Crapshooter 60/80 restoration project


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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2002
Picked up a used Crapshooter, after talking to Stu Barr from Crapshooter boats, he states this was built 1980-85. Not sure if it's genuine or a copy. Here is a picture of it in Baton Rouge, LA. Where it was purchased from. Maybe someone will recognize it and have more information.

Here is a picture of it after stripping the hull with a heat gun. The heat gun worked great. I have some places in the engine compartment and transom to fix otherwise it is very straight and in good condition. Any suggestions are welcome, I have never done this before and would like to restore it properly.

If Stu Barr tells you about it, you ought to trust him. There were a few rip-offs of this hull because it was so popular (and expensive!). The original owner was Marty Davis if i'm correct. He is easy to get hold of, he runs

Be careful using a heat gun, the heat can destroy epoxy joins.

This can be quite handy actually, If you glue something with epoxy and want to take it off again, just heat it with a heat gun. You dont actually need that much heat and you will be able to tear the join apart with your hands and scrape off the epoxy!


I got a deal on a new MAC .84 I couldn't pass up. It should work just fine, I really have had good luck with them.


Thanks for the warning on the heat gun I hope it's not to late I'll give the joints a stress test and make sure there still ok. I am going to cover the inside of the hull with CF cloth to hide some of the repairs to the wood in the motor area, that should help some of the joints that got hot. The transom has alot of holes in it from hardware that has been on it, I was thinking of replacing it, now I am sure I will, I know it got pretty hot. Again thanks for pointing out something I didn't think of.


If the boat was built with super glue (and most are) it will probably be okay, but the transom would have been epoxied, so replacing it is probably a good idea!

Good luck!
