Ban on Two Stroke Engines


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If you are going to go to the effort of modifying the motor to fit a muffler then you should probably skip that step and fit a muffled tuned pipe now. Pipes totally change the power characteristics of the motor, and if you intend to go further in boating then it would not hurt to get use to it soon! 8)

Hi Nitrocrazed,

You don't have to mod the motor to fit the barrel muffler only the leg. I know Kris already has a modded leg and only needs a muffler to be quite.


GT 8)

Fastelectrics carry all the gadjetcraft cf pipes

The best muffler is an absorption muffler - you simply drill holes in the stinger there are several patterns than can be used - wrap it hard with fibreglass and wrap that in a metal or cf can - very simple very effective and needs repacking once a year
Ian, what GT said is what i was trying to get the moment i am not too worried about speed/performance as much as annoying the owner of the lake because my motor is too loud :)

but having said that, i do want to most speed i can possibly get from my boat/motor i can get...i think i will wait and see what GT can copme up with for the Titles

i also remember a discussion about this sound problem a while back about putting film cans or somethig over the ends of the pipes? I believe Jerry was talking about it...


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