CMB 3.5 outboard


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Kit #66 has been dry-docked and I have my technicians working 'round the clock to get it back into service. She might see water in a week.
You Yanks cant spell anything any NORMAL people would spell Colours like i do, but Noooo you have to spell it as colors ;)

Jeff your just as bad as Waterbug, with all that S#%T on your nose you wont be able to smell that burnign Nitro ;)

Just Joking with you if you didnt realise it : :)


Kris kris kris,

You did it again...I looked up "realise" in the dictionary and I couldn't find that one either. But I could find "realize". Let me use it in a sentence so you don't forget how to spel it wright....

Kris didn't realise realize that they taught him all wrong in Australia, but his friend Jeff came to the rescue and taught him the right way.

Jeff realised realized that after breaking a ton of motormounts on his old boats that if he spent a little extra money on a better one he wouldn't have that problem. Now he is realising realizing that his tunnels are alot more fun and alot less aggravating.

There you go. With my help you are going to master the English language before you know it. If you have any questions, you can always email me.

Your buddy,

Kiss !! I mean !! Chris !! I mean !! Kris ???

You have definitely been sleeping with the walabies to long in the outback "A" MATE !!! You've been up in the mountains with them smokers to long too !!! :p If you get my drift . I've read HT magazine too !!

;) ;D ;)




I think you should drive the big brown truck !! :D
Thanks waterbug,

Dave give me a try I can set you up. I also have the new Hyperformance foots for sale they are newest thing out black anodized an real nice. They retail for $89.95



PB Racing, ;D
Tim, check your e-mail ([email protected])

thank you

Hi Guy's

I noticed by your post you are having problems with spelling and english.

There is english, modern english and american english. I think you came up with your version because it was easier than learning to spell properly. LOL

The standard in Oz is the Maquarie dictionary, in England the Oxford, don't know in your neighbourhood.

JD was a teacher maybe he needs to chime in here.

He's probably more interested in boats though.

The standard in Oz is the Maquarie dictionary, in England the Oxford, don't know in your neighbourhood
Webster's New World Dictionary here. (and there's no "u" in neighborhood ;D )
HAHA good one GT :eek:

What is it with you Americans and not liking the letter 'U'? you seem to leave it out because you are too lazy to even type/write that extra letter ;)

Maquarie RULES!!!

btw Butch you cant talk all think we have pet Kangaroos and Emu's instead of Dogs and Cats, and that our next door neigbours are a couple of KM away...i saw that Simpsons episode ;) lol
Well if you really wanna know its 0.621371 Miles times how ever far you think my next door neighbour is ;)

All i can say is thats its a BLOODY long drive to get a cup of sugar if you run out ;)

Hi PJ,

In your dictionary there's no 'u' in neighbourhood, maybe that's because your dictionary is printed in the wrong colour (with a 'u') ink. In my defence (defense?) the english language is complicated and they have had to simplify it for some regions. LOL

Just a gentle ribbing - it doesn't matter how we spell as long as we understand the message. ;D

Have fun and keep the wet side down.

GT 8)
As a sequela (look THAT one up!) to your post GTR, I must agree that it matters not how we spell, rather our ideas are clearly conveyed to one another.

And it's DEFENSE! :p LOL

Gee, did we TOTALLY hijack this thread or what?! Sorry Dave.
Hijack away it is all in good fun, I just need Tim from Precision boats to reply, to my e-mail, I am ready to order.

Jeff, what the hell is all that C@#P about? i dotn have time to go through it all but it looks pretty stupid ;) (but the intro isnt too bad)

Where di you find it?

OH yeah, why is it that in 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' (SP?) you Americans have to have our 'Aussie' voices in sub titles at the bottom of the it really that hard to understand us lol
