think I can fix it okay, but I have a big race on the weekend, so this isn't the best lead up!! : :)

I'll post some pics tonight.

Nitrocrazed racing: Sometimes it would have been better to stay home...
Dude, Sorry to hear that, never fails, I have done it too, Scootin along and, Bloody ell, What was that........

Phase III Racing: CA is our friend ;)

Only 9 mph faster with just a prop change!


Really inconclusive though, not really convienced it's better yet!


Ya know Free speed has a price!

how about letting the rest of us in on the story?


Was the rear hop happening before the untimely demise?

Yep, still had the hop, but we were running on a river with long period low height waves which are a real killer for riggers. After a few runs I smashed it up, so couldn't test all my props.

So I had to beg Mike to try my props. He never likes borrowing props, so I really had to work on him, but once he tried the quick one, which was 14k quicker than ANY of his props, he didn't want to give it back! :p His rudder isn't very long and the new prop made that a bit of a problem.

I cant really say what boat Mike runs because he doesn't want me too... :p

I have emailed you...

Nitrocrazed racing: Have to be greatful to my host....
hmmmm I have some hummingbird parts.... maybe I should put them together to make a boat one day????

EMS Racing Time isn't on my side